Club 600

funny one Dez!! I mangled myself on my bike coming home one night, didn't even know until I woke up the next day with my face stuck to the pillow with blood, one fo my eyes closed shut, an aeroplane skid makr across my face, and my ribs fuked....i did manage to lock my bike up safely though, haha

I used to rock the iPod/earbuds combo while racing the dirtbike. Music kept me company during the 2+ hours that I'd be hauling ass through the desert and kept me from getting all worked up while creeping through the tech sections.

Not a safe thing to do because there's a chance of really damaging your ears if you go down but I never had a problem with it. I went down at pretty good speeds a couple of times while wearing them without messing up my ears. Easier to tell if you lose consciousness if there's music playing too because either the music is continuous or you are all of a audden a litle further along in the song in a matter of a few seconds. If you go down and the first thing you think is 'remix', you most likely have a concussion, lol.

Deep Psychosis.......
I've got a few where I don't remember much. The last one was during a race and it was one where we actually did laps instead of point to point (euro scramble). Hauling up a small hill that I'd already gone over twice I didn't bother letting off when I got near the top and jumped the top a bit only to see that there was now a rock in the middle of the trail where there wasn't one the last two times around. The rock was a little bigger than a basketball and I landed, at about 40mph, about 2' in front of it. I hit the damn thing and went flying off the bike, flopping around in all of the loese sharp rocks on the ground. I remember hitting the rock and getting thrown off the bike as it started to cartwheel and my memory goes straight from that to sitting up looking across the valley on the other side if the hill. I don't remember what happened in between but I stood up, was amazed I didn't hurt anywhere, picked up the bike and made sure it was still rideable and took off so I could finish. I wasn't sure if I was still leading or not so like an idiot went as fast as I could the last 12 miles or so to the finish and got 1st overall.

The next morning I woke up very sore all over and my vision was messed up. About an hour later I lost vision in my left eye so wifey drove me to the eye doctor where I learned I had a severe concussion and a macular anurism (burst blood vessel in the back of the retina). I then was taken to the hospital where they kept me for a couple days after seeing swelling of my brain in the scans. All is good now except I have some permanent damage in my eye that makes it so straight lines have a curve in them in part of my vision and I get some 'floaters' that come and go in my vision in that eye. They can correct it with surgery and I'm going to have it done someday but for now it reminds me of why I gave it up. I get concussions too easily now and my back, wrists and knees are all farked up.
Well I wish I could tell you more about my crash, but it will remain a mystery for ever I guess....

I do remember being wacked from behind by a hit and run delivery driver who was not happy that I told him he was a dick for cutting me up and breaking right in front of me. I rememer hearing the engine rev behind me then I was on the deck looking at a set of wheels screeching around and buring off in the oppposite direction :shock: I also remember when a taxi reversed into me at about 3 in the morning, the pair of moroccans jumped out of the cab to inspect their bumper and started going off, I told them to fuk off as they had reversed into me, and surprisingly enough they promptly got back in their car and drove off....even bigger :shock: ah the joys of cycling after the pub....
damn that sounds all fucked up both you and DST. im a liabiulity on a pushbike never mind a powered one...

nice deep psycho DST, nice n frosty.

think one of the DOG's is for the chop tonight!!!
what would life be without a bit of action Dez eh!
And Donny lad, down with the DOG!!! Did you get a chance to smoke any of the little bit you chopped off due to that thing that shall remain unmentioned?
I'll be getting another bike in the next couple of months but a street bike. Not so hard on the back and knees, hehe. Told the wife that since there's no jumps or whoops or anything like that on the street I'll just have to do lots of wheelies to keep things interesting ;-).

Seriously though, she asked if it'd help me not be so depressed about not being able to race anymore and I said yes of course. :blsmoke:
So now I'm checking out what's out there for used bikes and trying to decide if I'm going to get something like a harley or custom bike or if I'll get another sportbike like an R6 or R1 or something comparable. I'm not a brand whore so I don't care who makes the damn thing as long as it's fast and fun.
well if the wee man has a quad I don't see any reason you can't have something, lol. Sounds like your wife is a real good sort. Forcing you to grow more weed and making you buy fast bikes :shock:

I'll be getting another bike in the next couple of months but a street bike. Not so hard on the back and knees, hehe. Told the wife that since there's no jumps or whoops or anything like that on the street I'll just have to do lots of wheelies to keep things interesting ;-).

Seriously though, she asked if it'd help me not be so depressed about not being able to race anymore and I said yes of course. :blsmoke:
So now I'm checking out what's out there for used bikes and trying to decide if I'm going to get something like a harley or custom bike or if I'll get another sportbike like an R6 or R1 or something comparable. I'm not a brand whore so I don't care who makes the damn thing as long as it's fast and fun.
keeps me on my toes...i've had loads of crashes on my bike, never once whilst using headphones though, lol

