Party Cup Contest *with prizes


Well-Known Member
I doubt it considering thousands of people post pics to this forum =)
Merry Christmas to Everyone.....My Christmas is awesome cause seeing my kids faces as they open gifts and scream brings joy to my holidays. I just hate opening all those gifts with the twisty ties. Drives me to sneak a bowl hit on the patio. LOL I love being a father, its the greatest job in the world! Merry Christmas to all!!!!
Pics of my Christmas and current 1st grow(Bagseed):




Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas to Everyone.....My Christmas is awesome cause seeing my kids faces as they open gifts and scream brings joy to my holidays. I just hate opening all those gifts with the twisty ties. Drives me to sneak a bowl hit on the patio. LOL I love being a father, its the greatest job in the world! Merry Christmas to all!!!!
Pics of my Christmas and current 1st grow(Bagseed):

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Yay glad ya had a great Christmas Bekindbud!!!! I had an amazing time opening presents with my daughter this morning! I love being a Dad!



Well-Known Member
Yay glad ya had a great Christmas Bekindbud!!!! I had an amazing time opening presents with my daughter this morning! I love being a Dad!

+rep back at ya, nice start with your plant too, what is the strain again? I might have to clone a plant just to get it in the tent for 12/12.
Im still waiting on a seed to pop. LOL


Well-Known Member
+rep back at ya, nice start with your plant too, what is the strain again? I might have to clone a plant just to get it in the tent for 12/12.
Im still waiting on a seed to pop. LOL
Everything I have running in my rooms are White Widow =) Gonna run Blue Mystic and Strawberry Cough this Spring. I've got 5 Widows in 12/12, 4 in the veg cab 24/0 and 3 party cup plants. I ran regular seed so I did 3 cups in case I get males. Hopefully at least 1 of the 3 will end up Fem =)

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas to Everyone.....My Christmas is awesome cause seeing my kids faces as they open gifts and scream brings joy to my holidays. I just hate opening all those gifts with the twisty ties. Drives me to sneak a bowl hit on the patio. LOL I love being a father, its the greatest job in the world! Merry Christmas to all!!!!
Pics of my Christmas and current 1st grow(Bagseed):

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+rep to u man.glad to hear some of us put being a parent come 1st.good job brah! Merry xmas too you. man.


Well-Known Member
Merry Xmas everybody! I didnt get a chance to post the list last night cuz i got talked into see Tron in 3d (it was ok). Anyway heres the list of entrys we got so far, I've only counted the ones that have entered with pics already. Alot of people waiting for the seed to break soil (like myself).

Kottonmouth king15 12-20
djruiner 12-20
rasputin71 12-20
researchkitty 12-22
bekind bud 12-23
mudslide9791 12-23
Kulong 12-23
Badzad (coming soon)

I had changed the entry to 1 plant per a person cuz i didn't want to try and keep track of like 60 plants. But i will let a few people enter 2 IF you mark them in some way that was easily tell the 2 plants are the same the whole grow. IE putting something around the trunk that doesn't stretch so the plant grows into it and it cant be removed or carving something into the plant its self and making sure its in each photo. Once again remember to smoke and have fun! Merry xmas!

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I just put my 3 regular shortriders in a paper towel, Hoping to get 1 healthy female to enter. I'll have my pics up within a week if I made it in time :)


Well-Known Member
I just put my 3 regular shortriders in a paper towel, Hoping to get 1 healthy female to enter. I'll have my pics up within a week if I made it in time :)
Well as long as you dont put a Kandy Kush Strain in a party cup, I might have a chance....LOL Good to see ya here Smelly!



Well-Known Member
Well as long as you dont put a Kandy Kush Strain in a party cup, I might have a chance....LOL Good to see ya here Smelly!

LoL, thanks homie! I do have 2 kandykush clones... Hummm lol!

Edit so since I have 3 regular shortrider seeds "assuming all 3 pop" and I don't know which are females yet, should I just take pics of all 3 until I can seperate the male? Not really sure how to go about that but I'm ready once these babies pop :)


Active Member
Damn this thread was active yesterday. Ill be on almost all day today if any of ya had some questions. Oh and my blue chimera cracked finally im back to 100% germ rate. Also if you starting multi plants from seed and dont know if its male just take pics of all of them for now till they show sex and you can pick a entry.


Well-Known Member
Damn this thread was active yesterday. Ill be on almost all day today if any of ya had some questions. Oh and my blue chimera cracked finally im back to 100% germ rate. Also if you starting multi plants from seed and dont know if its male just take pics of all of them for now till they show sex and you can pick a entry.
Cool, Should have pics up here in the next 3 or 4 days hopefully :)

Smelly- i started 4 &just chose 1 to post.but theres 3 more if my 1st has nuts.
That works too, I popped 3 just in case. My first grow with shortrider I went 3/4 males :(


Well-Known Member
Looking good Fart! Shes gonna be a tall one :mrgreen:

Il post a pic of all 4 in a cupl days- i got 3 blk.domina& 1 g.daddy purp.x the g.daddy popped w/3 round leaves like a clover .its cool.
Nice, this is going to be fun! Are we sticking to a specific veg time or are we just harvesting by the deadline? I definitely want to get a nice veg this time around, I'm about to harvest 2 12/12 from seed mystery girls in 10-14 days, first party cup grow for me is almost done :)


Well-Known Member
dont know which plant i want to 5 plants going in party cups...and 1 plant in a dwc party cup...ill make up my mind by the end of the week i guess...but here is what i have going...

this is a haze from seed...had them all under 12/12..but flipped it to 18/6 to re-veg them...but this chick has just kept flowering....and not wanting to enter her just yet..she is probably going to be transplanted into a 1 gallon bucket soon
these are the 2 im crop circle training in party cups...both females...and are re-vegging nicely
and this is the dwc party a good strong sprout coming out of it...just checked it and its nice and green this morning
and this is my current setup...will be adding more light as i go along to end with a total of 377 watts of cfl..and will be removing the tote that they are sitting on and placing a rack in there i can move up and down...and give me more room for my perpetual grow