Do you grow for the money or the love of the plant ??????????????????????????????


Undercover Mod
Both of the above reasons. I do it for fun and I do it to make cash supplying friends at a reasonable cost well below must local prices.
I needed a purpose, been out of work for a while, (I'm 21 :smile: ), tired of paying $60/8th, tired of not growing because of this or that, so I'm just doing it :razz:


Well-Known Member
i love my plants and money. but the love of the plant always comes first. love your plants and they will bring you money.


Well-Known Member
i grow for my medical needs i just can not afford to pay 50 an 1/8th.
I grow for the same reason but enjoy working with plants. I've never sold a gram but if something happens to my income it may be a source of cash in an emergency.


Active Member
everybody will say love..Nobody wants to sound stupid...But even if you grew just for the money you will need love to succeed..These plants take up alot of your time so it will always come down to how much you care for them..


Well-Known Member
well, since I don't sell what I grow.. I only smoke it... I'd have to go with 'For the love of bud'.


Well-Known Member
i grow for the love of it. i also ride bulls professional for a living its how i get by, i love it like nothing else in the world and i find at times if im focusing on the money of winning instead of just riding and having fun i fall off. have fun and love the things you do in life money comes and goes, happineness is whats inside your heart and your attitude toward life not whats in your wallett or purse. just my two cents take it or leave it.


Active Member
I am growing because I dont want to pay the prices that they charge today. Ironic that all the shit I payed for...for this grow cost a lot of money but the way I see it...I will have more than enough stuff for the next grow.


Active Member
I just started growing. I am not doing it to make money, just to smoke up! I am so tired of paying for little better than dirt weed, waiting for my guy to get around to it, etc... So I'd have to say for the love of the bud!

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I grow because I love it and I am good at it...I really dont see an issue with loving something and making money from it...I mean it would be a really fucked up world if people couldnt love the work that they do.


Well-Known Member
I GROW FOR $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

but i live in Humboldt County and everybody here has been growing for money for 50 years,

its our lively hood up here in these mountains,

and anybody that has anything negative to say about it "Go F#ck yourself you dont live here.

not only that us growers in these mountains provide alot of Meds to the clubs in Cali., so if we dont do it

someone else will.

i love to do it also.

my dad has been growing since b4 i was born and so was my grandfather on the same

property that i grow on.
I GROW FOR $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

but i live in Humboldt County and everybody here has been growing for money for 50 years,

its our lively hood up here in these mountains,

and anybody that has anything negative to say about it "Go F#ck yourself you dont live here.

not only that us growers in these mountains provide alot of Meds to the clubs in Cali., so if we dont do it

someone else will.

i love to do it also.

my dad has been growing since b4 i was born and so was my grandfather on the same

property that i grow on.
Hows the market now? I heard it's much harder to profit, or at least make as much profits as years ago? Is that true? In Humboldt County I mean.


Well-Known Member
Hows the market now? I heard it's much harder to profit, or at least make as much profits as years ago? Is that true? In Humboldt County I mean.
Market in Humboldt is not hurt at all. They produce a ridiculous amount of amazing bud (If it's actually a farm they have hundreds of pounds) and sell it for way more expensive then they used to. Hell, I thought I was getting a great deal buying a pound for 1k, but my dad told me stories of 20-10 years ago getting bud for 15 an ounce... tops. If anyone in Humboldt wanted to make money they just need to take their buds 100 miles south, or east, and they will make some money. Take it to another state, other than Oregon, and they will be rich.