TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?


Well-Known Member
What a wonderful story of such a special seedling, who faced many troubles and was rejected by all others. Luckily for it one day a wonderful person came along, and said to himself "I don't care if everybody else thinks he's lame, IT'S MINE AND I'M KEEPING IT!" The little seedling lived happily ever after with the wonderful grower, until he chopped it down for his own benefit that is!


Weed Modifier
What a wonderful story of such a special seedling, who faced many troubles and was rejected by all others. Luckily for it one day a wonderful person came along, and said to himself "I don't care if everybody else thinks he's lame, IT'S MINE AND I'M KEEPING IT!" The little seedling lived happily ever after with the wonderful grower, until he chopped it down for his own benefit that is!
awesome man....thanks for that! then i got high....sorry just listening to the tunes!!! Welcome man....hows it going....thanks for stopping in!!! then i got high!!lol why cuz i got high


New Member
hey biff we r not talking plants tonite
just ones we r smoking now what u puffing on
but i loved your story + rep

What a wonderful story of such a special seedling, who faced many troubles and was rejected by all others. Luckily for it one day a wonderful person came along, and said to himself "I don't care if everybody else thinks he's lame, IT'S MINE AND I'M KEEPING IT!" The little seedling lived happily ever after with the wonderful grower, until he chopped it down for his own benefit that is!