the presumption that you knew (or thought you knew) what the founding fathers intended.
i am so sick of people invoking the founding fathers, i hope that trend goes away in 2011.
for fuck sake, they raped their slaves. not exactly the type of people who i want to idolize.
that said, go check out my invocation of the founding fathers not too many posts back.
i am a walking contradiction.
I hope this was meant as a joke. They only wrote entire books and spelled out exactly what they thought about pretty much everything they were doing. It wasn't that many people, and most of them wrote biographies or personal papers talking about their ideas and thoughts -- much as we are doing here right now. I don't think anyone could ever misconstrue what each of us thinks about the things we have been talking about. They did it their entire lives. They sent each other letters. We have a lot of these things because even then people knew these writings were special and would be important. How can you NOT know what the founding fathers intended on and major subjects. They spelled it out for us. Hell, they wrote us an instruction guide. Granted, some of them believed in different things, but its easy to point out why things were done like they were. Nothing has changed in the world since our founding fathers. There is still freedom and lack thereof.
Libertarians want the government to run efficiently, and in the black. They want the least amount of government that is needed to keep the peace. They want a government that doesn't redistribute the wealth - since that is robbery but using laws instead of a gun.
The entire world is off. Hell, you have to get a building permit to change your front door. The money spent enforcing laws like that is a huge pile of BS. Why do YOU care if I wear a seat belt? Who exactly is the victim of that crime? Smoking weed, drinking, anal sex, gay marriage, having tall grass, changing my front door, having guns, owning gold, how much money I make. Why should any of these be controlled by the government? What place does the government have in any of that?
Completely off subject, but I was thinking about the german money and hyper inflation after both world wars and how if the government went to hell, money would be worth nothing. So any loans you had that were owed in any depressed currency would be easily payed off - they were burning money in germany to keep warm more or less. Im just starting to read about it, its pretty interesting. Does anyone know of any countries that hyper inflated their currency to eliminate debt? It would basically make the national debt a lot less and eliminate all debt basically internally, while destroying all savings and on hand money in the process. Anyone have any insight on this?