Hurry on in before no life fdd2blk locks this like a litte girl

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New Member
ok so you guys save this shit ASAP this is legit shit right here! fuck this biased bullshit site with a little girl mods cough fdd2blk and yeah you gogrow your a fuckign douche bag. i hope both of you get busted for being tools

well riu i will miss you. love yall very much! you tought me soooo much.


HURRY AND SAVE THIS. if you want to find me im a bluelight peace brothers:hump:


Well-Known Member
There are many other places on the internet to find this information. Why bother knowingly breaking the rules here?


Well-Known Member
Small revolution starting, soon to be put down...them's the rules

Better to flame out than burn out...Seeya killerbudz1

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
LOL Can I post links to extractions? There are much better extraction guides then that. :) Haha, we all love a little Agent Lemon shenanigans. Can I post a Blue Honey editorial? SO MANY QUESTIONS! :D


Well-Known Member
I will be holding onto that recipe. And I may see you cats over at bluelight, depending on its relevance.

Such a silly jab to give.



Well-Known Member
If you have a legitimate gripe against a mod, I suggesst you get a hold of Potroast and letting him know the details rather than create a new account and break the forum rules with the very first post. If you are following rules and taking in unfair infractions, he'll have your back. If you are just another idiot that hates FDD enforcing the rules, then screw ya. He doesn't get paid for anything he does for the forums and he doesn't need to put up with BS either. I'm not sticking up for FDD, because I agree he can be a bit heavy handed in dealings. I am saying, don't go out of your way to make him react. He has enough to do with keeping the place sane enough to make sense, without having to put up with childish BS like this thread.


Well-Known Member
If you have a legitimate gripe against a mod, I suggesst you get a hold of Potroast and letting him know the details rather than create a new account and break the forum rules with the very first post. If you are following rules and taking in unfair infractions, he'll have your back. If you are just another idiot that hates FDD enforcing the rules, then screw ya. He doesn't get paid for anything he does for the forums and he doesn't need to put up with BS either. I'm not sticking up for FDD, because I agree he can be a bit heavy handed in dealings. I am saying, don't go out of your way to make him react. He has enough to do with keeping the place sane enough to make sense, without having to put up with childish BS like this thread.
potroast is just another mod. mods are not supposed to over ride each other. you would be best off addressing your issue with rollitup. he has been sent a link to this thread. ;)

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
The bigger the fame, the bigger the hate.
FDD takes shit like this lying down, LOL!
We'll all be here tomorrow, where will timeismoney1 be?
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