I need to look older quick

midnight smoker

Active Member
Ok I turned 19 about 4 months ago but unfortunately I look 16 or 17 tops. Now here's why I need to look older, I started playing poker about 2 years ago with my friends and according to them I have the skills to play for real( in a casino) But the gambling age in Vegas is 21, so for now at least it's a no go. I can easily get a fake ID but the problem is I dont know if I could pull of looking 21. I heard gaining some muscle and "acting"/ dressing older can help but any tips are appreciated
Hmm.. Online??

I dont think you'd get the payoff when you had to show I.D. (for Tax purposes) at the Casino.

There are parlors you could play at.. cash games & what not but they are dicey. They dont care how old you are though.
So when you kill it at the table and have to fill out all the paper work for your winnings then what??

You will not get payed, if you even get to sit down at the table, keep playing online my friend, the tables will still be there.......JR
talk about your favorite TV shows like Charles in Charge and bands like Testement and how you hate Skinny jeans!LOL
thats great that you like poker, and i am sure you are pretty good among your freinds. but there are people in vegas who make their living off of people like you. two years is not very long, you should spend that time practicing. but if you are adamant about it, just make sure you get a really good fake. vegas has got to be the #1 place for fake ids so bouncers are always on the look out. if you do it, just act like you belong there, like you would not even think twice about it. good luck.
I have tried online poker but the problem is I dont fully trust it and if you've ever played poker u know you cant play without confidence
as for the back room games I've also tried that but it's really sketchy and I been robbed like 5 times.
So when you kill it at the table and have to fill out all the paper work for your winnings then what??

You will not get payed, if you even get to sit down at the table, keep playing online my friend, the tables will still be there.......JR
I've talked to people who play in casinos and unless you play a big tournament you only get carded when entering the poker room and at the cage. I can easily just ask my dad to cash out my chips but i need to look older to get into the poker room
I have a friend that has been playing online for years. Party Poker I think. He has won about $80, 000.00 over the past 2 years. Renovated his house, bought Dodge Durango, trips, payed his house off ect.

He forward his confirmation emails to us at work when he wins. Prick got $8400 the other night. Spend $350 on lunch the next day.

He loses too though.. you can always tell because he stops talking about poker for a while.

The reason he wins is not that he's the greatest player its just that there is 500000 people playing. All he does is search for tables with regular people on it & whola.. wins. He plays for hours & may only play 2-3 hands per hour.

He seems to have really good luck beating the germans. Have no idea why, but I watched him take almost $15K off a german person. $4800 off another.

I tried & lost $50 in 10 minutes.. that was the end of my poker career.
So when you kill it at the table and have to fill out all the paper work for your winnings then what??

You will not get payed, if you even get to sit down at the table, keep playing online my friend, the tables will still be there.......JR
he's right...get caught with a fake I.D. in vegas and not only won't you get paid... you won't be going back there to gamble in the future
I've talked to people who play in casinos and unless you play a big tournament you only get carded when entering the poker room and at the cage. I can easily just ask my dad to cash out my chips but i need to look older to get into the poker room

"Dad cash out your chips" bro I would at least go to a casino before you want to try and defraud them for money. It just does not work like that. Daddy can't just hold your hand and say it's OK that you are under age gambling, sorry, they are looking for anyway not to pay you and to take your money....Good luck JR
yeah..unless youre playing a lil blackjack at the casinos, i suggest going to your local poker rooms.

if you do play some blackjack, i say go in the mornings and play in the mornings and start drinking...usualy the dealers workin in the mornings dont give a fuck, neither does the floor. just dont act stupid
...like Rusty in "Vegas Vacation"...lol..it doesn't work that way in real life...in real life you and Dad both get it...they really don't like cheaters, and a fake I.D. is cheating to them
"Dad cash out your chips" bro I would at least go to a casino before you want to try and defraud them for money. It just does not work like that. Daddy can't just hold your hand and say it's OK that you are under age gambling, sorry, they are looking for anyway not to pay you and to take your money....Good luck JR
U obvious can't read so I'll explain what I meant. If I could some how gain entrance to a poker room and win chips I can then go home with my chips the at my house give the chips to my father who could then get in a car and go to the casino and say "here are some chips i won cash me out please"
...oh we can read and fully understand...in fact the more I think about it the better it sounds...get a fake mustach, maybe a wig and a cane...they'll never know, after all casino security is light due to the low rate of fraud
...keep us posted, let us know how it works out for ya...Peace and good luck
Wear one of those white wigs lawyers (barristers) wear in England..........they always make the wearer look older than he is.

BTW, you're full of shit - I've been playing online for years, and any young kid that's any good at poker does the same as me.

Lord knows why I bothered to post in this thread, but I'm bored and I did, so figured I'd let you know that I know you're full of shit...........that is all.
Wear one of those white wigs lawyers (barristers) wear in England..........they always make the wearer look older than he is.

BTW, you're full of shit - I've been playing online for years, and any young kid that's any good at poker does the same as me.

Lord knows why I bothered to post in this thread, but I'm bored and I did, so figured I'd let you know that I know you're full of shit...........that is all.
buddy I PLAY ONLINE POKER (full tilt) and I just don't, trust it some crazy shit has happened to me, I can take bad beats but when u see whats happened to me you'd be sayin the same thing
If you don't trust FT and think "some crazy shit has happened to you", then you lack the necessary math skills to be a serious poker player.

Read up a little bit on statistics and probabilities and see if you can't "trust it" a little better with your newfound knowledge.

I'm a serious poker player, why don't you run one of the scenarios by me that you find so implausible?
Meth ages you 30 years in about 1 years time. Try that for 6 months and boom 45 in no time.

And in all honesty you are a fucking moron to think you could "look" older and then just get a fake I.D. and walk in and make bank. Lol....it isn't like las Vegas has seen that before....wow. I hope you attempt this in Vegas. You'll be in federal prison in no time.

P.S. Wouldn't the smartest thing to do involve waiting 2 years and hitting local casinos and games and getting as good as possible? Also just because a bunch of your shitty poker playing friends suck and you clean em out doesn't mean your gonna do shit in Vegas.
