Mind-busting jungle drug hits UK ...

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Meanwhile in UK ... more anti drug propaganda .... someone is pissed ... that is for sure !
13 mill UK sterling ... wow, taking into account the size of this pinch .... the kids must like it quite a bit ... heh NDA ?


A BRAIN-bending jungle drug is set to become a bigger menace than crystal meth on Britain's streets, it was feared last night.

Border guards have intercepted a record £13million haul of DMT - a powerful hallucinogen used by Amazon tribes.
Smokers of the crystals almost immediately suffer intense and often terrifying visions.
Side-effects include paranoia and flashbacks weeks or months later.
The Class-A drug has also been linked to schizophrenia.
It is feared smugglers are now trying to flood the UK - as they have in recent years with deadly methamphetamine, also known as crystal meth.
A senior police source said: "We've never seen quantities of DMT like this. This is clearly the latest drug trend. Dealers have seen big money to be made here."
The UK Border Agency recently intercepted 126 kilos of DMT being smuggled into Britain in 15 parcels from Brazil and Peru. Five found at the postal depot at Coventry Airport were heading for London.
Amazonian spiritual healers have traditionally used vines naturally containing DMT to make sacred brews, which they claim help users experience the afterlife.
Millions of television viewers saw adventurer Bruce Parry's agonising DMT trip in the Amazon on the BBC's Tribe in 2008.
He was violently sick and had nightmares.
The drug extract is broken down into smokeable crystals by South American smugglers. Peter Stoker, of the National Drug Prevention Alliance, said: "We must get a grip on this before it takes hold of our young. DMT is a nasty piece of work.
"Its consumption under the gaze of seasoned tribal leaders in the Amazon is nothing like what a UK novice would experience."
DMT, first seen here in the 1970s, costs up to £100 a gram - twice the value of cocaine because it is so rare. It has been linked to deaths across the world.
In May, Danielle Jacobsen, 17, was found in a pond in Connecticut, US. A coroner cited DMT as a contributory factor to her death.
A Border Agency spokesman said: "We are determined to protect society from an activity which can have such a destructive impact."
Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3168623/Mind-busting-jungle-drug-hits-UK.html#ixzz11hhMvR6N

I laughed !



Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
What Is It Made Of?

syntheticMade in a laboratory. dimethyltryptamine is a white or sometimes light brown crystalline solid, like a small, strong-smelling chunk of salt. Some people have compared its odor to mothballs. Others have said that it smells like plastic being burned. As its name suggests, its chemical composition is complicated. Once crystallized, it cannot be dissolved in water. Instead it must be dissolved either in an organic solventA term used to describe chemical compounds that contain carbon. like alcohol or in an acid.
An Inga Indian shaman in Colombia prepares a drink called yagé, a hallucinogenic brew said to have healing powers. AP/Wide World Photos.

DMT occurs widely in nature, in the leaves, seeds, and roots of certain plants, and in the milky venom of toads in the genus Bufo. Its synthetic, or laboratory-made form, mimics the chemical composition of its natural form.
DMT is unique in its hallucinogenic family in two ways. First, when snorted, injected, or smoked, it acts much more quickly than LSD or psilocybin. This is because fat cells in the human body absorb LSD and psilocybin and release them more slowly to the brain. DMT is not absorbed by fat cells. The entire dose races to the brain as soon as it is taken. Second, pure DMT loses its hallucinogenic qualities if eaten. It is destroyed by monoamine oxidase in the stomach. Monoamine oxidase is a naturally occurring enzyme that detoxifies amino
The tea made from the ayahuasca plant is one of several teas of South American origin, used in religious ceremonies, known to contain DMT. © Alison Wright/Corbis.

compounds in ingested foods. The tea preparations used in South America contain ingredients that inhibit monoamine oxidase action. That is why they can be consumed orally. Still, those who have tasted ayahuasca and other similar herbal brews find them quite foul on the tongue.

Ill try some ayahuasca tea maybe, though that's Insane ..


Active Member
A Border Agency spokesman said: "We are determined to protect society from an activity which can have such a destructive impact."


the only thing dangerous was misinformation


Well-Known Member
i bet the REAL reason its so illigal and "dangerous" is because the govt. doesnt want us people to know this certain information that DMT reveals to us....

i used to NEVER be able to find or even HEAR of DMT around my parts.
DMT really is getting popular. funny how 'it' found me right around the time it gets popular.


Well-Known Member
the goverement and their crazy stories. i refuse to live by the laws that rich old white dudes make. they have no prespective of what life is or how to live it. instead of being ignorant towards psychedlics maybe they should learn to talk from their minds and not their asses.


Well-Known Member
This story sounds like a total farce... dude come on dmt is more alarming then meth... are this narcs stupid or what. DMT is not habit forming so how can it have more of a threat then crystal meth! Go to Mississipi or something and you'll see otherwise. But geez, really 13 mill worth of DMT? Highly unlikely.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
13 mill Uk street value .... which is inflated no doubt .... but 126 k's ..... you would need a lot of bark.


Well-Known Member
This story sounds like a total farce... dude come on dmt is more alarming then meth... are this narcs stupid or what. DMT is not habit forming so how can it have more of a threat then crystal meth! Go to Mississipi or something and you'll see otherwise. But geez, really 13 mill worth of DMT? Highly unlikely.

Inflated as shit. When Phish played their first reunion concert in Hampton, Virginia back in 2009, the local LEO seized what they claimed to be millions of dollars worth of shit. Someone did the math on another forum, and it broke down to the Police's estimated cost per eighth ounce was 80 dollars. Ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
I remember my hot box days in the old school Toyota van... that shit was crazy... the engine was placed inside the middle of the vehicle... crazy times indeed!


Well-Known Member
hells yea. i remember doing that before school frequently. a two seater ford truck fills up with smoke pretty fast. haha once ur eyes start to burn is when it gets challenging.


Well-Known Member
Whether or not this story is true, exaggerated or outright false the uneducated masses are going to accept this as fact, sadly. It's a shame such a wonderful substance is getting the media's demonizing negative spin, neglecting to explore any benefits or positive uses. But why would they? Mainstream journalism is dead for the most part. It's all entertainment and based on shock value these days. Like, how can they even mention meth and DMT in the same paragraph? Do some REAL research you dirty media dogs..
126 kilos?!?! Never did this stuff but from what I read a gram is enough for a dozen trips god damn did they cut down the entire rain forest to supply the UK to contact alien elf things??!


Well-Known Member
IF that load made the UK, it would have had a bigger impact than the 60s + acid.