What's causing this to my leaves?


Hey guys, I've noticed that a few of my leaves are looking less than healthy, any ideas?
Afghan kush ryder and pakistan ryder, 2 weeks old, indoor, 1x250w red CFL, 1x125w blue CFL, John Innes #2 soil, 11ltr pots, 20/4 cycle. I was thinking maybe a phosphorus (sp?) deficiency? But then JI#2 has nutes for about 6 weeks I think. Could it be due to underwatering? Any thoughts or opinions welcomed! Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Sorry didn't read what u had at the end is it on all the leafs or is it only on a few at the bottom if so I would say it was a lil stressed out after sprouting she should be alright though as long as u see new growth and when do u normally water ?


Well-Known Member
Leaf curling upwards usually means the plant is trying to dissipat as muc moisture as possible but is unable to this can be causes by toxic salt buildup. ,lack of water. Or heat stress found it for ya underwatering


Active Member
I see this when I do a shitty job of topping/pruning. Localized stress around a node will make the leaves go all funky - if the majority of the plant is fine I wouldn't worry about it. But as dirtfree says, could be a pH problem, could also be an early symptom of mosaic virus but I don't have anything to back that up with, just my own experience.


Well-Known Member
I think that is herpes. Bummer man.

I highly doubt that is mosaic virus, from what I have seen anyways. I told my buddy, don't smoke around your plants. "whatever man, they don't mind". With I was there when he had to scrub down the whole room with bleach :)

At any rate,doesn't seem like anything to worry about.


Thanks for the quick responses guys! I'm using mineral water which tests at 6.5 using an indicator solution/colour code. Mosaic virus?!! OMFG... I had a plumber call around last week and decided to move my pc up to the room with the growbox so I could work and make sure he didn't come into the room, I was smoking quite a bit in there, I thought with having the window open it wouldn't be too bad. Could it be Mosaic virus?? If so, how bad is that? Is there a way of checking? Or a way treating it?


Active Member
Yeah, didn't want to drop the bomb on you there because it was just a passing thought. Anyways, even if it is you'll probably be fine if you're doing everything else right.


I have 3 plants, afghan kush ryder, pakistan ryder... both are just over 2 weeks old... and a white dwarf which is about 5 days old.

It's showing a lot of growth, although I thought both plants were coming along quite slowly. The worst effected parts of the plant are the older leaves.

If it is mosaic, does that mean they'll all have it? Worst case - if I do have it and I decide to grow all 3 out... what would I need to do to ensure that my next grow is free of it once they've finished?

I'll take some more pictures in a couple of hours when the lights are back on.


Yeah, didn't want to drop the bomb on you there because it was just a passing thought. Anyways, even if it is you'll probably be fine if you're doing everything else right.
It's my first grow so I doubt I'll be doing everything else right lol

I think I'm going to be sick...


Not sure if these show anything the other pictures didn't, but here's some more pictures to check out...

Those are a mixture of shots of the afghan kush ryder and pakistan ryder, both 18 days old.


Active Member
Looks totally fine to me, having some wonky leaves until it's fully mature isn't anything too out of the ordinary, just let it do it's thing. =)


Looks totally fine to me, having some wonky leaves until it's fully mature isn't anything too out of the ordinary, just let it do it's thing. =)
I hope so man! I should've mentioned that they've been through some stressful times too, they were repotted as seedlings and one of them broke away from the soil in the process.

Still, it's only in the last week that I've noticed the problems on the leaves, I really REALLY hope it's some kind of deficiency or over/underwatering or heat stress... something... anything other than friggin' mosaic.

What's worrying me is that I smoked fairly heavily in that room, I smoke handrolling tobacco and I'm sure I've touched the leaves a few times without even thinking about washing my hands first.


Active Member
^^^ I had a plant that had all kinds of mutant leaves on it once it fully matured all the wierdo ones yellowed and dropped off leaving all the normal healthy ones. Weird eh? =)