What is 500 g/m2 equivalent to in ounces ?


Active Member
cant figure out how many ounces 500 g/m2 is ? I know it means meters squared just need the equivalent in ounces ?
500 grams is a little more than 17 & 1/2 ounces.
It is saying your yield can be 500 grams per square meter but that is in a perfect world!
all i wanna know is does anyone know what say big bud yieds for one plant when they say like 600g/m2 ? sorry if its a hard question.
Your question has no answer really. It depends on lights grow experience grow method nuts etc. There are too many variables. I think most of those estimates are done with 600whps and prolly sog method.
Be a bit more realistic . BIG BUD , good conditions . no problems , indoor this time of year...You will get about 4 ozs per plant with a good light .
What's the big deal of asking what amount you get off a plant give me a break ! I'd say thats a normal thing to know about, dont need to wow something like this.
you got the answer three times!

your not even trying to think about your own problem. if you spent as much time researching yourself rather than reposting the same question (which someone else told you was BS to start with) you would have had your answer plus a broader base of knowledge to be successful with. Let me show you what I mean; do you understand square footage?(do you have access to wiki?) can you translate meters to feet (do you have access to google?) That would at the least put you in the ballpark as to what the descrip told you?
(I'm guessing/hoping you already understood that)
then on to the BS part of your question; did you even think about your vegging time? the amount you produce will be effected by how long you grow it for (not to complicated) did you inquire about light? The amount of light used will have an impact on yield.

I'm not dogging you for not knowing stuff and I'm not dogging you for trying to find that stuff out. I'm dogging you on how lazy a method you choosee to do so, if you don't take the time to learn the basic stuff (and more importantly take the time to really KNOW it) nothing you do will be succesful. especially not 600gm/meter squared.

so I repeat.

if ur plant is 3x3 ft,it will be 600 grams in optimum conditions
so i guess if u had a plant with a 1x1 canopy,it would yeild roughly 55 grams in optimum conditions
are you serious? if 3x3 = 600 grams then 1x1 would be 200 grams. you have to measure your canopy. and that shit aint accurate if you ask me.
its not as easy as dividing by three..
3x3 is three rows of three. nine spaces.
600 grms / 9 spaces = 66.6667 grams a space

66.6 roughly 55 grams, close enough..

this thread just keeps getting better!
My 3x3 foot flood tables average 2lbs every 8 weeks. I grow Rhino, Orange bud, Skunk, Blueberry, and a few others.
IMO, the estimated yield when refered to as meter squared, is directed toward SOG growing, or from clones. "IF" your canopy covers a full 3'x3' square, with optimum conditions, you could yield approx. 600grams in a square meter or 3 foot by 3 foot space. I would suggest 600watts of HPS in such a space (3x3) and grow from clones, not seed.

...on another note. I fucking love my Sensi Seeds, Big Bud....those who disagree, must have grown it wrong.

Big Bud wk# 6(b).jpgBig Bud wk# 6.jpgBig Bud wk# 6(d).jpgSensi seed's Big Bud Week # 7 (4).jpgSensi seed's Big Bud Week # 7 (13).jpgSensi seed's Big Bud Week # 7 (3).jpgSensi seed's Big Bud Week # 7.jpgSensi seed's Big Bud Week # 7 (15).jpgSensi seed's Big Bud Week # 7 (10).jpgSensi seed's Big Bud Week # 7 (12).jpg