Mind, Body and Spirit


Well-Known Member
let me just say first off that i'm not out to disprove the theory of evolution. evolution isn't "proven". it is, in my opinion, a wildly irrational, unrealistic and statistically unlikely phenomenon. a great number of scientists have deemed the task of finding supporting evidence so important that they mislead the public and taint the integrity of research to further an anti-God agenda; an emotional, social agenda. the only true purpose of science is to find evidence - proof or disproof is subjective whereas facts are facts. as of right now there is no evidence to support the theory of evolution, no facts.

just want to clear that up.

without getting too technical/boring, i want to show some of the major weaknesses of the theory of evolution and highlight extreme flaws, if not absurdities, in this theory which was eventually abandoned by its creator even before many of these errors were being observed. with the completed mapping of the human genome the prospect of finding evidence supporting evolution is much much smaller. before the mapping was completed it was assumed that there were approx 120,000 separate genes in human DNA. this number was arrived at by dissecting the "human species" into genetic traits, eye color, skin color, hair, predisposition to diseases, on and on. the result of mapping astounded everyone. there are only approx. 40,000 genes in human DNA, one third of what we predicted and the obvious implication is that DNA is far far more efficient than we ever imagined. either, one gene can control more than one trait or there is a highly advanced (i'm really understating this) pattern in the arrangment of genes which yields individual traits. the plot thickens and the notion that it all came into being by chance is becoming less likely than the prospect of hearing a couple of Bach's melodies come from a trumpet that's being sucked into a tornado.

on with the fun...

"even if u say 'adaptability is built in to DNA', (thats a vague, poorly worded statement, imo.) assuming that evolution doesnt happen because of that is absurd."

i'm no english teacher, i have no problem admitting my lack of eloquence! i'm actually kind of happy with it but most people just assume that i'm being arrogant when i don't make myself clear, the only bad part is that i have no idea i'm not being clear... when you combine ADD with other "variables" it can make for some interesting statements for sure. :) i will try to clarify what i can.

what i mean here is that we have a huge range of adaptability built in already, we know this. if we place the burden of creating this "range" on evolution we discount evolution automatically. evolution is the idea that new survival traits occur and result in some advantage, correct? how did the trait to gain traits come into existence? this would require "foreknowledge" would it not? since when does happenstance collaborate with previous givens and result in accurate predictions? now, if you are still holding on to the idea that evolution makes sense then apply this same scenario of anticipatory trait generation to each and every life form, not only to the species alive today but the millions that are extinct. which raises another question. why do we have fewer life forms today than we did at any given point in history? the further back you go in fossil records the richer the life history of this planet becomes. that's odd, if it all started with one organism, don't you think? it also seems odd to me that evolution would plateau, or stall out, for the 5,000+ years of written human history we have. if you blindly trust C14 dating then you can see that, genetically speaking, we haven't changed one bit in dozens upon dozens of millennia. why?

"ill be honest, i have no idea what ur talkin about. im not even stoned, and that seems like a foreign language. maybe this was based on something i missed in a previous post?"

we are forcing the bacteria to use whatever traits they have which will allow them to survive our medications. selection pressure is what allows certain plants to become resistant to herbicides also... it happens all the time. like when you pack a bowl the screen only lets smoke through, we're letting the good parts of the life forms we target through our chemical "screens". make sense?

"to be technical, i started as two cells, but w/e. i was pretty much saying that if bacteria can evolve, so can we. im quite ignorant when it comes to microbiology, so ill withdrawal any statement ive made based on it. guess this is what i get for listening to Skunk."

ok, almost got me there. you were two cells that were each half of one cell. :) when they joined, a brand new human cell, with all 46 chromosomes (hopefully!) came into being. but yes, if we ever see bacteria evolve it's fair to believe that so can any other life form, we haven't seen it yet - evolution remains a theory. what we do see are traits that are already in the DNA, nothing new. the term evolution is apparently being used to describe something other than a spontaneous, genetic change that results in a new survival advantage, this is improper use of the term.

