LOOK! I tried a few different pipe cleaning methods..


Active Member
So i scraped the ressie out (and smoked it real fast) than i put the piece in a ziplock bag and tried clr....

the pic with the bag and pipe is after the clr.... i guess i missed a big piece of ressie! fuck it...

than i used some ajax.... no results... finally the old salt and rubbing alcohol... still fuckin dirty! usually the alcohol method works!!

wtf? usually when i clean the piece all of the blue coloring vanishes...

im still trippin as to why the alcohol / salt didnt work?? :?:LALA 001.jpgLALA 003.jpgLALA 004.jpgLALA 002.jpg
Eww clr n Ajax were ur first approach? Feel like that chem smell would stay forever. Give it a good boil in hot water
maybe u left it for too long in like heat? like an asshole i left my bong in my garage for like 1 month in the hotttt ass weather and i had to clean it 3 times wit that 420 cleaner to get it all out, ill never do that again lol
Eww clr n Ajax were ur first approach? Feel like that chem smell would stay forever. Give it a good boil in hot water

boil it or just do like i do and run hot water through it like once a week to constantly keep it clean...i know some people like to save the resin but id rather not smoke than smoke that shit plus i like to see the smoke inside
Eww clr n Ajax were ur first approach? Feel like that chem smell would stay forever. Give it a good boil in hot water

lol yeah my wife was gone at a funeral and i didnt know where the alcohol was! so when she came back i used it.... oh and i rinsed the fuck out of it with palmolive and hot water b4 i sparked it up again
boil it or just do like i do and run hot water through it like once a week to constantly keep it clean...i know some people like to save the resin but id rather not smoke than smoke that shit plus i like to see the smoke inside

aw bro i dont have to smoke the resie but i did cuz its all medicals i smoke out of it.... i hear some people spread it on joints and stuff.... oh and i ran it under water for about 5 min bro... still nothing..
Nah bring a pot of water to boil like for pasta or rice. Emerge ur bowl for idk 30mins or so.
Nah bring a pot of water to boil like for pasta or rice. Emerge ur bowl for idk 30mins or so.

do i have to use an old ass pot? is it gonna stain or stick to the pot? man ill never hear the end of it if it does... we just got all new non stick shit...
You should try heating it up for a few seconds in the microwave or boiling it then put it in a ziploc bag with 2 tablespoons of salt a cup or more of rubbing alcohol and a healthy squirt of dawn. make sure the alcohol is 90% or close to that. Rubbing alcohol is sold in different strengths based on the alcohol to water ratio.
I am curious to know what % the alcohol you used was.

OMG!!! you might be on to something... like i said it always works when i use the salt/alcohol method.... but all we had was the green alcohol..... ill check the percent when i get home from work!!!!!

thanks a million i think you may have solved my trippin issue!

but now its a head game wondering if thats the case.... till i get home at least! +rep
What I find that works really well is this degreaser from the Dollar Store . It's called LA's Totally Awsome Cleaner . It's only a dollar a jug and works awsome .
I pour it in an old coffee can 50/50 with water and soak the glass over night . In the morning I rinse with warm water and clean as new . No q-tips . Safe for your hands and glass .
What I find that works really well is this degreaser from the Dollar Store . It's called LA's Totally Awsome Cleaner . It's only a dollar a jug and works awsome .
I pour it in an old coffee can 50/50 with water and soak the glass over night . In the morning I rinse with warm water and clean as new . No q-tips . Safe for your hands and glass .

no shit? i clean my shoes with that stuff! ill give that a shot! thanks
If you're going to boil your pipe in water, make sure you submerge the pipe before heating up the water. That way you dont put a room temp pipe into boiling water (which could crack the glass).