Personal Medical Grow in Coco. [Chem D, Grape Romulan, Grapefurit Haze, Casey Jones]


Well-Known Member
Ohh where to start... I hope everyone has been doing well.

Thank you so much everyone for all the love and support. As Raiderfan mentioned this year has been mad rough for me. Since my last harvest, I have been busy with family and work so my grow was pretty much shutdown.

I want to particularly thank Raiderfan, you have been so helpful along the way bro, I am so grateful to you man. Nothing but love for you man.

Anyways things have slowly settled down a bit and life has resumed to its normal self. While I was on a break from growing I kept some mothers in soil under 2 T5s, just so I don't loose my genetics. I will post some updates shortly, some new experiments are happening.

Again Thank you Raiderfan, Fingerez, DST, Donny, BR, Hooked, Notorius, and Passthat for so much love, it makes me feel so wonderful to such nice friends like you. Sorry if I missed someone, i love you all.


Well-Known Member
Decided to do a test run in organic soil. Don't worry I will still have my main run in coco. For this test I went with FFOF. I think I should start a new log, as the title says "in coco."

The girls vegged in FFOF for ~2 weeks. During this time they have been getting

Compost Tea
Roots Excelurator
Bio Ag's TM7
@ 0.5 EC & 6.3 pH

They are going to go 12/12 in a day. I reckon they will do fine with just teas for the first week of bloom. Then I gotta start feeding.




Well-Known Member
lookin good b and glad to see ya back.

I didnt see any of the jupiter og in the lineup. you keepin her around for future batches?


Well-Known Member
Sick line-up man,
Hope everything is well. Cant wait to take a peek in the future weeks to come. also i got a fem. church that im putting into flowering tmmr also. :P
Ill update tmmr morning.

I want some grapefruit haze so badly. :D


Well-Known Member
BENDER!! Welcome back buddy! It is good to see you back in the saddle again. I truely missed you brotha, it is an honor to watch you grow. You have such a green thumb man. I love the line up and am glad to hear you kept some mothers. It will be fun to see what you can do with soil. As hooked said, mad respect my friend. ;)


Well-Known Member
It has been a while guys. All is going well with me, I have just been really busy with work and school. I hope everyone is doing well. Sorry to all the friends

I ended up doing a top feed, DTW, system. Nothing fancy, everyday I manually turn the pump on for a 30 seconds or so till I get some run off.

The good news is that I am on day 53 and besides a slight nute burn a few days ago, the girls have been virtually problem free. Not even a speck of Powdery Mildew this run. It was my goal about a year ago when I started growing, to have a garden that requires minimal maintenance and runs it self.

Here is the list of products that I am using and am very satisfied with. Feel free to critique or ask questions.

60% Canna Coco
20% Chunky Perlite
20% Vermiblend Soil Amendment

Canna Coco A/B
Roots Excelurator
Great White
Hydro Honey
Top Booster
Bud XL
Shooting Powder
Sugar Peak Finale*
Drip Clean
Compost Tea**

* Early stages of testing, need another few rounds for a final opinion.
** I get this tea from a friend who has the recipe for some professional/commercial compost tea, he also obtains some of the purest ingredients. Won't share the recipe with me, but hooks me up with the tea a few time in late veg/early flower.




Well-Known Member
Good to see you are still around man. The plants look great! Isn't it crazy how now that you're putting in less time, and from the sounds of it less effort, with your plants and everything is perfect. I am getting to where I will not even go in my room for a couple days.