"i dont know what ur getting at. u seem to have a large vocabulary, so u might be a smart dude so ill assume ur not a dumbass. but are u asking if a school of thought has grown by itself?"

i appreciate not being thought a dumbass. if you can get my wife on board we'll be set and i'll buy you a lifetime supply of your favorite munchy foods.
again, i didn't do a good job putting my point into words. what i am asking is, where does the universe ever create something more complex? where do we observe things becoming more and not less complex? the immensely complex systems which make up life have no comparison in the known universe, the complexity which is life goes against the system, this is my point, and you will never find an example of the universe creating molecular complexity without the help of life itself.

"germs evolve"

we've never seen this happen, the theory of evolution has no supporting evidence SKH.

"Cells can and do mutate, which is why we all have individual dna."

we have never seen a cellular mutation that benefits the cell. every observed mutation in scientific history results in a less effective life form, in people, plants, everything. your body will actually attack and destroy it's own mutations, it happens everyday. some of these survive and cause cancer.

this (concept of mutation) is where the wild card comes into play also, and though this might bore you, people who say that a virus mutates do not understand what a virus is. a virus does not reproduce itself, it hijacks another organisms' replication hardware and copies itself until the organism dies. when a genetic change happens to a virus it is affecting a protein called RNA which is essentially half of a DNA.. a viral RNA chain is also much shorter than most DNA chains and carries fewer "traits". when the virus takes over and instructs the cell to begin creating copies of itself, it tells the cell to go as fast as possible, imagine an assembly line with a brawny foreman standing over each worker yelling at him to hurry up. this results in sloppy workmanship and because there are fewer "traits" one little error makes for a huge change in viral RNA. this is why a virus is far more likely to experience and benefit from a "transcription error".


Well-Known Member
Shit man, if u wanted to point out how the theory of evolution isnt backed by scientific data, u proved it to me. im not gonna give up on it n say that its impossible, but ill acknowledge that theres no data supporting it. once again, neutrality. it gets hard to find things to have faith in...

i appreciate not being thought a dumbass. if you can get my wife on board we'll be set and i'll buy you a lifetime supply of your favorite munchy foods.
again, i didn't do a good job putting my point into words. what i am asking is, where does the universe ever create something more complex? where do we observe things becoming more and not less complex? the immensely complex systems which make up life have no comparison in the known universe, the complexity which is life goes against the system, this is my point, and you will never find an example of the universe creating molecular complexity without the help of life itself.
nothing gets more or less complex (including life), complexity is a product of perception. and i dont know why u would want to separate living beings from the rest of the universe, we are part of The Equation, so taking the living variable out just complicates things.

and about the universe creating something, creation is a fuzzy idea, if u dont mind, explain what u mean by "create"

BUT perceptive beings do seem inherently different then what we like to call inanimate matter. so i think evolution would be based on perception. quantum physics (from what ive heard) seems to support the idea that a humans will (or simply their perception for that matter) has the ability to effect the physical world around them. and if this is true, then we should be able to change ourselves as well.

frthnker didnt like this idea, or maybe he actually thought it was so off-base that he assumed it was a joke. i dont know.


New Member
Okay, I'll agree, factually evolution does not exist. This does not mean it isn't real. You take the facts of life, as you know them of course, and make sense of them.

7x, your only real argument against evolution is because it conflicts with your religion. So you will find reasons not to believe it. You can hardly say that you need facts to support your own beliefs. I like to get to the essence of a subject, and if we are talking of a creator, the question follows; what created the creator? If creation is the belief that something can't come from nothing, where did this creator come from?

Also 7x, how old do you believe the world to be? I've heard christians put it at 6,000 years.


