My germ rate sucks! What am i doing wrong?


Active Member
First off I get all my seeds from attitude, they usually are on the smaller side and aren't the big fat striped seeds you see pics of. But aside from that they are quality banks like greenhouse, Barney's, g13, but my germ rate is like 25%.
I start by soaking them in water till they sink(approx.12 hrs) then to moist paper towel untill tap root pops, then to root plugs. But recently I haven't made it past the paper towel, the tap root never pops or if it does they don't root in the plug.
I've tried starting directly in the root plug, and it worked a couple times but not really any better.
My temps are always 75-80 and they are under 150watts of cfl once they sprout.

Am I missing something or are the seeds I'm getting just suck balls. Because I have a big bag of swag seeds that freakin pop every time.


Well-Known Member
My method is like yours.
I soak for 23 hrs (water gets in and activates seedling) then I use the paper towel method and set plate on top of DVR/reciever and the heat helps tap root to pop out (don't let paper towel dry out!)
Once tap root is out 1/8th inch I put in soil (FFOF/perlite) with tap root down and just enough soil to cover top (always add more later). Then I keep in dark until I see her sprout up, then I put her on the outside of light shine and not directly under. Making sure soil never gets dry and stays moist.


Well-Known Member
I never soak in water. In my opinion That's not good for the seeds, you'll drown them. I Just put them in 16oz solo cups with moistened soil under my flourescent veg lights. 100% germ/sprout rate that way with commercial seeds.


Well-Known Member
Basicly, we sound to be doing the same thing. But, just in case there is something different that matters, I'll try and add some more detail.

First off I get all my seeds from attitude (me too), they usually are on the smaller side and aren't the big fat striped seeds you see pics of (I'd consider that more of a strain related thing, not actually a issue) . But aside from that they are quality banks like greenhouse, Barney's, g13, but my germ rate is like 25%. (Same breeders, but my sucess has been like 3-4 duds out of about 50 seeds)
I start by soaking them in water till they sink(approx.12 hrs)(6-12 hrs here. Don't need to sink to still be good. I try to maintain 85 +/- 5 deg in water.) then to moist paper towel untill tap root pops (I keep the towels between 2 scaucers, Dark, again 85 deg until the roots show. Generally within 24 hrs. But they have gone as long as a week to 10 days before I give up on them), then to root plugs (I'll plant straight into dirt in 10-16 oz. containers and still maintain 85 deg). But recently I haven't made it past the paper towel, the tap root never pops or if it does they don't root in the plug. (some strains seem to take longer. How long do you go for?)
I've tried starting directly in the root plug, and it worked a couple times but not really any better. (Can't help w/ plugs. Tried Jiffys but wasn't happy with them)
My temps are always 75-80 (I'd be looking at 82 -85 deg.)and they are under 150watts of cfl once they sprout. I generally go with 13-24 actual watts on CFLs with tons of distance until the 2nd set of true leaves show, then over the course of a week or so (growth determined) I'll move the light closer to within a couple inches. I want them to grow, but not stretch. Also, the CFLs are white veggin lights.

Am I missing something or are the seeds I'm getting just suck balls. Because I have a big bag of swag seeds that freakin pop every time.
You sound like you're doing it right enough and with few exceptions we seem to be doing the same.
Interesting how you seem to have better luck with bagseed. I'm lucky to get 50% from bag. Generally I can be as low as 25%-ish.
Wondering, could it be the handling after you get them and before germ? When I recieve seeds I generally open and inspect then put them back into the envelpoe and into a Zip-lock bag with a moist Q-Tip. Seal it all up and put in the refrigerator behind the butter in the door. Not the freezer or leaving them out to heat /dry on a table or something. Maybe a difference, maybe not. I just do that so I know where they are, undisturbed, and out of sight.

Other than that, I don't know what to say. I've had surprisingly very good luck with the 'tude. Hope something in this gives you a little help.


Well-Known Member
I don't like soaking the seeds. I just get a plate, put 3 damp paper towels down, put the seeds on the towels, put 3 more damp paper towels over them, cover with another plate, tape it, wrap it around a dish cloth, and then I set it on top of my DVR. 100% germ rate within 2 days, if not 1 day.


