Club 600


Well-Known Member

151 is too polar and will dissolve plant matter, such as chlorophyll, and will not be as pure as something that is non-polar, like butane. Thats why an oil made with something like 90% rubbing alcohol or 151 will be green or black. And something like butane or hexane with give you something amber or honey colored, because they are non-polar. The non-polar oils are much more pure. That is if you make sure to get all of the solvent out.
wow thanks for the info, i did not know this, i just figured the 151 would be a some what healthier choice i guess, the oil it makes is good to smoke but i think i was gonna let it turn into a tincure if i did do it. i was doin some research on the oil and you can use it on cuts,aches and pains, and burns and it will help them heal quicker it looked pretty cool so that is another reason i was gonna make the oil so i can use on cuts an burns.

and thanks for all the vaporizor replies it has helped me alot.
question about the tubing though, why would i have to buy a new one? do they break or like said above they are just to small in diameter?


Well-Known Member
wow thanks for the info, i did not know this, i just figured the 151 would be a some what healthier choice i guess, the oil it makes is good to smoke but i think i was gonna let it turn into a tincure if i did do it. i was doin some research on the oil and you can use it on cuts,aches and pains, and burns and it will help them heal quicker it looked pretty cool so that is another reason i was gonna make the oil so i can use on cuts an burns.

and thanks for all the vaporizor replies it has helped me alot.
question about the tubing though, why would i have to buy a new one? do they break or like said above they are just to small in diameter?
You just cant really clean a tube out very well, and vapor or not, gunk will build up in it with enough use. And with gunk comes a bad taste.


Well-Known Member
I use it all the time, that is when I clean my piece. Hmm the good stuff, you mean the junk in the bottom? I tend to just throw that away so I can't help you. If you have nausea problems like me, smoking something that tastes bad doesn't help too much.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I understand, but I don't know you could do that considering the salt dissolves into the water, and the burnt bud soaks up the water with the salt in it, so there would literally be salt in the bits of bud.


Well-Known Member
bass-Thank you

cof-The new flower room will be a brain bucket system with 12 plants and 2 600w lights. I will be growing Blue Dream, Blue Dream Haze, and J1 in this room. The flower room Ive been using (the one with 2 octos) will be for Banana OG and OG. My OG strains are perfect for vertical growing. Im off to check on the ladies one more time before I hit the sack. All this 600 porn has been a fire under my ass....I want to put some good porn up too!
Blue Dream is a good all around smoke and yielder! I dont know about the rest, the haze should be good though I think!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well i was busy pruning my scrog by hand and one was kinda cut at an angle, suddenly remembered think it was DST's picture so chucked it straight in, 2 days later and she still looks perky and great :)


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha sod that! who the fuck do you think i am? I'll just leave it till it dies or roots :D lazy is always a relevent factors in how my grows go :D


Well-Known Member
Nice one TTT, will sling up a pic of mine (still in the shot glass) the roots are all over the place, I should really pot em soon, lol.