Well-Known Member
no i don't think they are opposites i just believe everything is equally meaningful... to say that any certain belief is wrong based on a small amount of knowledge is pointless... however to have no beliefs at all and to believe everything is even more pointless... so we have to choose the lesser of two evils and form opinions based on our knowledge and what we can see and touch what is tangible to us... and because we are humans we are built with a thirst for knowledge even though i've run across enough people to almost make me change my mind about this... from this want to interact with the things around us science was advanced... this to me is the conscious side of the brain at work... it wants to interact and try to explain things in the physical plane of thinking... the sub concious side of our brain is where i believe religion is linked to... dreams are weird and outside of the physical laws we know and follow in the waking world... religion is simply humans trying to seek that unknown portion of what is reality... if you truly think about it what governs anything... the questions where did it all start how will it all end are not answerable but we strive to answer them anyway because it is our nature and our understanding of reality... we are tied to eternity and reality by our understanding of such... and as far as quantam physics gos i would like to study it one day because i think some interesting answers could be in that field... i never said i disagreed...


New Member
7x, when i said virus, i actually meant germs. Supergerms in particular. They are only found in hospitals, after they have evolved defences against every antibiotic we have. You might say they are merely hosts, but then what are WE in this world if not a parasite bleeding our host dry. Just as a germ victim slowly dies we are witnessing the same happening to our world. We are a cancer of the largest order. To view one type of life as having different ambition to another is wrong, we all want to live, and our appetites (if we don't wake up) are going to be our undoing. The trouble with germs is that they don't know when to stop, like a fat guy in a pie shop, or a body builder with a lifetime supply of steroids. We have the chance to change our future, to break away from this earth, colonise the stars, become the biggest germ in the universe!


Well-Known Member
religious fanatics can't be helped... not all people that have religious views are fanatical about them to where they will accept anything their religious leader tells them... just as their are some people that believe anything scientists tell them... for example al gore is full of shit there is no global warming... it gets a little hotter and all of a sudden humans are destroying the earth with global warming... just today new york got 77 inches of snow... is that part of global warming too... or what about the cold snaps in california that ruined so many crops... or what about all of the other crazy weather around the world... science is just as much a religion as anything else i guess is what i'm trying to say... and a closed mind and a belief in any one given set of principles will not help anyone...


New Member
al gore is full of shit there is no global warming... it gets a little hotter and all of a sudden humans are destroying the earth with global warming... just today new york got 77 inches of snow... is that part of global warming too... or what about the cold snaps in california that ruined so many crops... or what about all of the other crazy weather around the world... science is just as much a religion as anything else i guess is what i'm trying to say... and a closed mind and a belief in any one given set of principles will not help anyone...
I can't believe what I've just read. Global warming is real. We got snow too, crazy weather i agree. This really belongs in a different thread. Dankdude had a thread about this a little while ago, but I'm sure if you started it again there'd be plenty of people just itching to show you how wrong you are.


Well-Known Member
We must ask these questions, and we must have these petty disputes.
If we are searching for answers to life, we must look at it on the minutest level. Cells can and do mutate, which is why we all have individual dna. Sorry, much more to say but time is against me.
mutations occures during transcription of dna in the nucleus...even though there are safty feature during this process to prevent alterations from the original copy, they still happen from time to time...however they are very rare, these mutations include but are not limited to deletion,duplication,inversion and translocation...As far as people having individual dna is a different story, this is because each human recieves 23 chromsomes from each of their parent for a total of 46 chromosomes..these chromosomes are made up of countless nucleotides, well they are numbered but i don't remeber, these nucleotieds are put together in specific order which tell the cell what to do...You can think of it as a program, like 7x said these genes work in a very sophisiticated way, each gene can be turned on or off indepently of other genes, think of computer programming with 1s and 0s....now recieiving these genes from your mom or dad is based purley on chance, but they can be put in infinite number of ways...thus we each have unique personalities and traits....


New Member
I don't think it's chance. Certain genes are stronger than others, these are the genes that usually go into your child (unless it's unlucky). Your child will get the best genes from both parents, this is not necessarily a 50-50 mix.


