1200w Super Lemon Haze and LSD


Active Member
yeah you will be more than ok with those man. trust me. those seedlings dont need as much light as you think. CFL's are perfect for this stage, many experts use them for this exact purpose.


Active Member
yaaa that water cooler you linked in the other thread man those are awesome. My setup is a little diff than yours so the water cooler helped significantly because i can have the door open.
Check out my grow!


Active Member
yeah you will be more than ok with those man. trust me. those seedlings dont need as much light as you think. CFL's are perfect for this stage, many experts use them for this exact purpose.
How long would I leave tha CFLs before I flip tha 600w for veg??


Active Member
yaaa that water cooler you linked in the other thread man those are awesome. My setup is a little diff than yours so the water cooler helped significantly because i can have the door open.
Check out my grow!
Tha thing with that water cooler is it creates a lot of humidity, and plus its not in my budget as of yet.

I made some DIY Water coolers/ACs that keep my temps 4-5 degrees lower. Its only using a 6" 135cfm inline fan to blow air through tha frozen water bottles, so I think if i add more fans rather than more bottles, it would cool more.

Will try it out today and post an update later on


As of right now, I just put fresh frozen water bottles in tha DIY AC and have 1 600w runnin, and my temps are 86 inside my tent!!!! Finally below 90.

Bouta hit up home depot and petsmart for supplies. Post back later:leaf:



Active Member
Tha thing with that water cooler is it creates a lot of humidity, and plus its not in my budget as of yet.
How about instead of ur ghetto ass freezing water bottles and blowing that whack ass air into your tent you get the water cooler and reverse that inline fan?
In doing that you would be sucking out the humidity and getting much much more quality cold air than blowing on frozen water bottle from the outside right?
Im telling you man, for people who cant do the AC inside the cooler rocks, it will bring your temp way way down, im really not exaggerating when i said it brought mine down just about 10 degrees


Active Member
How long would I leave tha CFLs before I flip tha 600w for veg??
you are going to have to let the plants tell you that man. If it were me, I'd use the CFL's for about 2-3 weeks depending how the pants were doing. Just make sure you get the CFL's super close to your plants (like 2-3 inches) or else your plants will stretch. And plus, a bushier, more compact plant always yields more bud than a stretched out tall skinny plant. Since your plants have been stressed out with the heat i would say just let them enjoy those cool CFL's all the way through veg, then switch to the HPS for flowering. By that time, the plants will be more healthy and able to sustain a little bit higher temperatures. As marijuana plant gets older, it becomes tougher and more able to sustain things like heat spikes. but obviously you always wanna try to run your tent at like 75, and lower than 80 for sure.

Did you end up gettin those power strips?


Active Member
you are going to have to let the plants tell you that man. If it were me, I'd use the CFL's for about 2-3 weeks depending how the pants were doing. Just make sure you get the CFL's super close to your plants (like 2-3 inches) or else your plants will stretch. And plus, a bushier, more compact plant always yields more bud than a stretched out tall skinny plant. Since your plants have been stressed out with the heat i would say just let them enjoy those cool CFL's all the way through veg, then switch to the HPS for flowering. By that time, the plants will be more healthy and able to sustain a little bit higher temperatures. As marijuana plant gets older, it becomes tougher and more able to sustain things like heat spikes. but obviously you always wanna try to run your tent at like 75, and lower than 80 for sure.

Did you end up gettin those power strips?
Got tha power strips and Y splitters and a couple other things. I think I got tha right stuff to run my RO Filter too! Ill post back later tonight once I get everything setup.



Active Member
How about instead of ur ghetto ass freezing water bottles and blowing that whack ass air into your tent you get the water cooler and reverse that inline fan?
In doing that you would be sucking out the humidity and getting much much more quality cold air than blowing on frozen water bottle from the outside right?
Im telling you man, for people who cant do the AC inside the cooler rocks, it will bring your temp way way down, im really not exaggerating when i said it brought mine down just about 10 degrees

Thanks for your input, but Ive already spent my budget on stuff for CFLs my RO Filter. As for temps tha Frozen water bottles do good for now. Thanks for tha info tho bro, might look into one when I get some more cash.


Active Member
Thanks for tha info tho bro, might look into one when I get some more cash.
Yes cash is always an issue haha. I just saved up enough and bought nutes, they are all being shipped but ill show when i get it all :)

From all the reading i have been doing around lately, those cfls will feel very very good to your girls, they have been stressed so hard lately. If you run the straight cfls and turn the other 600 off you are going to see a huge difference.


Active Member
Got tha power strips and Y splitters and a couple other things. I think I got tha right stuff to run my RO Filter too! Ill post back later tonight once I get everything setup.

Sounds good man, I'll check back later tonight to see how it looks.

and dveight is right, Your girls will love the CFL's

peace bro


Active Member
just put up a new batch of photos from my CFL grow. the links in my sig. Just lettin you know if you wanna get an idea of what CFL's are capable of. How is the setup goin?


Active Member
Tha new CFL fixture setup over my babies
New CFL Fizture.jpgPB040025.jpgPB040024.jpg

Right now I got 8 26w CFLs over tha 6 babies. Temp still high tho, but I think it's just from my room being too hot. My room stays aroud 80-85, so of course my tent stays around 86-89. I guess ima have to tell my roommates that ill pay 45% of tha light bill since ima be blastin that AC. Thats tha only thing I can think of right now.

Anywayz, heres my babies freshly flushed (fo real this time) with 5.5 pH TAP water. Fuckin Water pump I bought to pump water through tha RO Filter wasnt strong enough and only made about a drop of RO water every 1 min. Ima return it and get a WAY stronger one, cuz that one sucked dick. It was only 130 gph(gallons per hour), but I figured since tha RO Filter was 160 gpd(gallons per DAY), I thought that it would be enough but apparently it wasnt. Haha, heres that pics of tha lil girls I started this paragraph about.

SLH# 1, 2, and 3
SLH 2.jpgSLH 3.jpgSLH 1.jpg

LSD# 1, 2, and 3
LSD 2.jpgLSD 1.jpgLSD 3.jpg

They're lookin a lil better, hopefully with tha fresh water flush and fresh airstones I just bought for them, they should start to explode in GROWTH.

New Bubblers.jpg

I wanted to start tha last 4 FEM seeds I have (2 more SLH and LSD). I was gonna put each one in its own 5 gallon bucket and start em with pure tap water, unless I get tha RO Filter workin by then, no nutes! I was gonna use an extra bucket and cut 4 holes for tha 4 seeds to start em and put em under tha CFLs with tha other ones.

Then when they get bigger, transplant them into their own 5 gallon. What yall think? There will be no nute or heat burn on these so they should catch up to tha week old ones pretty quick.

More plants + more light = high yeild. Right? And thats exactly what I have, plants and 1200w of light. Just gotta get my temps under control and I could reach my goal of 2 lbs:D

New buckets
New Buckets.jpg

I fixed tha window a lil different and pulled tha blinds down so its not so noticeable. What yall think? Si o no? Im still trying to get it to blow out tha blinds perfectly without looking obvious, but for now, its not AS conspicuos as it was.

Comments? Criticizem? Advice?

Hit me up


Active Member
Do you have an oscilating fan in your tent blowing over the plants? I think you would be surprised how much that will help with temp just by getting the air moving in there.


Active Member
bro I got 2 big ass wall mounted Air King $40 a piece fans just sittin on tha ground blowin air in 1 direction. My dumass thought they would be able to mount the tha cornor of tha tent or somethin, but nope.

Ima have to build a small wall mount for them out of some cheap plywood so I can get them to start oscillating, and really start moving some air.

Hit me up


Active Member
Yeah the window looks alot better. Wouldn't suspect a thing from the pics. I think your straight on that now for sure. And yeah man i know your hurtin for cash but you should figure out that wall mount situation sooner than later. OR, would it be possible to just stack up some boxes and put the fan on top of that? or does it have to be wall mounted in order to oscilate?
But it looks like your gettin on the right track for a successful grow. You have some bomb ass strains so you will be happy.


Active Member
I got tha fans ghetto mounted to tha corners of tha tent, so they're blowin air all over tha lights and plants.

Lft Fan.jpgRoom Shot.jpgRight Fan.jpg

Tha plants showin a lil new growth, not too much.

SLH 1, 2, and 3
SLH 1.jpgSLH 2.jpgSLH 3.jpg

LSD 1, 2, and 3
LSD 2.jpgLSD 3.jpgLSD 1.jpg

I got my last 2 fem LSD and 2 fem SLH germinatin right now and got my new 4 seed starter DWC bucket ready for my last 4 seeds.
tha 4ster.jpg

This is 1 of tha 4 DWC buckets I made to transfer tha new seedlings into once they get big enough.
Future Single.jpg

Heres how its gonna look in there, plus 2 more CFLs, with tha new bucket.
Future setup.jpg

Hit me up