My Super Grow Room

Thats lookin good bro. You hook all that up on your own? I need to hire you to set my shit up. Jk. Keep it up, gotta love it!!
just wondering how much space your working with?
This is my Grow room

im runnin x5 600watt super novas with there own air intake..ive got a c02 annalyzer that monitors the air with a infared sensor
( the blueball in the pics) that adds co2 to the air when levels drop below 1500ppms.... also i got two temp controls one is connected to the co2 ... so that while dosin all air outlets get turned off ... so the plants can get optium c02 uptake ....the other tempt control is connected to the air intake so it can keep the temp to my desired level also connected to this is a lil fan heater so if the levels drop to low it can heat up the room .... this comes in handy in winter so i never have to worry ... ive got 2 carbon filters with fans .... one big air intake ..... my growin system is a ebb 50 pot hydroponic setup ... with a growin medium of clay pebals connected to a 300 litre water butt ....inside the water butt i have got a air pump and nutriant tank heater to keep my nutraints to my desired temp ... i have even seperated a corner for my veg and clone room ... in this i have got a 120 site aeroponic propegator with a mini heated propegator for germinatin .... the nutraints i use are cannadian xpress professonal ... there the only 6part nutriants on the market a lil bit of hardwork but worth it .... i also use a ec meter and ph stick so i never add to many salts to my water .... also i have got 3 fan controlers so it keeps the fans runnin as quite as possible...

this set up cost me 6500 pound thats 13 000 usa dollars ... ive always wanted to grow my own vegstables so when i got the money i bought the farrari of all set ups hope u like it
when you have a growers ferrari you shouldn't be posting pics! it's like a portal for the authorites.. a growroom with this much potential WILL get hunted down! Mark my words!
id love to have that equipment and so would anyone thats why im thinking your doors probably been booted off long since the last post, you are your own worst enemy in this game it rly is on a need to know basis iv had people climb thru my window and take 4 plants when i was at the pub my mate got his door booted off for 2! plants i know people who dont have a clue about growing weed but make alot of money thru going thru peoples doors for them, most people have to learn this the hard way
This growroom was overkill, especially for somebody who pretty apparently didn't know what they were doing. . . What was that is first time EVER growing pot and he spent 6500 on a set up? What an idiot!!! I bet you he got booked because of A) This thread and B) that heat-score setup. Where's the carbon filters? His neighbors probably called the 5/0 on him or his family came over for dinner and called the 5's on him LOL!

Never seen anybody spend so much money on something they knew so little about. This is nothing special, was a okay, if that, grow. Lots of improvements could have been made all around, fairly messy wiring jobs, pure nutrients control, he started budding babies with only 1 3-set of leaves when he had a veging chamber. . . I dunno, was it worth it? I guess when he gets out he will have to tell us that LOL. He didn't even make all his money back on the first grow! Like dammmmnnn son, talk about a flop investment.

Bottom line, if you haven't been doin it and ain't been doin it, don't try startin up, keep your ass in school or learn slowly, never jump the gun and wake up one morning after having grown your first outdoor plant the previous summer and tell yourself you are going to spend 10000$ on a set-up. Clearly he got this self-controlled grow room because he didn't know much of what he was doing and didn't want to chance having to take care of things on his own. . .

What a flop, and a 2x flop on the admins for stickying this. . . have you guys NEVER seen a proper grow? I mean damn. . . . All of the people giving him advice have nicer grows than this. . . SIZE IS NOT EVERYTHING when it comes to pot. . . QUALITY is.

Verryyy poor, I am disappointed in the sticky. . . I thought this was going to be something good. . .
:peace:Heres a lil update on my progress :peace:
20 seedlings have now germinated out of 34 so far ....i have moved the 20 into the aeroponics ... i wont turn the aeroponics on for another 7 to 10 days tho...
there first set of leafs are startin to develop over the pre leafs.. also ive started givin them a light nutriant solution ( im only puttin 5ml per litre of water )
my next update will be in 7 days :mrgreen:
shouldnt this thread be called "mah supernizzal growroomdizzle " all kindding aside lookin good keep it rollin
:peace:Heres a lil update on my progress :peace:
20 seedlings have now germinated out of 34 so far ....i have moved the 20 into the aeroponics ... i wont turn the aeroponics on for another 7 to 10 days tho...
there first set of leafs are startin to develop over the pre leafs.. also ive started givin them a light nutriant solution ( im only puttin 5ml per litre of water )
my next update will be in 7 days :mrgreen:
shouldnt this thread be called "mah supernizzal growroomdizzle " all kindding aside lookin good keep it rollin
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Why is this retarded thread stickied still? I wanna punch myself every time I open it thinking there is a new update!

LOL.. I am reading it for the first time and am trying to figure out what happened without going thru all 1000+ posts. What I get so far is that he spent 6k+ on a grow area and couldn't grow nothing?
man this is my first post i read this whole thread today and im sad because the OP doesnt check in anymore :(

It was and awesome grow room and you seemed to really enjoy it.
This thread was an awesome read!
Mabey this thread is an example of what not to do . Like brag about such a setup ,bragging gets u busted over a large setup . Happened right here in denver , story was all over the news .