Where Do You Work and What Do You Do?


Well-Known Member
I work at a staples as an electronics sales person. It pretty much fucking sucks.

Try remembering the features of 25 different printers when your high. Ha.


Well-Known Member
I install glass.
Comercial,residental an auto.
13yrs exp.

But it beats my last job, working at the worlds largest beef slaughter house.
(that place was EVIL, like a nazi death camp.)


im a telephone operator... never a dull day, you hear the craziest things [even beter when your baked]. good money too.


Well-Known Member
im a telephone operator... never a dull day, you hear the craziest things [even beter when your baked]. good money too.
haha...I bet you do hear alot of crazy stuff. Sounds like it might be a fun job at times....and not so fun others....lol


Well-Known Member
i was a pub manager up til last year, had to give it up coz of complications with my g/f`s pregnancy, i also work as a nightclub doorman/bouncer


Well-Known Member
I pick up roadkill for a living then compost the remains with manure from my farm then sell the compost to local farmers/gardeners.

It's disgusting but I get paid for everything I do which isn't much and I make some of the best organic fertilizer you'll every find in your life.