28 days in flower burned to a crisp in 24 hours


Well-Known Member
This plant was 100% healthy less than 24 hours ago. I did 2 things yesterday to my plants that was different than normal. 1. new bloom nute 2. moved the plants around to new spots in the cabinet I think maybe it is light burn? I have an aircooled 400 watt hps on them. The glass on the reflector gets to 82 degrees. They were about 6" away. there is plenty of airflow in the cab. If it was nute burn wouldnt it start at the bottom of the plant and not move as fast to kill the plant? 6 plants of 12 are effected and 2 of them I had to cut because the damage was so bad all of the sunleaves were toast. I gave them a serious flushing this morning just in case it was the nutes. help



Well-Known Member
Crap I flushed about a gallon of water through each of them. 6 of the plants are showing no signs of burning and see perfectly happy. This sucks I made it through this whole grow so far with no nute burn. Boo


Well-Known Member
Crap I flushed about a gallon of water through each of them. 6 of the plants are showing no signs of burning and see perfectly happy. This sucks I made it through this whole grow so far with no nute burn. Boo

i think all you can do now is wait. :-|


Well-Known Member
Dats, welll start smoking....that's a tough one to swallow..you have learned a valuable lesson..don't fuck with it if it ain't broke..master your techniques that you use and everything will fall into place...just stay with what you know..good luck bro


Well-Known Member
I shouldnt have fucked with them they were 100% happy and thriving. Live and learn. I dont see how it burned them the fert was formulated by orchid specialists and endorsed by the american orchid society. lol


Well-Known Member
cause fox farms is real hot...easy to burn certain strains with it...that why I dont use it anymore..