Well-Known Member
Hi Veggie,
I have a similar situation as you. It looks like your using an outdoor shed to dry in.
This is my first time around with a large quantity to dry all at once and would like to use a shed I have outdoors but thought it would get to warm in there. I'm in bay area and temps are suppose to be 80 today but mid 70's the rest of the week. Do you think I would be OK?
I guess what I'm asking is do you have ventilation in that shed?
During the initial drying process temperatures aren't a big deal. My shed has some ventilation vents near the roof and air comes in around the door, farther down. If the shed gets full, I add a fan or two to help drying.
If I fall behind(inevitable) I might add moisture to the dried buds and put them in sealed containers. This encourages curing, which is mostly the break down of chlorophyll.
Your temperatures are lower, and humidity higher, so I'm guessing your buds will be pretty well cured when you remove them from your shed.
Space the buds so air can get between them. A fan is helpful but needn't blow directly on the buds, as long as air is moving.
Friends in Humboldt seal up their sheds and use dehumidifiers to draw out the moisture.