How Much Hash Do You Get From Bud

in a perfect world this may be the case. nobody can actually quantify the amount of hash off of bud. some strains naturally have tall trichomes, which fall off the buds easy. some have shorter trichomes, and while they may have the same percentage of thc, will produce far less hash than a similar plant with taller trichomes. the amount of hash can also vary from crop to crop, even in a strictly controlled environment.

For the most part, its pretty accurate. Its accurate within 10-15% with plant variations and what not. But, in general, I've processed about 40 pounds total of hash and this is the math we use....... Some might say that's a lot of hash, some might make that much every year or even ten times that who knows. Rather than criticize my method, why not propose another method of determining how much has you'd yield? :) Certainly different trichome size might matter, if your using screens. However, if your using iso or butane, it has no restrictors on whats yielded other than it be non-polar for stripping it off the plant which all psychoactive components of marijuana are.

i prefer dry-seived hash, and it will have the best flavor. my only advice is don't push too hard on the screen or you'll end up with a bunch of plant material and the hash won't stick together. made that mistake my first time. the silkscreen i got was $25 at a hobby shop
i prefer dry sieved as well. Anybody, Would you say a 110 mesh screen is good? And that is 110 microns, right? and how many lines per sq. inch is that?
idk if this was your point. but he was using water hash, not butane or dry sieve and i know the dif between pressing(normally heat involved)
understood, are you saying that full melt cannot be achieved by gumby hash? also what is your process of making hash?
gumby can have one screening and sitting/trichomes sinking process or many until you have achieved a desired level.
If you dont separate your trichs into different sizes, then no, you cannot get ''full melt''. From what i have experienced gumby is just collecting all resin, as opposed to different grades as you can with, and is the purpose of the different sizes of bubble bag. 73 microns, the full melt bag. the 25micron will not, as I do this regularly. And I have combined the two, and it doesnt fully melt . There are other sizes too, but those are off the top. preference i guess.
you can separate into different levels with the blender method, you have to do different passes. all resin? the only resin is the gland heads and stalks, the rest are just contaminants. There are however fully developed(fatter) gland heads and less dev(smaller). also sativas have smaller heads than indica's. So with several different size screens you can separate the different things and sizes.
*all resin-heads and stalks.
although i googled it, and didnt see one video of gumby or blender using a series of screens. 3 of 3 using blender used coffee screen and coffee filter. 3 0f 3 gumby used a screen for leaf and contaminates, and one just for ALL RESIN(didnt see different grades). If you do use the screens, then there isnt a difference. all ice hash.
im saying that you can get high purity hash from the blender method by letting the trichomes settle to the bottom of the water, then siphoning and screening and repeat for further refinement. its not even my personal preference for hash, high purity is achievable. That is all i was saying
Sets can easily be a few hundred dollars.

after all that, you break it down to price? swing and a miss, swing and a miss, finally foul tipped. At least you didnt strike out. lol, +rep for trying. it did cost me $
Ebay-1 gallon set of 6- 80$ with shipping- 4 grades of hash in one hour-*priceless.
ok, no high purity can be achieved with blender method and several different potency levels can be achieved, just not several different micron sizes, not a miss on either.