Legal Jwh alternative?


Active Member
Well since jwh018 and others are now banned in some states, Does anyone know of a legal alternative to use to make my own "spice" I got some from a nearby smokeshop called funk and it seemed exactly the same, so im wondering what exactly is used to make it if jwh is banned. If this thread is in the wrong place feel free to move it. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
You need to get that pure jwh-018.. A friend of mine got a big bag from overseas, we smoked it on a foily.. a single pinch got me stoned like a blunt to the face..
how'd the DEA get a ban in place? wtf? they weren't voted into office. BULLSHIT!!!! boosts the new 018 generation still under the radar


Active Member
i think it was the fda who banned it... all of the jwh, not just one or two, but all "emergency banned" for one year (with infinite extensions of course)...
i think it was the fda who banned it... all of the jwh, not just one or two, but all "emergency banned" for one year (with infinite extensions of course)...

The DEA banned it - NOT the FDA. ONLY 5 chems have been officially banned. HOWEVER this banning of only 5 chems may be a deliberate attempt to force the market to switch to chems not on the list so that the DEA may bust them for having ANALOGS of JWH-018/73/250 etc. If this is the case, I believe the penalty is much worse for possessing an analog than it is for a Schedule I 'narcotic'