Well-Known Member
the best weed ive ever smoked was chem dawg by far...made my eyes water when i first lit it up..and was stoned out of my mind
Which genetic of Skywalker is OG related??
in my opinion kush strains are just the fad these days...same goes for all the purple strains.
basically your average weed smoker (not grower) will pay top $ for something that smells like a fruit or looks a different color (ie. purple).
NOW IM NOT SAYING KUSH OR PURPLE IS CRAP...im just saying there is something just as good out there and there are strains superior to them as well. its all preference when it comes right down to it.
what your average smoker doesnt understand is there are infinite strains (or at least it seems that way) to choose from all are different. some stronger than others obviously but just because your bud has a certain color or smell doesn't mean the high/buzz will be just as good.
in my opinion you shouldnt buy into the hype. try a large variety of strains and figure out what you like best...dont let someone over charge you because of the name or color!
Dude I just told u that. What u need to understand nooby is that sativa indica and rudelias(misspelled) are the varieties species of cannabis. In other words every strain cannabis is one or a combination of these.
You actually left out one subspecies of cannabis, but it is unknown to most and almost never spoken about so it is not all that surprising that it was left out.
There are four recognized subspecies of Cannabis. These include Cannabis sativa sativa, Cannabis sativa indica, Cannabis sativa rasta, and Cannabis sativa ruderalis, the last containing much less THC and generally not used as a psychoactive substance.
cannabis sativa rasta?????? maaaan get that shit outta ehre bricktop lolololol
Evidently you are one of the people who never heard about it. When DNA tests were performed on a large number of known strains it turned out that a number of strains previously listed as being pure sativa strains were genetically different and were given the subspecies name rasta.
lol yess lets call all sativa dom hybrids rasta!!!!!! lolololol..........
The results showed three distinct "races" of cannabis. In central Asia the THC-rich indica predominated, while in western Europe sativa was more common. In India, south-east Asia, Africa, Mexico and Jamaica the rasta variant predominated. It looks similar to the sativa subspecies, but generally contains higher levels of THC.
Since the study was of DNA rather than a formal taxonomic study, Cannabis sativa rasta is not yet an official new subspecies: the name was the result of a competition in Gilmore's lab. Their work is expected to appear in the journal Forensic Science International later this year.
You actually left out one subspecies of cannabis, but it is unknown to most and almost never spoken about so it is not all that surprising that it was left out.
There are four recognized subspecies of Cannabis. These include Cannabis sativa sativa, Cannabis sativa indica, Cannabis sativa rasta, and Cannabis sativa ruderalis, the last containing much less THC and generally not used as a psychoactive substance.
and dont frget the famous ....cannabis kush.
Please read the information in message number 89 and point out precisely where kush is said to be a subspecies of the genus cannabis. I have read the information any number of times and I have not yet spotted kush as being a subspecies.
Please read the information in message number 89 and point out precisely where kush is said to be a subspecies of the genus cannabis. I have read the information any number of times and I have not yet spotted kush as being a subspecies.
If you can site other factual information, such as I did, that clearly states that kush is a subspecies of the genus cannabis please do so I can learn from you.
Oh .. simple landrace strains or simple crosses do not qualify as being genus cannabis subspecies so if by chance that is your proof you will need to research a bit more for real proof.
Thank you.
and dont frget the famous ....cannabis kush.
have you read this thread AT ALL? or just your bullshit posts within? that was a joke, similar to you. if you didnt notice i have been back n forth with someone ITT because he thinks kush is a "race, like indica and sativa" hence the joke.
oh so your claiming you cant even get a true sativa these days that even compare?
O.O! Super lemon haze or Arjan's haze #2 !