ok stupid question where did these fckers come from to begin with ?? wondering if they were on clones to begin with my room is litterally a operating tble i mean u could eat off the floor could they come threw my air intake vents ??? got two 4" vented i dunno
yes unfortunately nobody really knows where exactly they come from. if you keep a clean environment it helps to prevent them, but there's no 100% prevention method. and yes, you probably did get infested clones... happens a lot even in medical centers unfortunately. i recommend quarantining new clones for 2 or 3 weeks before introducing them into the garden. i got infested clones and learned this lesson the hard way. also you can dip them in a neem oil solution before you transplant as a reassurance as well. if you don't already have one, you can attach a dust filter to your intake vent as well. as an extra precaution, many people have separate clothes they use solely for gardening, as mites are very good at hitchhiking on clothes. keep pets out of the garden too, their fur is full of these guys and often other bugs.