The U.S. has been in a state of war with radical Islam since 1979 when the Embassy was stormed in Tehran. Since then they attacked the World Trade Center in 1993, bombed two U.S. Embassies, bombed the U.S.S. Cole and finally 9/11. I know I have left out a few.
Iraq is not the war. Iraq is a theater in the war. Iraq brought the invasion on itself when it invaded Kuwait in 1990. George H.W. Bush erred by not finishing the job in 1991. The hostilities ended with Gulf War I, but Iraq agreed to severe restrictions. Restrictions Saddam Hussein broke repeatedly. George W. Bush could justify the invasion with 17 U.N. resolutions going back to Gulf War I.
Again I say, the victor chooses the ground where the battle will be fought. Did France, Holland or Belgium attack us in WWII? By your logic Roosevelt should have been impeached for D-Day.
Let's hear it for Woman's Lib. We gave them the vote and now look!
Now it's this dummy's turn ...
US foreign policy of installing dictator puppet was the cause of the stormed Embassy ... the bombing of the Cole was questioned ... another false flag operation to start high profit wars? ... and there is no evidence that "radical Islam" was responsible for 911 ... so you are full of shit ...
Bullshit ... just before the invasion Hussein went to the Ambassador of the US and told her that Kuwait was not paying for oil they were getting from Iraq on the boarder ... he ask if he could go after what was due and she told him that the US would not interfere in Arab affairs ... when he when into Kuwait ... the US stepped in so they could put bases in Kuwait ... which they did ... which pissed off Arabs because it was holy land ...
... so you are full of it here too ...
the illegitimate bush was suppose to go back to the UN for a second vote which he didn't because he knew they would vote against him so he invaded illegally ... do you know how many UN resolutions Israel has broken ... you don't see them getting invaded do you?
So that's bullshit too ...
If he went into the war based on lies like the illegitimate bush regime did ... then yes ...![]()
But I do know that if torture gets usable intelligence out of captured enemies I'm okay with it. We are at war here, kids. War is a messy and grim business. Our enemies will engage in torture regardless of what we do.
One thing I am sure of: The U.S. has not been attacked since 9/11.
blah blah blah blah blah blah blahIt' has already been proven that torture doesn't get usable intelligence ... and is it okay with you if YOU were kidnapped and tortured? Would that be okay ... you got nothing, but they think you do ... so it would be okay for them to torture you right ... they say you are an ememy combatant ... so they can do that to you ... right?
It's okay with you, because you think it can't happen to you ...
... and the US wasn't attacked for years after the WTC explosion in 93 ... who do we have to thank for that?
Yeah the "war is messy and grim" is always a nice excuse for someone that doesn't have to participate ...
Over 1.2 million innocent Iraqis dead because of these war criminals ...
So torture doesn't work just because you say it doesn't work? Obviously it does work if we engage in it.It' has already been proven that torture doesn't get usable intelligence ... and is it okay with you if YOU were kidnapped and tortured? Would that be okay ... you got nothing, but they think you do ... so it would be okay for them to torture you right ... they say you are an ememy combatant ... so they can do that to you ... right?
It's okay with you, because you think it can't happen to you ...
... and the US wasn't attacked for years after the WTC explosion in 93 ... who do we have to thank for that?
Yeah the "war is messy and grim" is always a nice excuse for someone that doesn't have to participate ...
Over 1.2 million innocent Iraqis dead because of these war criminals ...
Do you have evidence that Cheney or Bush personally water boarded or tortured anyone?... I didn't think so.
ps~even if the president personally tortured an "enemy of the state", as comander of the armed forces it would fall under millitery law.
What ... did some one knock you over the head with a stupid club or what?
I got news for you ... THEY DON'T HAVE TO DO IT PERSONALLY ... the fact that the orders came from them is enough to impeach ...
...and it would not fall under military law!
So torture doesn't work just because you say it doesn't work? Obviously it does work if we engage in it.
After the initial WTC attacks, we were attacked in Saudi Arabia shortly thereafter.
I stand by my messy and grim statement, but I take issue with your disparaging remarks about me. What do you know about me? Not a goddam thing.
The Iraqi casualty count has been downgraded to 100K-150K.
The embassy was stormed because the U.S. allowed the Shah of Iran to come to the U.S. for medical treatment. Radical Muslims were behind the first World Trade Center bombing. Al Queda took credit for both the U.S.S. Cole, the two embassy bombings, and 9/11.
Kuwait asked the U.S. and the coalition to drive the Iraqis out. As far as Israel is concerned, they are in constant peril of being invaded. The last war they fought was a couple of years ago. Based on your logic rape victims deserve to be raped.
Oh, and by the way. The first to hurl insults is admitting he lost the argument. Thank you.
What ... did some one knock you over the head with a stupid club or what?
I got news for you ... THEY DON'T HAVE TO DO IT PERSONALLY ... the fact that the orders came from them is enough to impeach ...
...and it would not fall under military law!![]()
Any interogation of a POW is military law. If they are guilty of torturing a POW, then a war crimes tribunal would hear the evidence and handout a sentance. Do you have evidence that Mr. Bush personally gave the orders to tortue anyone? I need an audio tape that of Mr. Bush saying, "torture that motherfucker!" and a written, signed order to believe you. If this evidence existed, an investigation would already be underway. I will be waiting for your evidence. If you ever do make up some evidence, can you get me the names and phone numbers of your source so I can verify your story?
Please be so kind as to give me a reference on your 'torture doesn't work' claim? Forgive me if I do not take your word on it.No ... because it has been PROVEN ineffective ... so when "we" do the torture it's effective ... that's a stupid statement ...
Oh so now you look to SA ... I thought you were concerned with attacks in the US ... well if you are concern about attacks over the world they have INCREASED since 911 ... oh oh ...
I know enough when I read about how messy and necessary war is from someone that's obviously not fighting ... that's enough for me ...
Oh ... well ... then that makes it a fucking o k ... don't it?
And who did the down grade ... you?
Folks the evidence exist ... we all know that ... the only reason impeachment isn't underway is because the people that control congress would have to be tried for treason ... and since they own the congress ... that's why impeachment is being stopped even though the majority of Americans want it ..![]()
You should be a comedy writer. Fantasy writer would be more appropriate, but you make me laugh.NO ... the embassy was stormed because the US puppet the Shah was a tyrant. Al Queda didn't take credit for the Cole or 911 ... the government said they were responsible ...there's a difference ... in fact before Bin Laden died back in 2001 he stated he had nothing to do with 911 ...
Oh please ... as much human right violations and UN resolution against them ... most of their problems the government causes ...
...No base on my logic Israel isn't the innocent victim it claims to be ...
No ... the first to hurl insults is the one having the most fun exposing political stupidity to our home viewing audience ...
... your welcome ...
Please be so kind as to give me a reference on your 'torture doesn't work' claim? Forgive me if I do not take your word on it.
This site lists casualties as less than 90,000. Collateral damage is part of war. Iraq Body Count
You are right. The U.S. was not attacked on our soil for years. I was responding to 'We were not attacked for years after 1993'.
I don't like doing this, but I can say I know what I'm talking about. I served four years in a combat arms speciality/artillery, 1989-1993.
No we do not all know the evidence exists. YOU know the evidence exists.
I disagree with the statement that the majority of Americans want impeachment. You provide nothing beyond your own opinion.