Club 600

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I am in some serious trouble and need opinions on what to do. I just looked over at my little wireless weather station and it says rain is coming to my grow room. It has an arrow pointing down and a picture of a cloud with rain falling, any suggestions?

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Well-Known Member
Tis the humidity. It dropped one percent and no more rain in the forecast.

You make me laugh cof, I think arthur is starting to move into a few of my old bones, golden years my arse.


Well-Known Member
35 going on 50 over here according to my wife.

While I'm catching up I'd like to ask a question of the mighty 600 members.
I'm planning on putting some plants that have been vegging a while now under a screen and wanted to supercrop them to get everything growing outward. The stems growing vertically right now are pretty solid and rigid so I won't be able to squeeze them by hand, do you guys think it'll be okay to squeeze them with a tool like pliers to get them to fall over? It's only on two of the plants, the others are all soft enough to squeeze by hand.

Another thing I was thinking I could do is just start tying them down to pull them outward and pull them a little more every few hours or something for a couple of days before putting them under the screen.


Well-Known Member
sure. Just wrap something soft around the jaws of the pliers so you don't really crush the um, yea, xylem and phloem.

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
what i do is this. the stem is strong yes? it is made of lil cells working as one yes? you start popping those stems eventually the integrity is gone. so i use my fingers and work it till it can be bent. you just sorta massage it firmly :D


Well-Known Member
That's how I have done all of them so far, I start gently squeezing in one direction and then go 90 degrees from that and do the same. I go back and forth a couple of times and then it's usually soft enough to fall over on it's own. I just wasn't sure it would work with them being so rigid. They're not turning brown or getting really woody yet though so maybe that will stil work.

I'll give it a shot and if I can't get it to go I'll get some pliers with something to pad them and go that route.


Well-Known Member
Got this one through one that was posted last night in here:


Well-Known Member
I was giggling like a school girl at these comments.....thanks gents.

I am in my late 30's, tall, handsome, good cook, gardener, and occassional handy man (<ha fekin ha) here's the deal breaker, I smoke de ganj man...oh, and not available!

I think I am coming out of the closet as well, I am falling in love with my male DPPxJTR, which I think Westy should call Psycho Killer, after one of my fave tomorrow, he is a hunk of funk!!!

few glazed looking eyes in the vid

umbrella. galoshes. Definitely galoshes.
Dirt is 60.

Get a new weather radio.

According to my arthritis, it's going to rain. I never owned a barometer, now I am one.


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Well-Known Member
I was giggling like a school girl at these comments.....thanks gents.

I am in my late 30's, tall, handsome, good cook, gardener, and occassional handy man (<ha fekin ha) here's the deal breaker, I smoke de ganj man...oh, and not available!

I think I am coming out of the closet as well, I am falling in love with my male DPPxJTR, which I think Westy should call Psycho Killer, after one of my fave tomorrow, he is a hunk of funk!!!

few glazed looking eyes in the vid
I think he should call it Jack Ripper, the psycho killer.

Personally I don't care what it's called, I just want to know how do I get some?

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Well-Known Member
The question/notion/idea of, what if the internet did not exist and we all, we the six hundred, had to actually live together as a community. Do you think we could make it work, would people still stop by 'the club' and be social and interact with each other as we do on here with each other? Is that a pipe dream?

I say it isn't. I was a heroin addict for about twenty years starting at the age of fifteen. At sixteen I found myself in a live in drug program, completely cut off from the outside world, no phone, no radio, no newspapers no television for almost a year and a half and the internet didn't exist then. I didn't even know where I was, all I knew, I was in the country, not a sound of the city around, nothing but rolling hills and us, all the other drug addicts, mostly heroin addicts. There was no professional anything, drug addicts ran the place. You came in as a newbie and one day you found yourself in charge to a certain degree and then you graduated and left to a now productive life. As usual, I bucked the system and returned to being a junkie for the next eighteen years. It was the hardest place I've ever in you were responsible for you at all times and if you fucked up, you paid the price immediately. It was also the coolest experience I've had in my life even though I was a young teen. I learned how to live and work together with people from all different walks of life, all different colors and different ethnic back grounds. It was great, of course everyone didn't get along with everyone but there was enough room where friction didn't ever build to where physical stuff happened. If it got bad enough, you would get in a group with that person, scream and holler at each other and then find a way to at least be civil to one another. Wally you mention fasting. I did a thing there where I was in a group for about thirty hours, awake the whole time, and no food, only liquids but we had soup. I can see where you get the spiritual from, I felt like I was tripping by the time the 'marathon' ended.

As long as it's clear what is expected of people, I think we could darn well run our own community and have a place to hang out at night for all the members.


mr west

Well-Known Member
As long as we had somewhere to be alone aswell it could work. Theres a lot to be said for comunity living i think