Does Topping increase your yield


Well-Known Member
You'd get more colas, but there's only one main cola and if you top you don't get it. What you get is two or more secondary colas.


Well-Known Member
I topped a few grows...I got four colas each time. (crop right above 2nd node...the initial baby leaves do not count as a node) Would I have gotten one fatter cola if i did not top? Probably.

I'm not topping on current grow...but it's also a different strain so comparing will not be fair.


Well-Known Member
I have done both methods. Topping and not topping. Tit for tat. You can in effect encourage the plant to sprout and shoot more, but losing the main cola is
1) temporarily shocking to the plant ( not too bad generally )
2) more time is needed to encourage the sides to make up for the loss of the main shoot

If you are trying to keep your baby count down, especially my American friends who may face mandatory minimums, then topping and/or scrogging can be very beneficial.

You keep a smaller count of plants, but encourage it to fill in and become bushy.

To be honest, I found my yield to be very close in either "style" . I just prefer the "sea of green" method.

If a single plant dies, I cut it out, and little is lost and the surrounding plants often find use for the new open space.

If a single plant dies with larger plants, you lose a larger "yield chunk".

There are advantages and disadvantages to both. I am just too biased toward sea of green to offer the benefits of topping. Maybe others could state some for you.

Good luck.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
If you know what you're doing, it does.

If you do it like a lot of people on this site, it wont.


Well-Known Member
I've heard that it doesn't but it would seem like it does
actually you will get less weight, just remember when u damage a plant like topping, it has to put energy into healing that wound.Also u shouldnt be growing strains that need topping , just short/med growing indicas.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
actually you will get less weight, just remember when u damage a plant like topping, it has to put energy into healing that wound.Also u shouldnt be growing strains that need topping , just short/med growing indicas.
I hate to disagree with you there, but if you do it right i.e. Uncle Ben's method and one or two others. I assure you that you will have an increased yield.

Brick Top

New Member
Also u shouldnt be growing strains that need topping , just short/med growing indicas.
Why? What if someone prefers a cross that is predominantly sativa or a pure sativa? Why should people only grow short or medium growing indicas? Because that is what you like and what you do?


Well-Known Member
The article/link provided to you by Buds, I believe you could do very well, as long as you follow the directions strictly. The author goes into good detail about why you have to follow closely.

If you do it right, your yield can be substantial. That being said, if you do the "sea of green" perfectly, your yield can be substantial.

A desire for high turnover would most likely suit a sea of green, running hydro or similar. Either one perfected can bring good results.
Pretty much up to you.


Well-Known Member
This plant was topped, notice the 6 big colas? People top for different reasons, I do it so the damn plant doesn't get any higher than 6 feet. I haven't noticed much of a difference in yields. Huge main colas can be a bitch to dry and cure.



Well-Known Member
Wow They look amazing, I really gotta figure out the topping, just gets so confusing, what node is what and where. but wow amazing!!


Active Member
If you want an easy to follow read that will tell you just what you need to do to correctly top your plants, you need to check out the first couple pages of Uncle Ben's topping thread. He is a veteran grower who really knows his shit! I'm on my first grow, and this thread made it simple to get my plants all growing 4 colas - and just as he promised, the plants responded perfectly without problems (no stressing out).


Well-Known Member
Topping will absolutely increase your overall yield if done correctly. But to really increase things most people need better lighting. Not necessarily MORE lighting (ie. increased lumens --- which certainly don't hurt), but better distribution of the light that IS available. This is where the whole topic of canopy control comes into play, but there are other threads for that discussion.

Good luck and good growing!!!!!!