holes and deformed leaves.. No bugs.. What could it be??


Well-Known Member
I don't have pics my computer is fucked for a couple days. So.. The leaves have small holes and the new growth looks like it's been cut off... Wtf.. The parts that are missing the have little brown pieces attached to them... So nervous and confused.. They are just 3 weeks old.. Looking amazing.. But holes and new growth is cut looking.. Like it was pinched or cut in a straight line.. Need some seriously help everyone


Well-Known Member
holes = caterpilars

thats what a blind man would assume , pics will give us light
I'm growing indoors.. I would see caterpilars in my veg room... I only have a few plants in there... I just flushed hoping it would correct it


Well-Known Member
the leaves look crimped on some of them with holes inside the crimped area.. Crinkled kinda


Active Member
a caterpilar maybe infront of ur eyes eating but u cant detect it , give us light we are in the dark


Active Member
People will give very little answer as to what things are unless you post pictures. Instead of offering what it could be. And even after you say you don't have catapillers they say catapillers. Look I have a similar problem started around the same time. I started getting holes in my leaves and sometimes I could find the tips (still green and fresh) on the floor. I have searched my plant from head to toe with a pocket microscope and there are no bugs. I have access to my roots and there are no bugs / larva.

In short my plant did great and the problem persisted the entire grow. I still have no clue what it was.


Active Member
caterpillars shit tiny little black turds that you can see, theese look like specks of pepper. take a plain white peice of paper and hold it under the plant then tap or flick the plant main stem with your finger, if a caterpillar is there your paper will be covered with black shit, if so start looking under your leaves for the little fucker. if no (pepper) is found, you have another problem. hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
well I looked.. No pillers or black pepper... Wtf!! My pc is still not usable for a day or two... What else could b the prob.. Imma try and get a picture phone pic and post it later

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I've seen pH issues cause deformed leaves. I've suspected temp issues causing deformed leaves in a previous grow (too cold) also. What's your stats: fertilizer/medium/temps/ppm/ph?


Well-Known Member
I always ph my water to 6.5 for veg I'm using grow big and big bloom, the recommended dosage.. I was using 1/2 strength up until the last watering


Active Member
could have been some kind of bug larva that has matured and gone away. or try this, put the paper around the bace of the plant right before she goes to sleep, surround the bottom of the plant. wait about 5 to 6 hours and check for pillar poop again with a green light, the led kind you can get at hydro or garden store. caterpillars like to feast at night. if you find the little poops on the paper at this point, you have one or more. look for it with the green light. it will be easyer to find while its dark it will be out and about. good luck.


Well-Known Member
nothing!!!* fuck!! So it looks likee most of the holes are between the veins or the leaves, as if it just are around.. I flushed all my vegging plants because they all have/are getting the same symtoms with no bugs present..no pc still


Active Member
those caterpillars are fuckin sneaky i was all stoned on my couch and i hear this crinkling im like wtf lookin around so i look in my trashcan and theres like a 4 inch green caterpiller just chillin nowhere near my growroom either (kinda off topic just thought of it with all the ninja caterpiller talk


Well-Known Member
those caterpillars are fuckin sneaky i was all stoned on my couch and i hear this crinkling im like wtf lookin around so i look in my trashcan and theres like a 4 inch green caterpiller just chillin nowhere near my growroom either (kinda off topic just thought of it with all the ninja caterpiller talk
hahaha.. So I did use eco smart organic pest spray a couple days ago... Soaked them.. Idk I'm thinking it might be too much ferts.. I plan on trying to use water with epson salt next watering.. Than the one after that 1/4-1/2 strength organic nutes