BubbaKush SuperLemonHaze WhiteWidow WhiteRhino LemonSkunk

Your avi cracks me up! If I keep lookin at it I start doin it LOL Im feelin all jiggy round here...lol
I feel like that when i smoke some great bud for a wake n bake lmao...Im tuned in alot of strains i would like to grow you got so i want to see as well.Im so interested in the chocolope so well see how that fairs out for you.Everytime i have money to spend i go to order it its already out of stock nd you rarely ctch it at pick n mix in stock.


Well-Known Member
Well the Chocolope and Sweet Tooth popped and dropped...I cant belive my bad luck with P&M seeds.

This grow alone all these didnt germ or poped and then just stoped...All were just bought beans othere than the Sleestack and Chocolope. I have had a 100% sucess till now:
Big Bang
Red Desiel
Red Dragon
Sweet Tooth
Sleestack x Skunk freebie
Blue Hash
Chocolope year old

The WW, WR, LS and Cole Train where week beans...

I never understood why people knock Attitude but now I know why. Thats a lot of fuckin money...RANT RANT RANT :fire:

The one time I had a problem they called me on my cell and took care of it. Im gonna call them I know they wont talk about germination so I wont mention that just that the above Souvenirs were of POOR quality and did not perform as advertised and I HOPe they will cut me some slack on a new order. I have nothing to loose...:mrgreen:

The Hawaiian Snow is looking ok. I put a Jack Herer seed in germ. Just bought that bitch and it better germ or I may DIVORCE the Tude! :hump:


Well-Known Member
Well the Chocolope and Sweet Tooth popped and dropped...I cant belive my bad luck with P&M seeds.

This grow alone all these didnt germ or poped and then just stoped...All were just bought beans othere than the Sleestack and Chocolope. I have had a 100% sucess till now:
Big Bang
Red Desiel
Red Dragon
Sweet Tooth
Sleestack x Skunk freebie
Chocolope year old

The WW, WR, LS and Cole Train where week beans...

I never understood why people knock Attitude but now I know why. Thats a lot of fuckin money...RANT RANT RANT :fire:

The one time I had a problem they called me on my cell and took care of it. Im gonna call them I know they wont talk about germination so I wont mention that just that the above Souvenirs were of POOR quality and did not perform as advertised and I HOPe they will cut me some slack on a new order. I have nothing to loose...:mrgreen:

The Hawaiian Snow is looking ok. I put a Jack Herer seed in germ. Just bought that bitch and it better germ or I may DIVORCE the Tude! :hump:
damnnnn mannn. sorry 2 hear bout that.. u can add that blue hash to that list too.. that 1 i had didnt germ either.. i left it there for 2 weeks.. hopin maybe it would pop.. but it didnt. =/ but yeaa man.. i havent had great success ewith attitude either... =/ and u cnt even write them about it either.. cuz they wont reply to any messages about thc levels or germination rates etc... =/

im stickin wiht nirvana... i have had GREAT success with nirvana... u should give them a try man....u wont be disapointed


Well-Known Member
damnnnn mannn. sorry 2 hear bout that.. u can add that blue hash to that list too.. that 1 i had didnt germ either.. i left it there for 2 weeks.. hopin maybe it would pop.. but it didnt. =/ but yeaa man.. i havent had great success ewith attitude either... =/ and u cnt even write them about it either.. cuz they wont reply to any messages about thc levels or germination rates etc... =/

im stickin wiht nirvana... i have had GREAT success with nirvana... u should give them a try man....u wont be disapointed
Me 2, Oh yea thats right, I forgot about that one...I understand them not talking about growing or germination... they have to cover thier ass...Im gonna call them, Im not going to mention germination or anything, just that the seeds were poor quality and did not meet advertised expectations...lol I may or may not work but if it gets me a bigger discount or freebies...worth a shot ya know...

I am trying out The Single Seed Center.


They are a couple bucks cheaper per seed on the seeds I looked at, they offer single seedsfrom breeders that attitude doesnt, they included a peice of the breeder pack in with the seed. They have Nirvana Bue Mistic reg for $2.95....

I was checkin my seed stock and wondering how many more beans are shit??? I hate to sit here thinkin I have good beans and when ready for next round Im left short... sooooo fuck it I germed a Chisel, 2 Big Buddha Blue Cheese and a Kings Kush...lol :joint::mrgreen:


New Member
Thanks man I am trying...Some peeps knock GHS but so far I am pleased.
Yea thats what I heard.. I ordered some Tude seeds including Super Lemon Haze from GHS and you know what out of 4 different vendors their's were the only ones that germinated and doing GREAT! GL on the grow +rep.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Tony

The BK's are doing great, breeders pack, strong beans, But I was not impreesed with their WW, LS or WR...maybe its me but they are light green almost yellowish, got the curly leaf thing and just not as vigorous growing as the BK. The Hawaiian Snow is struggling but I think it will make it. My 2 SLH from pick and mix are doing well and the runt SLH is turning out to be one of my faves...


Well-Known Member
Here is what I have going on: My “BUD BUFFET” lol

4 Bubba Kush
1 White Widow
1 White Rhino
1 Lemon Skunk
Germinating / Veg
1 Jilly Bean
1 Pineapple Express
1 Violator Kush
1 Blue Cheese Barneys
1 Cole Train
1 Sharksbreath
1 Hawaiian Snow
2 Sleeskunk (reg seed)
3 Kandykush Skunk (reg seed)
1 Jack Herer GHS
1 Chisel
2 Blue Cheese Big Buddha
1 Kings Kush


Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Blimey thats alot of plants going on- i only got 4 strains going on and they all seem to react differently to nute strengths/or are def prone. Gl with ya grow ill be popping in :)


Well-Known Member
LOL can you tell I have a compulsive obsessive disorder?

You got that right! lol I dont sweet it though, I just feed them all the same, I use low stength nutes, my problem has been me watering them to much or to often, I changed my soil mix and went to bigger pots, it through me off for a bit, a few plants have suffered, but hey I learn something new each time. I just cant stop changing things...lol Always want bigger better faster! lol

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
LOL can you tell I have a compulsive obsessive disorder?

You got that right! lol I dont sweet it though, I just feed them all the same, I use low stength nutes, my problem has been me watering them to much or to often, I changed my soil mix and went to bigger pots, it through me off for a bit, a few plants have suffered, but hey I learn something new each time. I just cant stop changing things...lol Always want bigger better faster! lol

I know what ya mean- i feed all mine the same too - cba with altering - so i got 2 with n/k deficiencies 2 with P deficiencies and one that seems to be as happy as larry- why cant they all stay in line!! lol:roll::?


Well-Known Member
I know what ya mean- i feed all mine the same too - cba with altering - so i got 2 with n/k deficiencies 2 with P deficiencies and one that seems to be as happy as larry- why cant they all stay in line!! lol:roll::?

Maybe because most females are picky eaters! lol They like being pampered kiss-asslol


Well-Known Member

Kush konasieur

New Member
Now that is looking real good.That bubba is a winner


Well-Known Member
BK2 the "RUNT", well, she is just little...lol I think my overwatering stunted her but she is kinda cute...:-?

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BK3 showing some potential...
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BK4 she has has some weird leaf twisty tip things going on. I think I have her dialed in now...I think she is going to have some crazy colors in the end...

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