does this mean i wont be alone in hell.


Well-Known Member
i dont fall for all the religous bullshit going around. just think about how many religons are on this planet. each one is stern on their beliefs. with that said doesnt that mean most of us are going to "hell"...... in 6th grade a girl said since i wasnt pinacostle then i will burn in hell for all eternity. if there is a god then only one religon can truly be "the one".. that means if your a different religon then you will be burning with me. i dont think it will happen in my lifetime but when a life form is found on another planet (in or out of our galaxy) every religon will go out the window. i would like to hear everyones opinion on this subject.
The belief in God, heaven and hell along with the consequences of sinning in my opinion are nothing more than a tool designed to keep some sense of order and peace in a growing civilization. Without an all knowing God seeing everything you do who can potentially have you spending an eternity in hell for crimes against men, there would be no sense of safety.
Is it a sin to kill another man if there is no God? Religon gives us a reason to be kind to our fellow man. Sadly, it's also a reason to kill. Why is it a sin to kill my neighbor for.... I don't know...raping my wife and children... but it's not a sin kill in the name of God?
We are infinite conscience. God is Humanity. Sentient-ism is the key to understanding.
If there is a "God" He would already know his creation (Human) Is to corrupt to even handle religion. Look at the bible if all the shit in the bible is true why isn't any of that stuff happening today? Like i said humans are to corrupt with power and the power they have has no knowledge built behind it just faking its way into everyone's head and brain washing them so they can have a shit ton of followers.
you guys should really read the bible...or join a study group. there are a lot of stuff happening today, the bible just dont state it literally you have to understand what is written. take revelations for instance you will be worried and see how everything is happening already on israel and neighboring countries, the eagle will fall down and the dragon will rise sounds famillar?
Nah, unfortunately... I'm afraid I may be going down into the fiery pits with ya's because I've actually done some fairly bad things in my life. Things I'm not proud of.. and the things I've done I will never talk about. I'll take those secrets with me to the grave... I was blessed with great parents and grew up in an Italian middle class home.. my parents weren't rich but we're doing just fine if you know what I mean. But, yeah.. the things that I've done in the past.. are in the past.. but I'll be judged for them sooner or later I'm sure.

I think that maybe I've already been punished for them.. in certain ways throughout my 28 years of life. I dunno.. its crazy.
you guys should really read the bible...or join a study group. there are a lot of stuff happening today, the bible just dont state it literally you have to understand what is written. take revelations for instance you will be worried and see how everything is happening already on israel and neighboring countries, the eagle will fall down and the dragon will rise sounds famillar?


i was just stating that you have to understand whats the message on the bible, you understand what its really tryng to say. the eagle and the dragon is just one example. if you try to understand it, and open your eyes what does the eagle represent and the dragon represnt? karmapuff was saying that things written in the bible are not happening. but if your going to ask me what verse it stated im sorry to say i couldnt bec i dont memorize the bible.
Nah, unfortunately... I'm afraid I may be going down into the fiery pits with ya's because I've actually done some fairly bad things in my life. Things I'm not proud of.. and the things I've done I will never talk about. I'll take those secrets with me to the grave... I was blessed with great parents and grew up in an Italian middle class home.. my parents weren't rich but we're doing just fine if you know what I mean. But, yeah.. the things that I've done in the past.. are in the past.. but I'll be judged for them sooner or later I'm sure.

just believe in God, repent your sins, and have faith.
I think that maybe I've already been punished for them.. in certain ways throughout my 28 years of life. I dunno.. its crazy.

just believe in God, repent your sins, and have faith.
rsharp was stating: i dont think it will happen in my lifetime but when a life form is found on another planet (in or out of our galaxy) every religon will go out the window. i would like to hear everyones opinion on this subject.

im no priest or pastor to preach these, as much as i want you guys to believe i could give wrong info and that would just make more confusion. try to google aliens in bible verse. theres one in genesis 6 i think
btw you dont need a religion to be saved from the fiery pits. and theres nothing to loose in believing God, morely a good news for us. you guys just need to know him more, just like knowing any people you met in school, work or even with your family. believe in him, have faith in him and youd be blessed. i for one dont have any religion, i do read the bible (the only means we can know him more and talk to God).
i was just stating that you have to understand whats the message on the bible, you understand what its really tryng to say. the eagle and the dragon is just one example. if you try to understand it, and open your eyes what does the eagle represent and the dragon represnt? karmapuff was saying that things written in the bible are not happening. but if your going to ask me what verse it stated im sorry to say i couldnt bec i dont memorize the bible.

