official party cup growoff


Well-Known Member
yeah, i remember the shot glass growoff u did also
props to u man for starting what seems to be a growing revolution

LoL, yea a lot of people are starting them now!! I just did it as a little experiment but I think I'll always have one going on somewhere now haha..


Well-Known Member
im next to join the party cup growoff...
whats the word moash?? im back in town for a few days so thought i would stop by to say whats up??

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
All the girls are looking fantastic. Here are the weekly updates for my Party Cup Grow Off entry. She has started a little yellowing toward the bottom, 5th week of flowering so it is to be expected. I had flushed her last week and this morning I gave her a good dose of veg nutes to up the nitrogen a little.



Well-Known Member
Looking great LT, the buds are forming very nice on her! How long did you veg her for again? More +REP coming your way!


New Member
LoL, yea a lot of people are starting them now!! I just did it as a little experiment but I think I'll always have one going on somewhere now haha..
me too!!!!
im next to join the party cup growoff...
whats the word moash?? im back in town for a few days so thought i would stop by to say whats up??
how ya been?
All the girls are looking fantastic. Here are the weekly updates for my Party Cup Grow Off entry. She has started a little yellowing toward the bottom, 5th week of flowering so it is to be expected. I had flushed her last week and this morning I gave her a good dose of veg nutes to up the nitrogen a little.
looking superb
im impressed


Well-Known Member
not to bad man just chilaxn today my nephew just gave me a few ounces of his outdoor so i might make some tincures today...


Well-Known Member
not to bad man just chilaxn today my nephew just gave me a few ounces of his outdoor so i might make some tincures today...
lucky i am...completely out of mean out as out as liberace at a merle haggard concert...and you was given..not some...but ounces...*hangs head in shame*


Well-Known Member
lol dj sorry to hear that bro, if you were local i would pay it foreward?? san francisco bay area??

he was so excited to share with me last night cause it was his first grow, and i didnt even smoke a bowl with him cause im fasting from pot till new years... it looked real good to! some outdoor blueberry and some GD, i gave hime the clones at the begining of the season...
funny he wanted to take it back when i told him what i was gonna do with it...

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Looking great LT, the buds are forming very nice on her! How long did you veg her for again? More +REP coming your way!
She was sprouted and planted on 9-8-10 and put into flower on 10-29-10 so about 51 day veg. The buds are stacked nicely and now I need them to fatten up. Thanks for the encouragement SmeLLyTreeZ.


Well-Known Member
She was sprouted and planted on 9-8-10 and put into flower on 10-29-10 so about 51 day veg. The buds are stacked nicely and now I need them to fatten up. Thanks for the encouragement SmeLLyTreeZ.
No problem brotha, that thing is bad ass looking!

Here's an update of my Party cup girl, remember shes 12/12 from seed more just to compare to moash, LT and the others in the competition. Let see some more updates when you guys get a chance!

28 Days FLowering, 48 days from Germ!
PC 28 days (5).jpgPC 28 days (6).jpg

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Top heavy for these cups is unbelievable. I ended up having to fill a coffee can 1/3 of the volume with perlite and stones and then add water for additional weight to keep it from blowing off the pedestal from the oscillating fan. Then I place a runoff catcher on top of those and place the cup inside the can. I have to take it out of the can to feed/water it and place the cup inside another coffee can to keep it from falling over while waiting for run off to complete. Lots of challenges. I had to tie down the four main branches again as they were starting to close back in on the center of the plant. I will upload updated pics over the weekend.


Well-Known Member
Yea tommy, Mine isn't anywhere as close to as top heavy as your lol... This is actually still staying up no problem on her own and I think she will be fine seeing most her weight is centered from the one main cola..

Anyway I'll be checking back in for you updates :)


New Member
i cut all my stuff down,didnt get any pics because of the situation but i did weigh it
it came out to 46 grams wet weight,but it will not count due to lack of proof
anyways happy growing and ill still be around
hopefully ill have stuff going by next growoff
keep the updates comin,peace


Well-Known Member
i cut all my stuff down,didnt get any pics because of the situation but i did weigh it
it came out to 46 grams wet weight,but it will not count due to lack of proof
anyways happy growing and ill still be around
hopefully ill have stuff going by next growoff
keep the updates comin,peace
Congrats on the harvest bro, so what are you thinking your dry weight will be? How did the roots look?