what happened to LIVE AND LET LIVE... God.... Americans have become so brainwashed (thanks to the Colleges, aka re-education centers) to believe the POLITICIANS, who, by their very nature are nothing more than LIARS AND THEIFS... I cant stand this cradel-to-grave, "its for your own good," "social justice," "for the greater good," "shared sacrafice," FORCED "community" BULLSHIT.... I say, LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE AND I WILL LEAVE YOU THE HELL ALONE... If you are gay, THATS FINE, BE GAY, but dont drag ME AND MY FAMILY into YOUR lifestyle... Why is EVERYTHING A "CAUSE" these days and if you JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE, THEN YOU ARE CONSIDERED "ANTI" THIS, OR "PHOBIC" OF THAT,,,, Its like, GET AN EFFIN GRIP... JUST LEAVE ME ALONE... LET ME LIVE IN PEACE.. I WILL GLADLY STAY OUT OF YOUR WAY AND WILL NOT STOP YOU FROM LIVING THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE!!! ...and I would appreciate if EVERYONE ELSE did the same for US, THE WEED SMOKIN' FREEDOM LOVIN' HARD WORKIN' MEN AND WOMEN WHO LOVE GETTIN A LITTLE STONED... Geeze,,, I mean, I don't drink, but yet I am FORCED to HIDE my cannabis JUST BECAUSE some worthless, botoxed, braindead, pharmacutical addicted political class likes WINE and NOT CANNABIS so therefore CANNABIS IS OUTLAWED... Something that NEVER LEAVES MY HOME'S 4 WALLS IS CONSIDERED "ILLEGAL"??? I grow it at home, I smoke it at home.... Hell, if I went home and downed a 6-pack of beer every night, or a few 40s, that's okay.. even tho people do that and beat their wives, blackout, crash their cars, throw up all night long,,,, But when I go home and light up a J, I have to make sure my windows are closed and no one can smell me????? SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT HERE.... WHAT IS WRONG WITH GETTIN A LITTLE BLAZED AFTER WORK???? NOTHING.