New Member
thats a good one for changing... you got me there... but still not something from nothing the metamorphisis of a catepillar is still a physical change nothing more... it is an adaption to the environment... they grow wings because that makes them more likely to survive... it is an adaption of the catepillar over time but the catepillar is still there just with wings... they had no choice but to grow wings but they are insects so???
LOL. Looks like you got tied up a bit here. Are you arguing for evolution?


Well-Known Member
as i've said i don't discredit science i just don't think science has all of the answers... i don't discredit evolution to a degree i just know that darwains theory was not correct... some things are obvious and to deny the obvious due to religious or scientific belief is to be a fool and i'm no fool...lol


Well-Known Member
nothing gets more or less complex (including life), complexity is a product of perception. and i dont know why u would want to separate living beings from the rest of the universe, we are part of The Equation, so taking the living variable out just complicates things.
would you agree that a water molecule is less complex than a THC molecule? i guess it stuck in my head from the basic levels of chemistry in college, you go general chem (aka inorganic) then organic chem - one is way more complex than the other.

and about the universe creating something, creation is a fuzzy idea, if u dont mind, explain what u mean by "create"
when i say "create" in the context of this discussion i am refering to any means of yeilding something new, or something different from what was prior. it could come about from pure chance or whatever..

BUT perceptive beings do seem inherently different then what we like to call inanimate matter. so i think evolution would be based on perception. quantum physics (from what ive heard) seems to support the idea that a humans will (or simply their perception for that matter) has the ability to effect the physical world around them. and if this is true, then we should be able to change ourselves as well.

frthnker didnt like this idea, or maybe he actually thought it was so off-base that he assumed it was a joke. i dont know.
quantum was just a theory not long ago but with evidence it has become a body of study. it's not debated anymore. quantum mechanics, physics, chemistry, math, it is blossoming thanks to brilliant thinkers like Stephen Hawking who stood up (no pun intended - at all) and questioned Einstein's theory of relativity. quantum ties up all the loose ends of prior theories and has room for a lot of growth.

7x, your only real argument against evolution is because it conflicts with your religion. So you will find reasons not to believe it. You can hardly say that you need facts to support your own beliefs.

i just want people to open their minds up and realize that there is no evidence to support it so don't enslave yourself with the idea that the matter of creation is over and dealt with, God isn't out of the picture by any stretch of the imagination. also, i don't need reasons not to believe evolution, i need reasons TO believe it but there aren't any. you are the one who tries to live on a steady diet of doubt and you are the one closing your eyes.

Also 7x, how old do you believe the world to be? I've heard christians put it at 6,000 years.

i think most real bible based Christians will say humans have been around for about 8500, i don't have a problem accepting that figure. i have a written account of generations from the start, do you have factual evidence to show something else?

I like to get to the essence of a subject, and if we are talking of a creator, the question follows; what created the creator? If creation is the belief that something can't come from nothing, where did this creator come from?

there is no need for the Creator to have been created. you won't get very far if you think in terms of segmented existence, start and end. this is about everything. we're discussing the Line, the Line has no start or end and as such IS the start and end. the Creator existed among nothingness and brought forth everything. we can't understand this, i can't anyway...i just accept it because everything we can observe backs this up. the singularity described by Hawking is something he himself will shrewdly allude to as probably being from God.

7x, when i said virus, i actually meant germs. Supergerms in particular. They are only found in hospitals, after they have evolved defences against every antibiotic we have. You might say they are merely hosts, but then what are WE in this world if not a parasite bleeding our host dry. Just as a germ victim slowly dies we are witnessing the same happening to our world. We are a cancer of the largest order. To view one type of life as having different ambition to another is wrong, we all want to live, and our appetites (if we don't wake up) are going to be our undoing. The trouble with germs is that they don't know when to stop, like a fat guy in a pie shop, or a body builder with a lifetime supply of steroids. We have the chance to change our future, to break away from this earth, colonise the stars, become the biggest germ in the universe!

ok, MRSA and such. it's standard proceedure in the US to start IV antibiotics for almost anything you get admited to the hospital for so this creates a great environment for certain traits to be brought out. there's a new strain in the UK and EU right now, think i read that a UK soldier contracted the first case while on a training course or something..seems like it killed him. when they become resistant we make some changes to the protagonist compound and it gets them, bacteria are fairly simple to kill.

i couldn't agree more about the potential we have to do great or terrible things!!

science is just as much a religion as anything else i guess is what i'm trying to say

frthnkr, do you mean that someone can worship science if they chose to? if you mean that science is by default a religion i couldn't disagree more.


