I think that's a bit too early....eight or nine would be a good time, to be asleep by like eleven or twelve....that's me thoughjust sucks tho, I thought I could go to sleep at the end of my high from edibles I took at 5PM, but that obviously didn't work very well...
yeah I Just hate having to need something to go to sleep, its lame...
I'm highYou high yet??
Exactly man, couldn't of said it better.You dont have to. That was my thinking a few weeks ago. But i gave a shot of smoking just at weekends, yeh the 1st week is shit, but after that its easy. Its all about self control, its because its habbit, Its all in your mind, just fight it
And thats after smoking weed everyday for a few weeks, being high all day basically. You feel alot better for it Just find something to tire you out or find something else to occupy your time!