Going straight to LED light from germination?


Hey guys new to the forum and got fed up getting ripped off for weed so i have started growing my own.

I have germinated a seed in a damp tissue and used organic soil to pot it one inch below the surface,i now have a 50W LED grow light about 2 inches away from the soil,question is will this work?


Active Member
will it work? it should...will it work well? thats another story...depends on how big you plan on gettin the plant. got a pic you can post, just to get an idea of the size of the panel/environment?


will it work? it should...will it work well? thats another story...depends on how big you plan on gettin the plant. got a pic you can post, just to get an idea of the size of the panel/environment?
Will post a pic in a couple of hours,need to head out just now.

Cheers to yourself and wyteberrywidow as this is my 1st grow and i was starting to wonder.


Active Member
yeah you should be able to get a strike with that...ive never used LEDs, and ive heard mixed stories (more good than bad) but i personally would try to keep the plant 3ft or under by harvest time...which can be difficult first go around, especially if your not LST'in or anythin...if anything and if possible, i would at least invest in a couple CFLs for the lower canopy...also, possibly build a make-shift frame around your plant n line it with panda film, white primered plywood or even the dull side of tin foil, 2 help contain that light as much as possible


yeah you should be able to get a strike with that...ive never used LEDs, and ive heard mixed stories (more good than bad) but i personally would try to keep the plant 3ft or under by harvest time...which can be difficult first go around, especially if your not LST'in or anythin...if anything and if possible, i would at least invest in a couple CFLs for the lower canopy...also, possibly build a make-shift frame around your plant n line it with panda film, white primered plywood or even the dull side of tin foil, 2 help contain that light as much as possible
Cheers for the advice mate will try and rig something up t'morra to contain the light,got plenty of room to move the light higher as the plant is currently sitting at about 2ft on a table and have 9ft of space available.

How long should i have to wait to see it sprout?


Well-Known Member
Be careful with seedlings and LED lights. It is possible to burn the tops from the intense light as opposed to the heat. I have done it myself. I'm only making a suggestion based on my experience, keep the light about 12" from the top for the first week and gradually work it closer, but no closer than 6-8 inches. Also I recommend a 6 hour dark period. Everyone says you don't need darkness in veg, but I find your plant grows taller, faster, with a rest period.

Good luck with your grow. When you are in budding stage, keep that light about 6" from your top cola and let it really soak in the light.


Be careful with seedlings and LED lights. It is possible to burn the tops from the intense light as opposed to the heat. I have done it myself. I'm only making a suggestion based on my experience, keep the light about 12" from the top for the first week and gradually work it closer, but no closer than 6-8 inches. Also I recommend a 6 hour dark period. Everyone says you don't need darkness in veg, but I find your plant grows taller, faster, with a rest period.

Good luck with your grow. When you are in budding stage, keep that light about 6" from your top cola and let it really soak in the light.
shouldnt be more than 4 or 5 days at most...mine sprouted in 2 days, but that was with a 600 hps beamin down on em
Dropped the pot a few inches to avoid burning it.

4-5 days,i'm going to be worried like an expectant mother.


Well-Known Member
:joint:haha nice nice.. this should work fine. keep reading up on the site for info, you always learn something new.:peace: