Question about growing! :)


Well-Known Member
This will be my first grow so i am very excited!

Okay, so a couple weeks ago i thought about growing OUTDOORS, in the open..and people told me it was getting to cold.

So now, i thought of growing in my garage but i have a few questions first.

To start off, i will be growing in the garage(room in part of the garage) But i am wondering what i will need to do that. I will be growing lowryder 2 autoflower since it's my first grow and i don't want it too big or too smelly..

So what would i need to grow in the garage, what kind of light, and stuff that like.
Also, would it still be too cold? I am thinking i can just sit the pot in the room with the light(s) shining on it. I could make a small growbox if necessary, but if i don't have to that would be great haha.

Thanks a lot


Well-Known Member
Also, the lights and stuff if they could be found at lowes that would also be great because i live really close to one.

I am also planning on doing a organic soil mix, any recommendations on that?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
You need to plan for air circulation. If you have a good strong light, you can channel fresh air from the outside through the lamp, cooling the bulb and warm the cold air, and then into the grow area. You'll need a light(s) strong enough to support healthy plant growth towards the bottom of the plant, at least one strong blower to move fresh air in/out, a fan for circulating air within the room, pots (often 5gal buckets), soil, fertilizers, soil and liquid Ph testers, seeds or clones and there's alot of more optional stuff. You'll want to consider whether you'll have separate growing areas for a clone mother and/or vegging.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply, the room has a few vents that outside air can come in/out of, and i am planning on having a fan or two to cool off the bulb, and move air out. I don't know what bulb to get, and if i am just growing ONE FEMALE AUTO FLOWERING LOWRYDER how many should i get?


Active Member
You'll want to look into a HID light. I like convertibles so that you can switch between MH and HPS. Maybe do a little reading on this site. The more you read and search, you will find out what best practices will work for you.


Active Member
milly, from lowes buy cfls 6500(kelvin) for veg 2700k for flower, i think the general rule is 10,000lumens per sq foot..? for the lr 2 just use either a 3gal bucket or 2gal. just do a bit of reading as stated before and your set. just keep the room temp 70-85f and no lower then 65f at night runt your lights at 20/4...


Well-Known Member
milly, from lowes buy cfls 6500(kelvin) for veg 2700k for flower, i think the general rule is 10,000lumens per sq foot..? for the lr 2 just use either a 3gal bucket or 2gal. just do a bit of reading as stated before and your set. just keep the room temp 70-85f and no lower then 65f at night runt your lights at 20/4...

How many of the cfls will i need if im only growing one plant?
Also, i think im going to do the "pc grow box" thing to grow it in, but it will be downstairs in the garage, so will it still keep the 70-85f temperature? Thats probably my biggest concern is not being hot enough since it's still outside pretty much..

Also, thanks for all the replies! I will read a bit more as well!:-P:-P


Well-Known Member
I would get a 150 watt hps yard light and adapt it. CFLs are ok but for around 80 bucks you can have a HID and just one bulb to deal with and are great for Lowryders.
I would get hid lights but that's just my preference as they are the best as far as light spectrum that mj needs also they put off more heat...if your worried about it getting to cold that would help keep it much have you read about growing? Check out the stickys in grow room design very helpful..


Well-Known Member
I would get hid lights but that's just my preference as they are the best as far as light spectrum that mj needs also they put off more heat...if your worried about it getting to cold that would help keep it much have you read about growing? Check out the stickys in grow room design very helpful..
Cowboy: I can't find hps lights on but I do see the hid ones.

Which one should be good?
What were you looking at on there? Have a link as far as lights I prefer to order online I use htg supply also check ebay and craigslist normally you can find them there


Well-Known Member
I would get hid lights but that's just my preference as they are the best as far as light spectrum that mj needs also they put off more heat...if your worried about it getting to cold that would help keep it much have you read about growing? Check out the stickys in grow room design very helpful..
Wait a second! Weren't you the person telling a guy he didn't have to read and that he could just read up as he went? OMG the irony is killing me! lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap: