Too many experts on RIU


Active Member
The whole internet is like that. You have to seek out the truth and that doesn't come easy. I'm still new to grow and here but I wouldn't have gotten here this fast without some of these people. I searched out and found a good group of guys to hang out with and all's good. I'm not telling you who cause I don't want to ruin a good thing so you'll have to find your own click. Soooo much time and money saved being here.
no doubt about saving money, wish i asked somebody b4 i bought that stupid ass $160 light rail/mover thatgot used for a wk and now collecting dust for 2yrs. for sale by the way cheap if anybodys interested lol

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Take a look at my Journal I wrote like none of it, every bit of it found here on RUI, it takes work to learn, nobody is going to spoon feed you.

Oh and don't feed the Trolls


Well-Known Member
There are too many "experts" on this site. I think the majority of these self proclaimed experts, would do better in this section...

Like everything else, I've come to MJ growing with a positive attitude. It's natural medication, that encourages positive moods. I even went as far as getting licensed to avoid any legally negative outcomes.

With all that said, I figured I'd join, share, advise, and learn from other like minded people. Rollitup seemed perfect... But the majority of the responses in these forums leave me feeling more annoyed than anything...

So I will take a step back and enjoy this website as an observer, and I'll leave the forums to others with a higher tolerance for pride in ignorance.

**btw, I don't deny that all forums are like this.. This was the only one that I joined...
The only expert is you! You look to a place like this to help solve problems. What works for one doesn't necessarily work for another. Unfortunately in internet land - what you see is what you get. Many pretenders claiming to be something they are not. Pics that coincide with their journals is what you need to look for. All other comments you need to take at face value. :hump:


Well-Known Member
and what exactly is the perceived problem from there being alot of experts on here? Some of the cats here teach marijuana horticulture in actual schools; some of us actually write for weed magazines :) So who would you rather learn from? a bunch of novices? Yeah we have attitudes; cuz we've earned our knowledge thru years of reading books, magazines, countless hours of trial and error and hard earned experience. You wanna know what we know? take the hazing. welcome to the internet.


Well-Known Member
There are many ways to do things and many products that will get the job done. Find a grower on here who gets great results and pick their brain about their methods and processes. You need to pick and choose who you learn from, otherwise you'll be just another grower who overfeeds, believes in defoliation and 72 hours of dark before harvest, sticks nails through the stalks of their plants, and falls for the 'latest and greatest' snake oil additive on the market. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
There are many ways to do things and many products that will get the job done. Find a grower on here who gets great results and pick their brain about their methods and processes. You need to pick and choose who you learn from, otherwise you'll be just another grower who overfeeds, believes in defoliation and 72 hours of dark before harvest, sticks nails through the stalks of their plants, and falls for the 'latest and greatest' snake oil additive on the market. Good luck!
Rep for this one. How can you know that running is better than walking if you never walk. You may get there faster but man will your legs hurt more. How do I know that a 100 dollar HPS bulb is better than a 25 if I never tried the 25 dollar one first. Oh yeah, the guy at the hydro store explained it to me so it must be so. Then all the tonics, holy crap you need a lab to really get down to the bottom of that.

Look, there's a old story that sums it up. Two bulls on a hill looking over a herd of cow's. The young bull says to the older, "why don't we run down there and fuck one of them cows"? The older bull say's, "No, I think we should walk down and fuck them all".


Well-Known Member
blah....blah...blah I love this site! know it alls or not, i have learned everything i know from this site. yah some of the advice is crapola, but thats when you get a bunch of people together and everyone is trying to be heard. ya get? the longer you are on here the more you will know who knows what the heck they are talking about. peace :leaf:


Well-Known Member
There are too many "experts" on this site. I think the majority of these self proclaimed experts, would do better in this section...

Like everything else, I've come to MJ growing with a positive attitude. It's natural medication, that encourages positive moods. I even went as far as getting licensed to avoid any legally negative outcomes.

With all that said, I figured I'd join, share, advise, and learn from other like minded people. Rollitup seemed perfect... But the majority of the responses in these forums leave me feeling more annoyed than anything...

So I will take a step back and enjoy this website as an observer, and I'll leave the forums to others with a higher tolerance for pride in ignorance.

**btw, I don't deny that all forums are like this.. This was the only one that I joined...
The only one on here calling anybody "Expert" is you.

These are public forums and anybody that follows the rules is free to visit, read and contribute. What they contribute is up to them.

We actually have MANY growers on RIU that have years of experience and some of them even love to share their experience by writing guides, how to's, spending hours answering the same old watering question that we see daily, or I have seeds, now what? questions. Don't get me wrong, those questions are valid, for a beginner, but we do offer, guides, stickies, PDF books, videos, picture guides, etc., to get the beginner started. But what do the majority of them do? The second they join and confirm their email response, they run to the forums to post a question that has been asked thousands of times.

So yes, you are going to get some snide remarks and responses if you are asking basic questions. Unfortunately, some people like to be rude, but rest assured, their karma comes back to bite them with "infractions".

So while you take a step back, please take the time to read the sticky, welcoming new members, and read a guide or two, all the way through, before asking a question. In fact, the ONLY thread a noob such as yourself should be starting this early upon joining is a self introduction thread......
Well Essie, you seem to have got people talkin'!!
I rarely post, but read an aweful lot on these sites. I have been 'attacked' for having a different opinion and for not knowing 'something' I 'should' know. Growing pot seems to be like clothing fashions... everything thing seems to come full circle. what you "should never do" becomes "cutting edge techniques for MONSTER growth", and what's "cutting edge" becomes "otherwise junk" (l.e.d's anybody?!)
Take it or leave it. Good advice has already been stated "take what works for ya". When the shit has hit the fan in my grow room, I have turned to forums and tried some of the advice, usually with a bit of back research- so far so good.
As I have discovered travelling throughout many countries- "there are assholes everywhere, and there are some truly fine individuals as well- your job is to seperate the two". "Kumbaya" doesn't live here... have fun, don't take this place TOO seriously...!!


Well-Known Member
If you started growing MJ at age 20 and still grow MJ 25 yrs later ....your a expert in my book :)

Fuck seeds......cloned this bitch 6 times a year for the last 20 yrs... 132 times clone of a clone of a clone



Well-Known Member
speaking as an expert i dont think you have to be an expert to grow weed or id never be able to do it.....and i can.


Well-Known Member
You go Homegrower :bigjoint:

That's why sometimes when the weirdest shit is spread around I ask the question:

Show me your grow

Then they can show me something.

It's kinda fun to watch "Dueling Newbies" trying to impress each other. I could have sworn the other day that a Newbie had two accounts and was arguing with himself.

Who cares :weed: Good Growing.


Well-Known Member
Yes anyone can grow weed....but alot of people find out.....its not that easy to produce the kill that people want...personal stash sure...

you need a killer clone from a reputable source.....then to be able to dial that plant/strain in to produce the max yeild takes a few

heres a experts state legal grow of pre 98 bubba


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
*LOL* A thread entirely dedicated to complaining about having TOO much help. If you don't want the advice, don't ask.