My Perpetual Zero-Veg Op


Well-Known Member
13 chronics 2 weeks into flower. These pix are a week old as I've had some uploading issues recently. Now resolved :)



Well-Known Member
I topped the White Russians and the skunks 4 days ago. The Chronics are in front, untopped, all of them showing preflowers at 4 weeks from seed. One is getting branchy already; I think I have my new Chronic mother. I'll be transplanting 2 of each strain into 5 gallon soil containers, the rest will be flowering starting in a couple of weeks.

They are vegging with 700ppm of dyna-grow, protekt and mag-pro. Vigorous growth every day.

Tbhe tops were pretty short, but I'll try to root them anyway. Now that fall is approaching it's time to move into a higher gear.



Well-Known Member
The NLxskunk tops rooted after 7 days. The White Russians are just starting to get little nubs. They are the tiniest cuttings I've ever taken. They 'll take some vegging; I'm thinking in dirt. I topped the chronics too and stuck them in the cloner; I'm running out of space in there. Time to build a bigger cloner!


Well-Known Member
Great to hear you like it!. I love skunk and I want lots of it; and since it's winning the clone race against the white russian that's another point in its favor.

These plants are now 5 weeks old. Since topping they haven't gotten much taller but filling out nicely. I need to move them under a MH light soon..



Well-Known Member
You say you take your clones at about 12" tall. Sounds too big for a propagator, so how do you keep the humidity high? Or don't you?


Well-Known Member
Right now my clones are smaller than that because I'm working with young mothers. As for humidity, I just cut them and put them in the cloner. No dome. They never wilt at all, even the big ones.

I used to do this: cuts always got yellow and shitty looking under a dome and I only got about 60% success.



Well-Known Member
not off topic at all. I use aBotanicare 25-site cloner. As I mentioned I'm going to make a home-built one that should be good for 50 cuts at a time. They are awfully easy to make, but the molded lid really does work well.


Well-Known Member
WOW man, this looks u know i gotta add my story :)

The way u staked ur plants is how i did it in my PPP SOG, and the ones i staked always swelled up to be fattys too. Do u use Gravity on your flowering during flush?
I used one of those areocloners like u got there, and never had a problem with wilting either, and i used a tub that held 30- 40 and had more clones than i knew what to do with or had room for :)

Where Al B. Fuct go? i come back online and nobody here any more :) LOL!!
Anyway nice thread and nice pics of those fattys on page 1...


Well-Known Member
Just Got one of these turbo tanks and getting ready for the first round here soon
what nutes are you useing and how often you flood ??


Well-Known Member
Just Got one of these turbo tanks and getting ready for the first round here soon
what nutes are you useing and how often you flood ??
LOL.. It's in the first post. I use Dyna-gro nutrients, all 4 products. I flood twice a day. I used to flood 5 times a day but that's just stupid.