Now usually I cut this idiot Vi some slack, but when he comes out with a bold face lie, I can't refrain myself. The whole scenario as portrayed by this heathen is a fabrication of the enth degree. Yeah we did meet, we did exchange some weed. The weed I gave him was as classy as the schwag he gave me was trashy. He admitted to me later that he tried my weed that night and it was way too powerful for him, no wonder, he had been smoking that schwag (Bunk) for so long, he forgot what weed did to you and overdosed on my powerful widow. I basically don't smoke weed, so I gave the weed he gave me to one of my friends, Whom loves my weed, and he said he barley got a buzz. so I'm pretty sure we know whos weed is farty. He also gave me a couple of cookies that he said would put me in a coma. I ate one and actually never felt a thing, I gave the other one to my friend and he said the same thing, nothing but a bad taste. This idiot, VI claims to be the know-all, be-all of weed, let me tell you it isn't true. Whatever lightweight shit he's been smoking has jacked his head right out of cohesion. I'd put my weed up against any of his homegrown shit anytime anyplace. He even admitted sometime ago that he burnt his crop down with too much light or heat or some dumbass thing. BTW, I'm using a 400 watt HPS, not the 250 that the idiot puked out. I say bring it on asshole. We'll get an independent source to smoke and rate the stuff, but I'm sure he'd cheat and go to some weed store and spring for the good shit to compete with as I'm pretty sure his homegrown is Bunk. There are no weed stores in NV. What I bring to the table will be right out of my grow closet. I say bring it asshole! But I want some proof that what you bring is what you grow.