Die You Mite Bastards!!!


Well-Known Member
they only need 1 week warm and dry to ruin your your life. i kept hoping.
in the end it was futile. it cost a fortune to buy all the pestide. they were not strong enough. i killed 5 plants 4 days ago that had red mite colony.
i give up.

my fingers have been all i need. i feel sick not when i find a leaf with 6 or more. last night i found dozens. i check every day now and take all leaves with any evidence. Tuesday i will introduce predator mites with the Afid treatment.

I use WWW.koppert.com for my predators.
trust me, i know.it's sickening, esp once you start seeing webs, right after a treatment! rrrrr. i swear, when the world ends, spider mites will remain to repopulate the globe. fuckers are invincible.

good luck abud, i hope you get a handle on them. my plan involves moving, taking cuttings to a new location and starting over. i'll spend a month prepping if i have to, but when i'm done there wont' be a mite in sight (or any other insect or arachnid for that matter...).


Well-Known Member
I have tarantulas and they get out from time to time. I rather have my Indian Ornamental loose then have spider mites lol.


Well-Known Member
trust me, i know.it's sickening, esp once you start seeing webs, right after a treatment! rrrrr. i swear, when the world ends, spider mites will remain to repopulate the globe. fuckers are invincible.

good luck abud, i hope you get a handle on them. my plan involves moving, taking cuttings to a new location and starting over. i'll spend a month prepping if i have to, but when i'm done there wont' be a mite in sight (or any other insect or arachnid for that matter...).

i should post this quote in my signature...... ^^^^^^^

you mite be mite free ;)

but more than likely

they will prove to be mitey. if you move the plants dip them in battery acid first this will give you better odds in slowing thier production....

LOve yoU Good luck

My sour D bx momma is gone. i think we talked of here. lost in the end to mites.........


Well-Known Member
i should post this quote in my signature...... ^^^^^^^

you mite be mite free ;)

but more than likely

they will prove to be mitey. if you move the plants dip them in battery acid first this will give you better odds in slowing thier production....

LOve yoU Good luck

My sour D bx momma is gone. i think we taked of here. lost in the end to mites.........
oh no! i'm so sorry to hear :( that's terrible!! :cry:

my ak is on her last leg, with two or three weeks left of flower. she hasn't a green leaf left, all are yellow, and we're talking dwc..... it's not pretty. my cacti are coated with a layer of webs (and they can't even eat those, the alkaloids stop them), and it almost feels like i'm being bitten when i'm in the room too long.:cry: it's my flower room that suffers the most, the veg room is much cooler, and they're just bad enough to make things ugly. by using pesticides as directed, i've only succeeded in creating super mites that are resistant to anything you throw at them. no matter what, they still come back.

they remind me of miniature versions of the ALIEN monsters.....


Well-Known Member
i have battled mites for the last 2 years, useing lemon dish soap to keep them at bay, but finally gittin sick of doing one more thing week in and week out, i bought No Pest Strips, hung it in the room i haven't seen not one mite anywhere, nothing, and its been about 3 weeks since i last treated and hung the strip,they would have been back by now, i couldn't believe it myself, but it works


Well-Known Member
I had two mother plants in a grow cabinet that got them .I mean an outbreak. I gave up after fighting for 1 month. I put them outside and put a no pest strip in the cabinet. A week later one died due to cold or shock. The other one i gave to a friend who put it under 400w mh and it is doing great no mites to be seen for over 2 months . I now am using his clones to grow mine. I dont know if the no pest strip did anything but theres plants back in the cabinet and theres no mites. I think the cold gets rid of them and the no pest strip keeps them away. hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
i have battled mites for the last 2 years, useing lemon dish soap to keep them at bay, but finally gittin sick of doing one more thing week in and week out, i bought No Pest Strips, hung it in the room i haven't seen not one mite anywhere, nothing, and its been about 3 weeks since i last treated and hung the strip,they would have been back by now, i couldn't believe it myself, but it works
strips worked for me. for about four months. then the adapted. they're like the borg; resistance is futile.... :cry:


Well-Known Member
just so you know i'm not bullshitting you....

i've given them their run, i know their limits, and sadly, they don't work at all for me anymore :(