Fan Blowing On Buds??


Active Member
I have a sunleaves TDS expert plus. i reads 6 different readings. PPM and EC in NaCl, KCI, 442 readings. I use PPM NaCl and have it right now at 1000. When I calibrate what setting do I use?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
cal to what the solution is in. if its ec set pen on ec. if tds use that if ppm use tghat. id say use ec as that is the original measurments and all others use a conversion and we do loose a touch of accuracy in the conversion


Active Member
When my door is closed I would say it deff would create a vaccum and bad. My outlet is about 443 cfm and intake is about 120 cfm. Would that be why my coal filter isnt taking the smell out of the room?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member dont even need anyintake fan. only if the fan for exhaust cant keep up. usualy means they used cheep carbon or not right size for aplication.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I have a sunleaves TDS expert plus. i reads 6 different readings. PPM and EC in NaCl, KCI, 442 readings. I use PPM NaCl and have it right now at 1000. When I calibrate what setting do I use?
I have never used any of those fancy gadgets so I wouldn't know. My general rule of thumb is never use more than 1/6 of the ferts recommended for dirt. I do F&D and I doubt if anyone has done the fert count on that system as of yet. Fans are good!


Active Member
I use Hanna instruments TDS calib solution HI 7032 1382 MG/L (PPM) @ 25 c/77f. So this would be calib in PPM mode, but dont know if it should be NaCl, 442, or KCl


Active Member dont even need anyintake fan. only if the fan for exhaust cant keep up. usualy means they used cheep carbon or not right size for aplication.
I bought it off ebay, It was kind of a cheap deal, what do you guys recommend for a great carbon filter?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
need to set the pen to whatever the cal solution has on the package and see if the numbers match the chart i posted above when using the other settings


Active Member
I just should have bought a one read Hanna meter, lol. This all seems kind of overwhelming. Bc I see 3 different companies listed in this chart, and don't know witch one my meter reads.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
ignore the copmany names. the conversions are correct. some compnaies just uxsze diff conversion factors for their pens is all, either a .5 or a .7 conversion factor


Active Member
I have read about them filters, and am deff going to have to replace the shitty one im using now. Had my old man over and it smelled bad, he didn't say anything, got to love having your own house.


Active Member
So the solution say it cali 1382 mg/l (ppm) @ 77 f. from there do you know how i would check to see if thats at .5 or .7?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
couldnt tell ya. dont use them letters n numbers.....what does the pack of solution have.....oops missed last post


70 is way to low. try about 77 to 82 light on and 74 light off.

man that must be a wicked fan if it can break branches on a plant. never seen one be able to yet. not on its own from the wind off it
70 too low!?! bullshit! below 45degrees is just starting to get too low-unless you are in hydro, as long a roots and water stay around are recreating fall for them-if its an indica, it loves it between 45-60 (night-day), sativas are a little warmer, but i still keep mine at 55-70 at the highest (day-night) Thats where all the lovely colors come from...Now if its hydro, you need warmer water, but 70s is fine, 60s are ok, 50s will be too cold but still tolerable for them-after that is gonna shock them

*As far as the fans blowing directly on them, when they are clones and veg i have the fans on high directly at them, they tip some like trees in a strong breeze (some distance is important to not break lil guys), this will make their stems much stronger and thicker so when you put them to flower the heavy nugs wont snap the branches.

During flower, the 1 above my canopy is on high, but not touching the plants, the one at base of plant is oscillating at high directly on the base stems. this gives me tree trunk bases and very strong plants, and the airflow is great because they are on high.

Profilter carbon filters are the best, they are reversible so you can put them at the end of your exhaust and it will actually work better- if you have multiple rooms, you can connect them all w/ 1 large fan, and that filter at very end. I would need 10 filters otherwise, but i have 2-1 at intake and 1 at exhaust point and it clears a LARGE warehouse-8 flower rooms, 1 veg/clone, 1 breed room.

I love how people post that you shouldnt do something-but have never tried it...after everything, i tried growing in FL(hot n humid), now growing in CO- the cold and lower humidity make my plants soooooo much better. ill post some pics soon, just harvest time for the outdoor, and i have some indoor crops finishing too...