So I love all the gardens, what about the dogs that guard them?


farmer patty 001.jpgfarmer patty 003.jpg

Patty, my farm dog, no one enters without her. She looks after it as if it were her own. Sniffs around, never damages anything, never underfoot. Lays down in the shade when she's done with her investigation, and would stay all day. I would, but there are three, one of which is a pee-er, and the other scrabbles around amongst the babies.

Now I need to work on her caterpillar detection skills, or teach her to ward off moths and b-flies!

:peace: DT


Well-Known Member
Real story
I had a mate with a little scottie dog
it had a bad hip
the little black prick of a thing was sitting on his sisters knee
for no reason IT turned on her and ripped her bottom lip off
and this is no bullshit
it then ate it
fucked up
lol my friend's sister's small dog she had bit his lip and nose on two seperate occasions


Well-Known Member
are those malamute or husky?
there huskies the brown one are agouti in color which is pretty rare, doesnt really looked like husky sort of a wolf, got in trouble many times saying i cant own a wolf. have 6 of em, there mom (my 1st dog) passed away 2 years ago and have her cremated.


Well-Known Member
there huskies the brown one are agouti in color which is pretty rare, doesnt really looked like husky sort of a wolf, got in trouble many times saying i cant own a wolf. have 6 of em, there mom (my 1st dog) passed away 2 years ago and have her cremated.
the one in the middle is monkey shes genetically wrong, same height as my english bulldog hahaha...i guess im lucky to have her for having a mini husky


Active Member
Poor Odie, and that pitiful look! I hope he gets better soon.

It hurts me to see an animal in pain, and yet if it was a person I probably wouldn't care. I read about a study that said the overwhelming majority of people would stop to help a hurt animal over a hurt person-- it's that unconditional loving kindness! If only we could all be more like dogs-- minus the butt sniffing.