Bubbleponics Vs. Soil-WW, Red Shiva, Hydro


Well-Known Member
nuet burns .. i put way to much nuets in my tank haha i drained half of it and put fresh water in it ... and been doing great now :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the support badboy!

i kno its a tough plant ..it really is ... haha...

you have to totall negelct it to kill it haha but i donmt do that .. my babies are to precious for me to do that haha :)


Well-Known Member
hmmm shall i ? .. k rdy....set .... go...

My dads been growing for hmmm... long time .. b4 i was borin and im 21.... so he has a lot of freinds that grow/smoke/sell... whater ..my dads frined was selling this shit called 'hydro' 120 a quater so i was able to get like 6 seeds (very hard to get seeds in that it was allllll bud) ... so thats what the guy who grew it called it and thats was my dads freind called it .. so thats what im calling it... ok? .. good enuff for u? :)


Well-Known Member
Sure, good enough for me. You just caught me off gaurd, as I've never seen OR bought hydro with seeds in it.


Well-Known Member
im growing both soil and dwc (bubbleponics) i had the soil for 20 days when i stated the dwc in a 3 gallon rubber maid with a 10 day old clone and its doin great. i hope its veg growth catches up b4 i go to flower


Well-Known Member
Sure, good enough for me. You just caught me off gaurd, as I've never seen OR bought hydro with seeds in it.
ya my freinds dad had like hmmm 5 or 6 lbs of it .. and their was 12 or 13 seeds that we found ... nuts .. and whoo ....

it shud .. it grows like 5X faster bro .. :)


Well-Known Member
i beleive the ppm is 1400? ..

and the bigger hydro plants are almost 3 weeks and the ww and red shiva are going to be 2weeks old on saturday night haha i have a notebook that i wrote when i did and what time and where haha ... im super lame but hey :)


Well-Known Member
:confused::confused::confused:weed.... w/out dirt.:confused::confused::confused:
looks cool. what materials do ya need?
does the water have to be changed out?
is it even regular water?
and whats nutes? ive been a small part of one grow in dirt. pretty much only buddin it and pickin out seeds.... watchin it and tellin my boi if it looked sick. so yea what do u do in detail? do you "need need" electricity?
:roll:ima newb:roll:

please answer as many q's as possible


Well-Known Member
yeapp :)
air pump
water pump
net pots
lighting .. thats all u need..grows super fast compared to soil as u can tell:)


Well-Known Member
I'll be actively watching this thread. I am currently soil growing, but I will definately be changing my style to a bubbleponics for future grows it appears.

Very interested, thanks for this grow.


Well-Known Member
BUZZA- deff do soil first .. u deff want to get ur feet wet... hmmm once you start growing u really dont get hooked onm it ... well i didnt .. until they start grwoing side growth and the plant just seems like it explodes in growth ..

TITLESTBUDZ-for sure man for sure.... You see the results .. ill be posting some more pics/updartes here as im done eating my delicous strawberry pop-tat(im old school)lol

wellp just finished the last bite of the delicous pastry :) .. off the the b-room/g-room:)


Well-Known Member
thats all u need..grows super fast compared to soil as u can tell:)
how much faster is better/faster is hydro?.
i thought soil grown weed, tasted much better?.


Well-Known Member
it taste better but i think the high is better from hydroponics.. both pros and cons :)

now i have to upadte some pics :)


Well-Known Member
The last of my ww seeds she tookthe longest to germinate!(roughly 3 days)

My Tomatoe seeds! (the package siad germiation takes 7-10days i did it in 2:))

WW soil

Red Shiva soil

Hydro soil (fimmed)

Red Shiva bubbler

WW bubbler

hydro bubbler(fimmed)


Well-Known Member
so i had my plants on 18/6 for like 4 days and now im deff switching back to 24/0 i was readin g an aricle ed rose. published ... basiclly saying the plants grows 33%more faster with 24/0 on ... so fk 18/6 :)