Well-Known Member
Seeds have a small slit on the side that allows moisture in and once enough moisture gets in it activates the growth cycle. I have never had a problem with The Tude. Most seeds germ easy enough.


Active Member
I never soak in water. In my opinion That's not good for the seeds, you'll drown them. I Just put them in 16oz solo cups with moistened soil under my flourescent veg lights. 100% germ/sprout rate that way with commercial seeds.
yes yes YES!!! fuck paper towels!!! did mother nature have paper towels??? plant the un-germed seed 1/2" down in moistened medium and cover with a plastic baggie for a humidity dome, ive had 100% germ rate this way.. this is the most natural and u also do not risk breaking off the taproot when u go to plant..


Well-Known Member
yes yes YES!!! fuck paper towels!!! did mother nature have paper towels??? plant the un-germed seed 1/2" down in moistened medium and cover with a plastic baggie for a humidity dome, ive had 100% germ rate this way.. this is the most natural and u also do not risk breaking off the taproot when u go to plant..
This IS the way to do it! not only the risk of the tap root tearing, but there are small microscopic hairs on the tap root that get damaged when removing from the towel.


Active Member
hmm , question real quick, what about if you dip the root in Hormones? then put in soil., would that help ?


Well-Known Member
I never had any luck with the paper towel method. I started using mother natures method, I've thrown all of my last 12 or so seeds straight into Fox Farm Ocean Forest and have had a 100% success rate

Good luck, once you find a method that works stick to it


Active Member
hmm , question real quick, what about if you dip the root in Hormones? then put in soil., would that help ?
Mature, fresh seeds have everything biochemically they need (outside of moisture) to thrive. Artificially adding hormones can throw off a balanced chemical homeostasis (more is not better). Extremely old seeds are a different story - but not many of us here will ever have a need to germinate 1,000 year old seeds or anything like that.


Well-Known Member
Might I add that the "cotyledon" leafs are full of nutrients and they are all the seedling needs until the "cotyledon"leafs turn yellow.
Mature, fresh seeds have everything biochemically they need (outside of moisture) to thrive. Artificially adding hormones can throw off a balanced chemical homeostasis (more is not better). Extremely old seeds are a different story - but not many of us here will ever have a need to germinate 1,000 year old seeds or anything like that.


Well-Known Member
Fuck Paper Towels? Because Mother Nature does not have them. Does Mother Nature have a giant plastic baggie ? It's natural for a seed to get a good soak from a nice rain and quite common, hence the soaking .........Seeds should be placed 2 seeds (sideways) deep.

QUOTE=diamonddave;4895734]yes yes YES!!! fuck paper towels!!! did mother nature have paper towels??? plant the un-germed seed 1/2" down in moistened medium and cover with a plastic baggie for a humidity dome, ive had 100% germ rate this way.. this is the most natural and u also do not risk breaking off the taproot when u go to plant..[/QUOTE]


New Member
100% germ thus far...Barney's Farm from the 'Tude ...24 hours in ro water then into 1 gallon moistened FF Light Warrior ....that's it....

Love Barney's Farm...solid the 'Tude...quick easy and so far not a single problem...and plenty of choice's...I just am so pleased with Barneys' that I am still into their strains

Hope it helps



Active Member
Thanks everyone for the ideas, I'm putting one in soil, one in a rapid rooter, one in water, and one in papertowel. I will see what method is fastest, and easiest. Watch them all pop now, I only need 2 right now, but I'm determined to find my method.


i wet the medium, stick seeds 1/2" down, and put it in a warm dark place. Simple as that and my germ rates at around 99%. No baggy, no domes, no towels, etc.


Active Member
try not soaking them in water till they sink... cuz i have never in my life done that before, i have heard of it,,,, i usually just soak the paper towel put the dry seeds in and put them in a dark place and i get 100% everytime to start and gorw into nice plants...iv had plant go as fast as putting them into paper towel (dry seeds), and the next day puttin it into dirt cut the root has poped out a fair amount... put it in dirt and then 2days after that i have plants