Im Done

actually it depends on if your probation officer allows it or not. at least where i live thats how it works. i know ppl that were allowed to. maybe it depends on your charge. was it drug related? if so thats probably why because in their eyes it was probably due to irresponsibility. hopefully not cause if so you risk losing your card.

ya it is up to my po i think and my charge was distribution but only like 20 dollors worth, i still have my card just cant smoke. i wasnt a dealer either i only sold to 1 person who i thought was a freind and turned out to be a snitch

no im not on probation. i have class monday evening and i'll ass the counselor what he knows about that.

much appreciated mygirls.
have you thought of something like this... a few different types on the market. maybe see if you can grow in someone else house. i feel bad thats so shitty. i had a "friend" rat me out for lsd but i didnt have any at the time so it was his word against mine and nothing ended up happening. havnt seen him since 07...hes lucky
Again, I'm sorry for your trouble Mac. On the bright side, THIS thread may live on well past your 2 year probation, lol.
Anyway, keep the education process going, and when it's time to grow again, YOU WILL BE READY!
Good luck & don't grow for NOW.......BB
Thats fucked up ofyour friend i would put the word out that hes a snitch and he cant be trusted its not illegal to post warning flyers about known snitches in anytown.
Posession of a fire arm? I thought you could have weapons in the USA? Or is this a bind between having two sets of laws, state laws and federal law? In the UK it's only English law, although with elements of European bureaucracy just to take the piss.
in oregon you have to be 21 to owna hand gun. i was 18 at the time but the gun was not mine. also at the time it was illegal to posses a gun nat your grow site for some reason
in oregon you have to be 21 to owna hand gun. i was 18 at the time but the gun was not mine. also at the time it was illegal to posses a gun nat your grow site for some reason
The reasoning behind NO guns at grow site is that guns demonstrate intent to use deadly force, and that's a big no-no. BB
The reasoning behind NO guns at grow site is that guns demonstrate intent to use deadly force, and that's a big no-no. BB

it is now legal though, and it was a stupid law they dont stop Vicodin or methadone users from owning guns. plus the gun was not mine or even in my house
im a hunter and no they can,t take my guns. even if they tried i would fight that all they way. fuck i have no drug charges and no weapons charges so i would like for the people to say what the fuck is our justice system trying to pull. this man is innocent
in oregon you have to be 21 to owna hand gun. i was 18 at the time but the gun was not mine. also at the time it was illegal to posses a gun nat your grow site for some reason

and that all has been over turndfor the good for use, so i wonder why they did what they did to you.. sound to me someone got a fucking and didn't even get a kiss.. im sure it could of been worse but they still should of droped it.
ya its all bullshit mygirls but somethin i got to deal with now. im still plannin on what we had planned at the end of the season though if thats ok with you
are you on probation for a federal charge? how can the state have medical mj but if that same state puts you on probation you cannot medicate? that's just stupid.

The same reason why you cannot drink on probation. You cant own knives, guns, swords, etc. Your not allowed to associate with any person(s) who has some kind of criminal record.

Probation sucks. I was on it for awhile and said fuck it and volunteered to take jail time instead. 1 year of probation in exchange for 60-90 days in jail. Honostly i felt probation to be 10x worse than actually going to a county jail for a few months.

Drug tests 3x a week, they show up at your work, they raid your house randomly, check your phone records, 8pm curfews (in some cases complete house arrest other than work), can't travel without permission. Probation is fucking terrible for stupid pety crimes.
right on, i am not going to be on here as much here in a few days but i will keep in touch Mygirls.
Peace To all and happy growing. i hope all goes well for every one

you got my home # call me or give me yours.. [email protected] talk to you there.. tell then see you at harvest time... peace brother... and stay kool
yea good shit not rolling over man. Shitty you got popped tho. good luck man....
tHE lesson here is always make "friends" show titties b4 buying....ha
Man, now that is shitty. I read about you in the paper, and on CL RnR a few times. Sorry to find out it was you. =/
ya i didnt know what that was and i checked it out and it had like 2 postes

well i wasnt really a dealer i only sold about 20 dollors worth a week to a 1 person who i thought was my good freind, it turns out he wore a wire to my house and bought weed off me for a few detectives and then they busted me and got me with possession of a firearm and distribution. they told me they would give me a deal if i turned around and snitched on someone who was more big time but i didnt because i know how it feels to have your life fucked up do to a snitch.

Mad respect for taking your lumps like a man... We need more people like you in this world brother...
read your court papers man gotta read that fine print. On mine it says you cant use marijuana unless prescribed.untitled.jpg In your face P.O.!