Was you the guy that ran into my mate on damrak? i was nearly crying laughing until i nearly walked in front of a tram pmsl
Yeah, you can check my signature... 4" flooded tubes. I have a 2' x 3' space so anything to maximize it. I ran a 1 level version last round, expanded to 2 levels this time. Hoping to do big things with it. There's a 30 gal tub underneath (i only fill about 6-10 gallons). 400 g/h water pump... that's about it. Oh and a DIY cooltube setup with a 6" inline fan pulling 465 cfm's to cool the beast of a light.
So, do those girls jus thave roots in this pvc, or are they in net pots? And do you flood constantly or every so many hours? I dont get how you keep from over-flowing out the holes where the plants sit in the pipe?
They are in 3" net pots. Roots dangling into the pvc pipes. I keep the water pump on 24/7 so there is a river running through it. The water level is about halfway up the pipe, I have dams in there. Last grow the roots got too big and I had to remove the dam because the water was coming out the holes... roots blocked the whole pipe up. This time I'm not going to veg them quite as long, so I'm hoping the root mass wont get so massive.
Was you the guy that ran into my mate on damrak? i was nearly crying laughing until i nearly walked in front of a tram pmsl was me in another life. Actually I hit a guy not far from where you are talking about - on the Nieuwezijdsvoorburgwal (say that in a oner! lol) So I am cycling down the bike lane (as you do) and there is a bollard coming up that sits in the middle of the bike lane (you may ask why a bollard in the middle of a lane, but they have these things so that the cleaning trucks can go down the bike lanes, but they are put back up so cars etc can't go down them), I see a guy with a big plastic bag about to cross the bike lane ahead so I ring my bell to let him know that I am coming, he is half way across the lane....I decide I am going to cycle behind him as naturally he is going to continue to cross the bike lane, but oh no.....fekkin rabbit in headlight syndrom takes over. the guy looks at me, freezes and then actually walks backwards (perhaps he thought he was Michael Jackson, I don't know) but of course he walks backwards right into my path (I had only slowed slightly in anticipation of the guy doing the right thing)
Well, bike goes flying, I go flying, the guy goes flying, plastic bag and contents all over the shop. I just got up and looked at the guy like WTF dude. And cycled of....A similar thing happened again about 2 months ago on a road...people panic and do the strangest things and get themselves fuked up. was me in another life. Actually I hit a guy not far from where you are talking about - on the Nieuwezijdsvoorburgwal (say that in a oner! lol) So I am cycling down the bike lane (as you do) and there is a bollard coming up that sits in the middle of the bike lane (you may ask why a bollard in the middle of a lane, but they have these things so that the cleaning trucks can go down the bike lanes, but they are put back up so cars etc can't go down them), I see a guy with a big plastic bag about to cross the bike lane ahead so I ring my bell to let him know that I am coming, he is half way across the lane....I decide I am going to cycle behind him as naturally he is going to continue to cross the bike lane, but oh no.....fekkin rabbit in headlight syndrom takes over. the guy looks at me, freezes and then actually walks backwards (perhaps he thought he was Michael Jackson, I don't know) but of course he walks backwards right into my path (I had only slowed slightly in anticipation of the guy doing the right thing)
Well, bike goes flying, I go flying, the guy goes flying, plastic bag and contents all over the shop. I just got up and looked at the guy like WTF dude. And cycled of....A similar thing happened again about 2 months ago on a road...people panic and do the strangest things and get themselves fuked up.
I have learned to expect the worst reaction from ppl, it helps me not to have problems. It still surprises me the stupidity of ppl though. I hope u and your bike weren't messed up.

I guess I am a was me in another life. Actually I hit a guy not far from where you are talking about - on the Nieuwezijdsvoorburgwal (say that in a oner! lol) So I am cycling down the bike lane (as you do) and there is a bollard coming up that sits in the middle of the bike lane (you may ask why a bollard in the middle of a lane, but they have these things so that the cleaning trucks can go down the bike lanes, but they are put back up so cars etc can't go down them), I see a guy with a big plastic bag about to cross the bike lane ahead so I ring my bell to let him know that I am coming, he is half way across the lane....I decide I am going to cycle behind him as naturally he is going to continue to cross the bike lane, but oh no.....fekkin rabbit in headlight syndrom takes over. the guy looks at me, freezes and then actually walks backwards (perhaps he thought he was Michael Jackson, I don't know) but of course he walks backwards right into my path (I had only slowed slightly in anticipation of the guy doing the right thing)
Well, bike goes flying, I go flying, the guy goes flying, plastic bag and contents all over the shop. I just got up and looked at the guy like WTF dude. And cycled of....A similar thing happened again about 2 months ago on a road...people panic and do the strangest things and get themselves fuked up.

Best part right here!! F'ing priceless, lol.
I have learned to expect the worst reaction from ppl, it helps me not to have problems. It still surprises me the stupidity of ppl though. I hope u and your bike weren't messed up.

I guess I am a

You and me both. I have a very low tolerance for stupidity and it seems there's more of it every day. Just today I'm sitting at a stoplight and see this older lady walk up to the signal, push the button for the walk signal and then step right off the curb and start to cross the street. Didn't even look to see where the lights were in their cycle or look for the walk sign. She gets to the second of three traffic lanes and we get a green turn arrow. She notices cars starting to go on the other side if the intersection so she decides to run for it and runs right in front of a car that's starting to go from the left turn lane. The guy didn't hit her but it was super close. Her dress brushed across the front bumper and hood after he stopped in the middle of the crosswalk.
She never said anything or even looked back but nearly got hit by a car and almost caused an accident between a couple cars. Dummy as Joe Rogan would say.