Well-Known Member
no i mean people put faith in science without any real proof to back a lot of it up... just as people put faith in religion... some people look to religion to answer questions that they don't understand others look to science... neither is infallible though and so i say science and religion are more or less the same thing... science is a way to understand things that are tangible whereas religion tries to understand the untangible... thats what i meant..


New Member
I don't agree 7x. If a creator can just be, then so can we. A deadlock, that no doubt satisfies bible thumpers everywhere. Evolution will always be difficult to prove while religion is in the way. I've actually read Stephen Hawking's A Brief History Of Time (I'm not pretending I understood all of it), I read it alongside his biography a few years ago now. I know that Hawking does not discount some sort of creator, although I know it isn't of the type we all think of.

A creator suggests some type of superbeing, but of course this being would have to be in our image. What do you take from this 7x? Does this being merely look like us? Like what? Our bodies? Minds (souls)? Also too, because of individual dna this being would need to look like all of us at once. Does this not suggest a mirror? I have for years now been of the belief that the bible is a coded book, a book edited, maybe even rewritten by early philosophers as a sort of parody (satire?) of life. This book is telling us the answer. I believe the answer is that it is we (mankind) that are god. Of course with this eventuality... it could always have happened before.


New Member
Also we are not so different from other life on this planet. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the common housefly is only two chromosomes away from our own genetic code.

Do you believe the dinosaurs walked the Earth? I listened to a christian on a talk radio show that believed the world was 6,500 yrs old and believed the dinosaurs walked the earth. This guys written a book and is getting slated from all angles.


Well-Known Member
i see what you mean frthnkr.

yes SKH, i'm sure you get all warm and fuzzy about what you call the deadlock...it must mean Christianity is incapable of explaining everything so it's a failure. we just have to face the fact that we don't have the capacity to understand everything, if we could we would be God, like you're saying. i won't bs you and try to explain God!

Hawking is an extraordinary man, we are fortunate that what occurs in his mind is so eloquently transfered to words though very few among us can really appreciate what he says. his concept of God is unique, just as mine is and yours is, part of being human i suppose...

we are made in God's image, i don't know what to take from this SKH. there are people far more advanced in theological arts who could build constructs of what aspects might be present in us but my simple take is that empathy, love, adaptability, things like this are from Him more so than physical attributes. what is image? what can image of God be? is this more a frame work than a literal image? emotion itself? thought itself?

i've read that somewhere about the flies. some bugs have more chromosomes than us, some things have less..

of course dinasours walked this planet..and i have probably heard the guy you're talking about in person. can't remember his name but he studied bio and travels around trying to help regular people understand science better. when you have gvnmnt schools churning out generations of people forced to believe that evolution is a fact and God is dead it kind of pulls us all down... read up on creationism and see where it takes you, it won't hurt you.


New Member
I can't accept a creator, as such. Just as you cannot accept evolution. I believe the deadlock is of your (not directly, obviously) making, and you of mine. I will read with bias, just as you will. We have already made up our minds, now we just search for reinforcement.


New Member
I think the fundamentals are about done with. We have arrived at the conclusion (on a number of occasions) that we can't prove each other wrong.

Dark matter has been seen (discovered?) just outside our solar system. From what I remember, astro-physicists believe that this is anti-matter, basically a large mass of nothing. The opposite of something. Does this help the big bang theorists? Obviously we need to get close enough to physically test this mass. Yet, we are close... maybe in our lifetimes 7x. It may also help the creationists, for if something can't come from nothing, maybe nothing is god.