trust me I have enough intelligence to figure it out..

and secondly.. actually if you were too stop.. and actually take a look around you.. to the outside world?? Yeah, things are actually happening.. even things from the bible.. are happening right now. Floods and fires are happening alot more frequently.. or are they?? Maybe its just the media focusing more on those type of events... never know.
Every religion, from A-Z, has The Golden Rule (although the wording isn't exactly the same anywhere): Treat other people like you'd want them to treat you. A Jewish scholar (who? I don't know) Once said that this was the Law, the rest is just commentary. And the Jewish religion is big on (religious) Law.

The Golden Rule isn't always the easiest one to follow. But imagine if everybody did follow it, or at least TRIED! I also believe that if you tell God what you did and genuinely apologize, and try not to do it again, it'll be off the books. God makes lots of promises to us, and He doesn't welch on anything, ever.

I have been all over the place spiritually for a long time in my life. I was raised Catholic & left the Church for about 10 years. I was vehemently anti-Catholic! But one day I got some news so bad, just so terrible, I went in, knelt to pray, and told Him, "I can't take this crap, I need your help". I didn't know where else to go.

God forgives & helps with everything. He doesn't always give us what we want, but He helps. All we need to do is ask. On another note, though, people with other faiths are to be respected, even if you think they're full of it. As a decent human being it's my job not to shove my religion down anybody's throat. This is America, we're not perfect, but if I want to start a church that worships a light bulb, I can. Some places they'd shoot you in the street for that crap.
Every religion, from A-Z, has The Golden Rule (although the wording isn't exactly the same anywhere): Treat other people like you'd want them to treat you. A Jewish scholar (who? I don't know) Once said that this was the Law, the rest is just commentary. And the Jewish religion is big on (religious) Law.

The Golden Rule isn't always the easiest one to follow. But imagine if everybody did follow it, or at least TRIED! I also believe that if you tell God what you did and genuinely apologize, and try not to do it again, it'll be off the books. God makes lots of promises to us, and He doesn't welch on anything, ever.

I have been all over the place spiritually for a long time in my life. I was raised Catholic & left the Church for about 10 years. I was vehemently anti-Catholic! But one day I got some news so bad, just so terrible, I went in, knelt to pray, and told Him, "I can't take this crap, I need your help". I didn't know where else to go.

God forgives & helps with everything. He doesn't always give us what we want, but He helps. All we need to do is ask. On another note, though, people with other faiths are to be respected, even if you think they're full of it. As a decent human being it's my job not to shove my religion down anybody's throat. This is America, we're not perfect, but if I want to start a church that worships a light bulb, I can. Some places they'd shoot you in the street for that crap.

Jews don't believe in hell either, It's all made up from fragile human minds who have to look up everytime they need an answer, if you can't find an answer, it must be YOUR god's will, THE BIBLE, Ninja please, it's a book written by people who have changed it hundreds of times over the years to suit there needs, KIng james comes to mind.
I have been all over the place spiritually for a long time in my life. I was raised Catholic & left the Church for about 10 years.

this kinda gives relevance to what I always say, you believe what your taught and you reverted right back to it in a time of need.
If your not taught to FEAR god, you wouldn't chase spirituality because you would understand it's all B.S.I don't fear your's or anyone else's god, because I don't believe in them,Just like you don't beleive in allah,or buddha. i also don't thank a god for giving me the strength to kick the crap out of another human being after a fight like alot of fighters do.
my parents go to church every sunday. they have faith in their lord... they know i question my faith but they dont force anything on me.... like Judge Judy says: "if it doesnt make since then its not true." frankly it just dont make since to ME. when it comes to the bible. i picture people no different then you and me writing this book. those people are no different then me so this book is not holy in my opinion. sorry if i offended anyone but i always like to hear both sides of a subject. also whenit comes to the virgin getting pregnant....ya right someone was sneakin around and diddnt want to get caught.... you cant get away with saying that now but i guess back then you could....