first grow ever! bagseed :0


Well-Known Member
3 males showed themselves, and were delt with by the mighty blade of the pruning shear. they are dead forevermore, forevermore...


Well-Known Member
new reflector.jpgsupercrop.jpgmade a new hood. i am happy with the outcome. now i can have a permanet veg spot as well as flower. only had to buy the corded socket! now time to dial in my god skills and control how nature operates, in a productive manner. well here is a once vegged out female clone of WW which was stripped of everything for clones except these now 4 supercropped branches. got given to me the way it was, and i supercropped it for expierimental purpose. hopefully we like what "arises" . peace all:leaf:


Active Member
View attachment 1309780View attachment 1309779made a new hood. i am happy with the outcome. now i can have a permanet veg spot as well as flower. only had to buy the corded socket! now time to dial in my god skills and control how nature operates, in a productive manner. well here is a once vegged out female clone of WW which was stripped of everything for clones except these now 4 supercropped branches. got given to me the way it was, and i supercropped it for expierimental purpose. hopefully we like what "arises" . peace all:leaf:
so you have a cfl in that new reflector? Jah bless the lil one.


Well-Known Member
600 mh , didnt i say that, hmm been smokin.... ,. lol i didnt, how dare you acuse me of the dreaded cfl. i hope to never succumb to them.


Well-Known Member
ok, the "new reflector houses a 600 watt metal halide lamp , it is outside of the flower room, im using that for veg, then in the flower room a have the 600watt hps , in other words , big pimpin'


View attachment 1309780View attachment 1309779made a new hood. i am happy with the outcome. now i can have a permanet veg spot as well as flower. only had to buy the corded socket! now time to dial in my god skills and control how nature operates, in a productive manner. well here is a once vegged out female clone of WW which was stripped of everything for clones except these now 4 supercropped branches. got given to me the way it was, and i supercropped it for expierimental purpose. hopefully we like what "arises" . peace all:leaf:
where did you get that corded socket? Does it need a ballast? Im looking for something cheap and effective and this looking like a viable option.


Well-Known Member
i got it at the grow shop, yes it needs a ballast. next pic will make you happy i think, i updated the new hood and got rid of the cool tube,lol , there goes money down the shitter, oh well, i think i may be on to something here


Well-Known Member
new light.jpgnew.jpgok guys, here they are, all 4 of the lovely ladies. hard for me to believe i only got four sluts outta the whole mix, oh well, at least i got some sluts, i also turned the new veg light into the all time flower light,,,,1 hps , 1 mh.....back to flourescents for veg :( ... oh well, i think this new hood will give me better flower results, what do you all think ?


looks sweet, thought about putting plexi glass to enclose it? Why dont you stick with your orginal idea for seperate flowering and veg room? Dont think the MH will be as well utilized in the flowering room.


Well-Known Member
could jus scrap out the halide for now and throw a hortilux up in there... maybe save the mh along with the cool tube hood for vegging sometime, untill then the low power floros will have do for veg at da moment, i want a bigger footprint than what only 1 600 can do for me in flower , i had the hps in the cool tube hood with the inline hooked up to it but i figure in flower area might as well try to squeeze out the mopst lumens i can, i know i will pay for added heat and distance to canopy issues but i figure it's a gamble that prolly will be better in long run


Active Member
I've heard that adding a few cfl's or tubes for side lighting works good for the added spectrum and lower growth. Maybe you could add some of those and use your MH for veg again instead. =)


Well-Known Member
how much do you guys think would be a damn good estimate of how much i will get off these 4 gals ? just for shits and giggles