BubbaKush SuperLemonHaze WhiteWidow WhiteRhino LemonSkunk


Well-Known Member
lol, tighten up was perfect to describe what LS needs to do.
and lol @ "lifesavers assorted pack" lol.. dont it have 5 flavors in it?


Well-Known Member
At least 5 flovors...lol Hes trying to sell weed. Capitalism at its finest...lol

Yea man I can deal with the others. At least they have some bud trying to form...


Well-Known Member
I think what you think lol

Just copied this for your amusement...subs flavor of the day

Taste like Black Berry Jam, Raspberries, Life Savers assorted pack, strong fruit over tones
Hey HC check out this thread on the Plushberry or whatever its called. I got a chuckle out of it...I must say the pics on the tude do look yummy...I was surprised at the germ rates and male to female ratios some people listed...



Well-Known Member
wrap video tags around the link. im a huge ufc fan. not so much a godsmack fan. but i dug he video mane.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I love watching that shit, studied the martial arts when I was in my 20s. Chuck Liddell announced his retirement the other day. That must of been hard as hell, especially going out on a losing note...1 and 5 his last 6 fights. The guy is certainly a class act for sure though.


Well-Known Member
Ice Man was my favorite fighter. Ive been told I look like a smaller Chuck...lol I hated to see him go out that way. Been watchin it since the early 90's when there were no rules, no time limit and no weight classes. It was brutal back then.

Yeam man I love it...I got tired of getting beat up in HS so after a few years of My Jhong Law Horn Kung fu and judo it only took one fight and no body fucked with me anymore...lol



Well-Known Member
hey bro looking cool over here :)

regards video, where u type ur reply there is a little video icon, the old film tape. click on that and paste ur link in :)

I forgot to see if the embed was disabled...duh


Well-Known Member
Son of a bisquet! lol It aint gonna beat me...Ill be back...as Arnold would say...

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
nice one, people tried with me and i'm supposed 2 be a computer bod, just couldnt get it lmao. then when i'm typing one day i notice the little video link and there u go ;)