If this were true it would be illegal to smoke tobacco..
not true, culture is just so ingrained with smoking cigarettes that its never going to be outlawed even if it should be. you dont think you shouldnt be allowed to smoke cigs in front of youre kids? because i honestly do. they seemed like just as much a gateway drug to me. obviously it is a way more toxic smoke than pot but the govt will never push that point of view. either way its in the health and safety code i dont care what your opinion is. its there
for limits on growing the verstise guy has already said told you and shown the case where legal precedent was set to defend all of that. there will be no plot restrictions to your plants, plain and simple, sometimes our system works in the peoples favor. the fact that prop 215 is its own laws why would they be restricted by 19? medical and recreational use are completely different terms and theres a reason 19 doesnt use medical and 19 in any way shape or form. theyre leaving it alone.
and once it passes anyway it can simply be amended down in penalties if and when the people get pissed so i hope you all vote yes and stick it out with the rest of us. we really might not have another chance, and the non smoker and NON-STONER demographics are really pleased with 19. please note the difference in smoker-stoner. its pretty big. and contrary to stoner belief the smokers outnumber us a shitload. im talkin about your dad who smokes maybe every 2 weeks and my dad, and friends. ETC