250 Watts of Fluorescent Wonder


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. You guys rock.

Look forward to your pics rene. I'll post some pics this weekend maybe when I can borrow my sister's USB cable.


Well-Known Member
i dont use lime and i know this may sound neglectful but i dont mess with soil ph so i dont use lime i just start with a local house blend from the flower shop which has no slow release fert in it then just add fertilizer as directed. i feel you on the paranoid i also chopped up my first garden when a friend came over without calling first i too was high as a kite lol but now i realise as long as you dont tell anyone it is almost impossible for the popo to catch you. i love growing and the growers community is for the most part a friendly one. i grow belladonna and have never messed with ph i have read that so long as ur using soil, the ph can have a larger range also adding lime can cause nutrient burn if you have to add alot. i have also read the mj grow bible 2x and if i have questions i refer to it and this forum usualy the advice here is in line with the book
Not really. For me personally, the pH stuff seems kind of overkill. I mean I'm sure it helps but I don't need any hardcore yields out of my babies. Not to mention the hassle of calibrating meters and measuring stuff lol. I am just a noob though but judging from your plants it doesn't seem like maintaining a constant pH is a necessity.

LoL. Speakig of noobiness and paranoia. Funny story. My very first grow, me and an ex got into a fight and she threatened to call the police on my closet grow. So I called some friends over and we tried to smoke both plants in one night. And smoke we did. We smoked a shit load of pollen LOL. Didn't even know that both plants were males.

Well those days are over. Absolutely no one knows about my grow except the internet but the internet is awesome. And I actually haven't smoked in a couple of years. :D

Oh. I only put about 3 tablespoons worth of lime in each pot.


Well-Known Member
Well I was worried the lime may burn the seedlings but I do know people who use it if it is working for you awesome lol and that's a funny story about the ex and I'm sorry to hear that exs can be assholes I called the cops on mine (long story much deserved!) And he tried to rip up my papers for the grow cops told me how beautiful my garden was and said keep it under 40 that they had bigger fish to fry so I tend not to worry myself and also another fitting story I sold my males one to my father and he took the pollen sacks and snorted them lmao he said it fucked him up but you won't see me snorting mj...can't wait for pics!


Well-Known Member
Well I hope it doesn't burn my saplings. So you can get a medical marijuana license in Washington? Nice. Well she didn't end up calling the cops on me and she was actually pretty cool so it was no big deal. More funny now than anything. Snorting pollen huh? LoL. I've inhaled sweet cannabis vapors through my nose before. :p


Well-Known Member
Well I hope it doesn't burn my saplings. So you can get a medical marijuana license in Washington? Nice. Well she didn't end up calling the cops on me and she was actually pretty cool so it was no big deal. More funny now than anything. Snorting pollen huh? LoL. I've inhaled sweet cannabis vapors through my nose before. :p
Lol yep washington has been legal for medical mj since 1996 actually :) just wasn't really ever addressed publicly till recently now I know why my docs were telling me to smoke at 15 lol funny already was and I wouldn't worry about the babies until you see signs there are a problem can't do anything lol and yeah snorting pollen some peoples kids


Well-Known Member
Rene, I'm gonna go ahead an be honest with you. Although I have not snorted any part of the Cannabis Sativa plant, I have snorted pure crystal meth and cocaine before. But it was only for like a period of 3-5 months and never again.


Well-Known Member
Lmao its good you can say never again and actually I went to a school here for like 2 months and their books said marijuana is usually consumed in the following ways smoke, eating, and snorting I always wondered how or why one would snort mj guess now we know :D how's your babies??


Well-Known Member
Lmao its good you can say never again and actually I went to a school here for like 2 months and their books said marijuana is usually consumed in the following ways smoke, eating, and snorting I always wondered how or why one would snort mj guess now we know :D how's your babies??
LOL. They're doing great. The first one has its first set of leaves growing and the second is still trying to lose its little shell helmet.


Well-Known Member
Looking good giblet :) though do you have a fan gently blowing on those to strengthen??
I do have a fan a couple of shelves up. It's just kind of blowing into the middle of the closet. I think it might be too strong even on the lowest setting to point it directly at my fragile saplings. Think that's ok or do I need to try and get just a little more wind on them?


Well-Known Member
Lol actually I get a bit worried with mine so I actually on top of the fan blow on them a few times a day just a little has worked for me also when the start getting bigger I shake them at the base for a few seconds this really helps strengthen..


Well-Known Member
Here's an update on my saplings.

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You can see I have a fan now. :]

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I gave them their first feeding yesterday. 1 tablespoon of Big Bloom mixed in a gallon of water. half a gallon a piece. I plan on giving them a light feeding of Grow Big next week. Still not sure how much and how often I want to feed them but I'll figure it out. Considering going just plain water the week after that. We'll see.

I'm also gonna have to start my LST really soon. Will probably post some pics of that next week.

Merry Christmas.


Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas looking good though personally I'd wait another week or before nutes important thing is to see what works for you!


Well-Known Member
Not a problem been wondering how they were!! Mine are kicking ass I will have some pics later of my girls if you care to see :)


Well-Known Member
Not a problem been wondering how they were!! Mine are kicking ass I will have some pics later of my girls if you care to see :)
I'd love to. :>

Oh and the reason I fed them was because the nutes I gave them said that it's safe for all stages of growth and it has directions for feeding seedlings. Not even sure when they stop being seedlings and start being plants lol. But anyway, between the directions on the bottles, the chart on their website, and directions that say at least once a week and others saying every other watering, I'm kind of confused on how I should go about feeding them. I figure I'll just use them as a rough guide and go by what my plants tell me while gradulally increasing the amount of nutes. Now I know the other bottle of nutes I have says not until week 3 on the chart cause it's got chemicals and is strong I guess (eventhough it has directions for feeding seedlings too on the bottle o_O). But the one I used is supposed to be very gentle on the plants and is all organic.
Big Bloom is great for seedlings and all the way through your endevor. It helps relieve stress on your plants. I am a big fan of Fox Farms. I use the full line of their products and am on my second grow. I am expecting a bountiful harvest. If you want to see some Fox Farms results check out my grow log. https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/393424-harrys-first-grow-looking-forward.html Also....I have found that using 1/2 the reccomended strength of Fox Farms nutes is more than sufficient, with the exception of the Big Bloom and Bush Doctor. I always use those two items at the full dose.


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