My Montana Medical Grow


Well-Known Member
Looks great im here for the grow for sure!!! ++rep.

I have some alaskan thunderfuck growing in my flowering room, but its just bag seed!!! i know the weed was just as it is described in strain review, the high was awesome a real one hitter!!

DJ GreenThumb

Active Member
View attachment 1252237Word. Another time maybe.

I'm having trouble finding the youtube video for airlayering weed plants. It's from some place in europe or something, but it's posted on here somewhere. Ill link when I find it again.

Another really crazy technique that I've seen done on here is Grafting. There is a youtube video for that too. Taking place in some headshop in amsterdam with multiple strains grafted to one plant.

If you have ever seen a "Fruit Salad" tree, a tree with multiple fruits growing on the different branches... It's what they do to do that.

I have grafted a weed plant to another weed plant of the same strain before. Only strain I had going, but the principle is the same. I practice all kinds of these techniques.

What I see most useful for grafting, is to have a cutting make the most use out of an already established root structure.

You will probably come up with crazy ideas to utilize those two techniques.
Yeah man I was looking at that too there is an Urban Grower vid where they visit Dampkring Coffee shop and they have one plant with like 11 diff strains grafted on to one plant. I thought about doing that not really as an active mother plant but kinda like an archive of strains Ive grown and may want to grow currently, plus it woukd be a really cool plant to display in the dispensary. In this video the guy said it would be grafted after 5 days. I wonder how a clone would flower after grafting. Like what if after you harvest you grafted a new clone to the stem of a plant that already had a fully devloped root structure, I wonder if they would yield better than when you take and go str8 to 12/12 with a rooted clone. WEEEEEEE lol sounds like experiment time!!!!!



Active Member
I am counting down the days......16 more= !!!!!!! and I'll be back pimpin my stinky little hoes
Did I mention how much I loved the "Archive Mother" idea? I knew you would come up with something amazing. Thanks for sharing the ideas with me:D

And good luck counting down. Patience is a virtue that all your patients will appreciate in you. Especially if you apply that to your work!

DJ GreenThumb

Active Member
Hey bro.....thanks for the kind words and words of wisdom......time is going sooooo slow for me, lol..... Oh well I am sure I will look back and will have learned a lot. I have been passing the time just reading and learning and reading and learning. It doesn't seem to matter how long you have been growing there is always a lot left to learn.

DJ GreenThumb

Active Member
Ok folks...... got some new pics.....things are looking pretty good except for a little nute burn on a couple of the girls.......I swear I left a moron to care for things and it is stressing me out.........the guy doesn't know the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon. I told him 1.5 teaspoon of each grow a and b per gallon and he used 1.5 tablespoons....then argued with me because the bottle says 3 tablespoons per 2.65 gallons. I said don't think dude......just do what I fucking say. This is like the 3rd time I have had to fix a fuckup because he can't follow directions........I can't really be too harsh on him because he is financing all this....DOH!!!! Now he is arguing with me because I told him he needs to get the T5s lower....he has them at 18 inches and I told him they need to be way down. He thinks the reason the seedlings got a little toasted was because of the light....well they did because he left the fan off and now he is afraid to drop the light down below 18" ffs. Oh well I will be re-united with my babies in 11 days


Active Member
lol, dude that sucks, but it's funny.
I'm the same way with my financiers. I was struggling to explain to them how much a single plant yields given ideal conditions. Theyd argue and think that they have been doing it for the past 20 years so they must know what the maximum yield under 1000watts. Then you find out they Bloom under 1kw MH, they Veg under Soft White CFLs, and the only bottle of nutrients they are using is a "supplement". At which point, it all makes sense, not the decades of experience, but why they constantly doubted you. There is no winning with them. The only to get their ignorance to leave you alone, is to show them how wrong they are. It sucks, cause they pay for everything, but if you do it politely and respectfully you will get some in return. It's all about finesse.

I'm all about learning and never saying I know everything there is to growing too. I think the problem here is the fact that this subject is taboo, and thus not talked about in an open forum. It's talked about here, in this anonymous forum, deep underground in the bowels of the internets. If the information was more open, people would know things like you don't smoke the leaf or "tap root down", or sunlight is more red in the winter and bluer during the summer. I just hope in 20years, we don't become ignorant growers that can't tell the difference between red and blue or worse, a table and a tea.

DJ GreenThumb

Active Member
This guy has no experience and he used to know that he knew nothing. I made the mistake of leaving him some grow guides in PDF and I think he may be reading them and now knows more than I, lol. As soon as I get back he is going to be exiled from the grow room until he bows at my feet, JK :p He is a decent dude but I think he has Asperger's syndrome so he is really hard to talk to and he is like a fish out of water right now.

DJ GreenThumb

Active Member
I have had one foot out the door at work for 2 months now.......All I do all day is read and I shut the cable off at the house so that is all I do at home too, lol. Luckily I have a neighbor that is too stupid to secure his wireless router or I wouldn't have internet either and that would REALLY suck!!!!

DJ GreenThumb

Active Member
Yes sir!!!!!! today is my last day of work, having one last garage sale to sell off the last of my worldly belongings and I hop on a jet on monday.......These last few days have really hit home as to why I am moving, people are just sooooo rude and aggressive here yanno. Its like they think eye contact is a sign of aggression.....and don't get me started about the drivers.......and last Friday night I got arrested because some drunk fool runs into me in a about knocks me over from behind.....all i said was..."UH.....excuse me?" then starts swinging on me......I wasnt even drunk just a lil high so it was really a mismatch.....I hit him once after he swung on me like 3 times......and I was the one who got arrested.....and the bouncer told the cop I was drunk and incited a brawl in the club. Of course the cop wouldn't listen to my side of the story and he refused to give me a breathalyzer.....I told him I wasn't drunk and that if he would give me a breathalyzer he would realize that but he wouldn't do it, I was charged with Disorderly Intoxication (disturbance) with "Indication of alcohol" checked yes and "drug influence" checked no. If I wasn't leaving on Monday I would totally fight the charges, but it just isnt worth it. Was a $100 bond out and I don't HAVE to go to I cant wait to get the hell out of here and never look back. And it was probably the only time I could say that I am glad I lost my weed, lol

Thanks for checking in Auzzie.......BIG UPS BRO!!

My Latest photoshoot.......:hump:I'm too sexy for this jail, too sexy for this jail, lol!!!!:hump:


Well-Known Member
For your flight are you gonna get the super scan or the Feel down? If I ever fly again I'll go with the 'pat down'. I will be asking if a Happy Ending if complimentary or extra $. Gotta fuck with them if possible.