Mosh2Metal's LSD, White Widow, Kush 1200w Grow


Active Member
hey people, this is my first grow journal on rollitup, feel free to post in this forum!

So, here's the low down;

Barneys Farm LSD
White Widow
and some bagseed Kush

2 x 600w hps bulbs
digital ballasts
300 cfm exhaust fan
carbon filter/scrubber
oscillating fan

Growing in soil, with perlite, peat moss, and vermiculite
using fox farms nutes, grow big for veg and big bloom for flowering

The Story...once upon a time..err..actually..fuck that! lol

So we have 12 plants in the flowering stage right now, 4 lsd, 5 ww and 3 kush, amazingly we got a sweet female to male ratio and of the 12 only one was male haha!

apart from the lsd(which were planted later) all went through a previous flowering period to determine sex, then they were switched back to 18/6 and re-vegged. The kush were not abnormally effected however the ww started a strange grow pattern since and has one leaf blades lol all in all the ww's have so many more bud spots its crazy, i think the reveg made them go on a top producing binge, they look to be big yielders.

the plants in the following pictures are from today, day 10 of flowering, i'll do a weekly update, feel free to comment and pitch in your ideas! enjoy...


the 2nd and 5th pics are the ww with the weird grow pattern.



Active Member
forgot to mention, temps are a steady 80 degrees in the day, and 65-70 at night, had to put a heater on a timer to keep the temp up at night.


Active Member
Flowering Day 11 Update:

All is good, watered today, no nutes as i fed them on their last watering. enjoy the pics...

this is the kush;


and this is one of the revegged white widows, growing like crazy!! she had clones taken from her, then lst'd after to reduce her overall height and increase main colas! i think it worked pretty good what you think?


feel free to comment!


Active Member
Day 13 flowering picture update

white widow

and some kush bagseed, the middle one is the most uniformed growth ive ever seen on a plant! from the top you can see the defined square shape the tops make! haha


also got some lsd, little bit slower it seems but i'll post more pics of them when they get a bit bigger.

any comments would be sweet btw, its like a ghost town in here...


Active Member
well i must say that the one leaf tops on the ww are probably the most amazing abnormality i have ever seen! please let me know if you are able to repeat the abnormality on the clones, that might be a future innovation! +rep for sure homey


Active Member
cheers dscody20! appreciate the feedback man, yea the ww are real weird eh? and yes i have managed (unwillingly) to create the same effect again with some clones of the ww. The reason this happened is because of the reveg they experienced, forcing them back into veg after about a week of flowering made all my ww's behave this way, producing one bladed leaves and such, ive heard this is normal though, and they will eventually get their normal leaves back..

anyways +rep for stopping by dude

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
they look cool - i grew WW first grow- quite happy with 2 plants and 8 0z - now growing one this time from seeds left over with Barneys LSD and Pineapple chunk (and one euforia). Currently in flowering and the LSD is looking good i fimmed all but a behind pair of seedlings namely a ww and LSD, which i wish i had been around to top before starting to flower ( but was on hol). The LSD is a nute hungry strain from what i've seen- also the frostiest atm- but from flowering onwards my mature LSD plant has always had its leaves V-ing towards the light- cant ascertain the reason as others arent doing it, but its healthy looking so not bothered by it anymore lol :D

Gl with ya grow, subbed

Agent :D xx


Active Member
watsup agent, thanks for stopping by!

its funny that you mentioned that your LSD is nute hungry and the frostiest, thats awsome! my LSD seem to be pretty good at handling nutes but are definately lagging behind a little, i checked out ur grow too, keep up the good work! +rep for you!


sick WW man, I was thinking of picking up a few seeds from GH or somewhere else, can't wait to see your finished product and smoke report