Ice smoke report


Well-Known Member
Hey man hows it going. After running that cut for a couple of years, I almost lost it but there are 6 Ice cuttings that I took from a revegged girl that have roots and can be planted anytime. Yeah my widow as well was a real good yeilder with nugs like rocks. Everyone loved it but I developed an aversion to the smell lol
Just checking out you gear bro....Thats great...FedX me one of those I went and looked and 10 beans for $37...just added to my list...

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
ICe is my all time favorite to grow and smoke. Look out caregivers: Your patients will never be able to get enough of it! Everything else is now junk to everyone I've shared my ice with. Seriously, it's ruined smokers its that good. perfect hybrid, sativa guysswear its the best sativa and the indica guys say the same thing, best indica ever. LOL